reply to post by eaganthorn
Top o the morin tee yee eaganthorn
Strap in, it’s a long one, sorry I been away on biz last day or so..Yea m8 am only to familiar with the palaver regarding urls and images that were
downloaded “clean” and then “going missing” and then being found again or elsewhere with the obvious airbrushing. Richard Hoagland goes into
great detail about all that in his book with co author Mike Barra. It’s a Known Fact amongst those in the know that Nasa has done this for decades.
Remember Nasa fired there top official after the book was released as he kept photos which were clean and without “obfuscation”. Good on him for
ignoring Nasa’s orders to destroy them. Kept them for decades he did. But you don’t see him getting 70 years do you for releasing “top secret
Nasa archives” No way they could fry him like the’re gonna fry Gary.
The book also describes a funny incident back in the late 70’s in where one of the Landers on Mars was sending back the first live feeds/images. All
the monitors “colour” in the Mission Control centre were displaying the typical RED surface/atmosphere, which everyone has come to believe as
true. The thing is, one of the main men there at Mission Control just happened to have his teenage son with him(it was a really big deal that day).
The kid thought there was something fishy about the monitors, so he started to adjust the settings on them to display the “TRUE” accurate colours
and it seemed like MARS was displaying a beautiful surface/atmosphere strikingly similar to our own earth with a BLUE atmosphere. Mmmmmmmm you might
So long story short, one of the Chief technicians suddenly spotted the kid at his work and lo & behold threw a seriously nasty fit, quickly
re-adjusting the monitors back to “RED” whist yelling at security to “get that KID outa here” At the time Richard thought this was strange
“he was there whilst this was going on” but just put it to the back of his mind. But we all know now that this was a deliberate ploy by Nasa to
convince the public/everyone that Mars was inhospitable and could not sustain life or ever had for that matter.
Or soooo we were led to believe. How ever a little research now tells a completely different story, without rambling on (I do a lot of that as you
will find out, hey I’m Irish, I talk fast and think quick) sites like (Hoagland) and show atmospheres,
vegetation water/lakes not to mention monuments, pyramids, faces and various other structures, evidence of massive wars and destruction is also being
speculated/postulated, some have even spotted a couple more sphinxes. So have Nasa lied? Obviously without a doubt. But then again when has any
government not. MARS man…quit with the lies man..LOL
The whole Moral of the story goes something like this. Most of the Governments around the world have lied. We know they have lied, even the sheeple
know they have lied. Enough of the LIES…They classified all of this stuff, aliens, ufos, free energy bla bla bla nada nada..yea the whole shebang.
They have hidden it away from us because we cant “handle the truth” maybe they were right then, but now when the world seems like its on
meltdown…we need that friggin stuff, all of it, not just a drip or 2, but a really fast flowing torrent of all that wondrous technology. To hell
with the consequences. The alterative is to continue with all the wars and bloodshed. 100 year war anyone…
If it all suddenly came out, and all the fundamentalist religious assholes go nuts and start wiping each other out because “they cant handle the
truth” and global panic/chaos ensues because “the Aliens are coming, and the end is nigh” so be it I’m afraid. Maybe that scenario itself is
just a natural but necessary evolutionary step in our stage of development as a caring and conscious species of Human Being. Maybe that’s the reason
why ET/Aliens don’t come down here to often, we think we are civilised, but I question that because its seems like our animalist killing instincts
are just too dangerous at the minute and we need to evolve and stop killing ourselves over religion/power and control. Maybe when we cross that bridge
and become more enlightened and evolve to a higher consciousness ET will invite us out to play, well maybe not in the galactic way of things, but
maybe in our own neck of the woods, you know, our own back yard/solar system, so we can cut out
Regarding your m8 showing cool photos, yea there’s plies of craft and stuff that are hidden away from General Public/mainstream media/government
that its become scary even to theorise, because usually when people are saying “that’s impossible”, out comes more books/testimony by whistle
blowers saying “no they really do have that stuff, and have had it for years longer than you can imagine.
Seems like the lines between fact/fantasy/fiction are becoming more blurred by the years that fly by.
Regarding of how Gary got into the pentagons/Nasa’s computers is of as much debate is as the subject of what he saw/read/witnessed or downloaded.
The software and techy subjects of how he did this over a year 2000/01 could be mulled over forever.
That not exactly what interests me. It’s the facts that Gary said he did it. US Gov said he did. The US Gov wanted him on USA soil, he refused, so
they wrangle international/national laws/human rights and now he faces 70yrs. Wow. If its of no importance other than a hacking offence why such
ferocious sentencing and political waggling.
Without going over old ground, its plain to see once you look at it from all the angles that people on ATS know about…. hey presto ..another
conspiracy that stinks to high heaven of media black out and cover-up/damage control at any price. A man life is of absolutely no importance to our
corrupted governments mentality. WTF are the US/UK governments hiding and most here know the answers one way or the other.
I can’t speculate on the now very likely process of legal proceedings. American law frightens me. Over here your innocent until proven guilty. I
know deep down that the US government can dress up this case with National Security matters so quite frankly we wont be shown the evidence and Gary
will be banged up regardless. That’s the sad fact. Just tell all those kids at school that were looking to stop because I believe Gary is the
scapegoat as to what you quite accurately pointed out as.
“I guess the message here is, if you read our stuff, we’ll find you, and you should know better than to read our stuff! Too bad”
…. Yea this is justice for ya m8y, or rather the lack of it…NO. rather the complete and absolute non-existence of it. But its also my hope that
this is just the tip of a rather large and dangerous Iceberg and Gary will walk free, and be compensated, hopefully sooner than later. I AM holding my
Thanks for the input pal, nice read.