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WHAT Does Gary Mckinnon REALLY know

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posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:34 AM
I thought I’d start this thread because it really does interest me that nobody is questioning what Gary McKinnon really or might possibly know, so here’s this from my previous post on another thread all views are welcome

WHAT If Gary KNOWS for sure that the US/UK is sitting on top of world/life changing technology? More than anyone at ATS. Would we believe him? Why 70 years? What’s that all about?
mmmmmmmmmm I wonder ...all this talk about logic, reasoning and breaking the law, cant do the time don’t do the crime nonsense. Try for once putting yourself in tha same shoes for pity’s sake. I find it whimsical, very strange and worrying that so many people remain pathetically unsympathetic and totally uncompassionate for this poor sod. I find it strange also that most people seem to be distracted by the possible importance of this case and what it could represent to the planet.

Fact Nixon broke into other peoples files when he was president, very illegally I might add…Watergate anyone, Ok so he was the scapegoat cause he ok’d it, lost his job but I didn’t see anyone there get 70 years for that. Maybe a few slaps on the wrist. Mmmm Nixon probably though cause he was presy he could get away with Murder. Remind you of anyone in Charge lately!! Aaaaaa different times..

Fact. Investigative journalists regularly push the boundaries of law and privacy when exposing corruption especially within government, and when its exposed we all gasp and give the journalist/reporter/investigator a big slap on the back for doing their job supremely. But Gary gets extradited with possible 70 years hanging. What’s the difference here, well those people are keen, professional investigative journalists/reporters PI’s if you will. Gary’s just a meek, inquisitive, mild mannered quite stoner. Reminds me of the young fragile moth getting to close to the light bulb. Boy isn’t everyone at the Top of government just green keen to get him locked up/shut up. What a big nasty Bin Laden of an international terrorist Gary is….not.

WHY I wonder.
To theorize. If Gary’s had somehow been able to download at today’s pace in megabytes per second, and somehow exposed those contents to the world media, mainstream and alternative sources,….and it was all corroborated as black and white day and night, what might happen, now this could have been juicy….For one there would be an uproar of disgust from the general populace of the planet. I mean come on if everybody knew that we could have anti-gravity, Free energy, Life extensions etc etc…God there would be so much civil unrest,, Politicians would be getting axed by the boatload for keeping all hidden. Sending ,millions to die in wars that were unnecessary…whats that you say SECRET FRIGGEN SPACE PROGRAM!!! ..rioting in the streets..demands for this…demands for get the picture. I’m sure. Lots of chaos, well maybe not that much. Maybe it would be a calm astonishment/shock before the storm so to speak

Ok OK. So it’s a theory. But just what if…JUST what if 1% of its true. What exactly are the Governments Hiding. Fact Gary said he was looking for UFO #. He states he found it, a lot of it. He also left some rather rude comments on the computers. Seems like Gary got a bit peeved that they were hiding HOT stuff from lil old me and you. It stinks highly of secrecy, cover-up and damage control. Make Gary a scapegoat and that should put off any other Gary McKinnon wannabees.

Its clear that good ol Gary obviously got updated on the true and dark/black nature of what’s really going on at the pentagon and Nasa. I mean if he broke into nearly 100 computers it’s a given cert that he has seen a lot of Dirt. It’s also blindly crystal that Gary is being made a scapegoat and the US Government (and British with full keen unadulterated cooperation probably for that matter) are very keen to get him banged away, probably “interviewed” as to the full extent of his memories contents. I think somebody mentioned water boarding earlier, which made me sick to my stomach.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:35 AM
Now that is scary. As I’m sure Gary is aware as we are here at ATS the US Government/Military is getting a rather bad reputation regarding the treatment of prisoners civilian and military, GiTMO anyone. I’m sure he’s #ting his pants at the minute which is extremely sad for someone like this poor sod to be going through.

And yes
He does have my sympathies and compassion, unlike some here have commented, if it were a Yank or anyone for that matter, anywhere on the planet if it was another “Gary Mckinnion” I would still be of the same opinion and conclusion.

I think Gary knows tons more of what he’s already said. I thinks he’s also scared #less of saying too much. I mean it is his life. I mean he does have Human rights. Or does he…

As far as I’m concerned Gary is Guilty as hell of being too inquisitive. Like a lot of us here on ATS we KNOW that there is more going on than the # shovel were fed. Would we have done any different if give the opportunity. I mean if you could really know for 110% certainty. You can say NO WAY but I dunno. But to fry a moth is cruel by anyone’s civil standards. Curiosity killed then cat and all that. I don’t think its over yet.


[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by kirky

Well I believe Gary has claimed to have downloaded evidence of "non-terrestrial officers" serving with the US military, but I guess we only have his word for that at the moment.

However, this could be why the American government are so keen for this NOT to be heard in a UK court room where such evidence would have to be produced and where the national press would then SEE what is really going on out there! But that's just my take on it.


posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:22 AM
I would love to know what he really saw, but I think he was too stoned to remember much of it. That is what is the real shame of it all. Otherwise, I can't believe a journalist out there doesn't have more that Project Camelot.

Hhphm, where have all the real journalists gone? Is MSM supergluing their lips close?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:33 AM
Hello Ross
My sentiments exactly. Richard C Hoagland has been screaming at us for decades about the “Secret Nasa program” His Dark Mission book co authored by Michael Barra explicitly shows the evidence. Recently after the book was published a top Nasa official was fired for exposing photos of stuff airbrushed out on the moon.

Col Philip Corso’s Book Day after Roswell tells of the exact same things going on then in the 40 to 70’s of the same thing Gary is trying to say. I think he’s frightened to pieces Ross and quite justifiably. Nuff said.

Stephen Greer from Disclosure project has stated that certain whistle blowers were found floating downstream before they could publicly come clean. I hate to darken the subject but I feel that’s there just a tooo much at stake. Reason why, like you say they want him firmly on USA terra firma so they can silence him. Is it just me or do I smell a very smelly rat. It seems like our media has been told to play down the case

Kudos to you pal for highlighting this important happening/beginning
I close eye on this one. Me thinks we are witnessing a tip of iceberg scenario.


[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by frivolouschick

Hi frivolouschick

Regardless of Gary being Drunk, stoned or sober (c'mon he's was in his own wee flat at the time not doing anyone an ounce of harm, except pissing off some High Ups) Its obvious he remembers something, after all hacking into computers, all nearly 100 of em requires some brains, well for me anyway.

Even if all he could remember were some notes its something that’s obviously put the jumpers on those that were in charge of hiding this stuff. Remember 2000/1 with dial up downloading anything was a task fraught with difficulty especialy large files that required you were logged in for days. Way toooo riskey

I for one am extremely worried that yet again Gary is just another case highlighting that on paper you have rights, but those rights seem to be negotiable to those that would be in power, and the papers not worth the ink.

So much for living in a free country, the UK that is.
Peace babe


[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by kirky

Yes this stinks of a media cover-up to me. I spoke to a reporter on a large national tabloid newspaper the other day saying that they should be getting behind Gary and calling for a bit of patriotic support! The reporter was keen to know more and then all went quiet after she took it to her editor!

The fact that Gary's extradition (which will probably happen this week) has not made the headlines kind of says it all - our government have washed their hands of a British citizen and his basic human rights.


[edit on 9-9-2008 by nomadrush]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by nomadrush

Ross. In agreement yet again with you on that. The problem is you see that the tabloids only seem to be interested in what sells. UFO subject is still treated here like its taboo. If it makes money keep doing it, if it don’t leave it alone (or the reporters are simply told to “DROP IT or else). I know where I live vast majority of the sheeple are still watching X factor or Gladiator reruns, and if you mention UFO or Aliens they look at you as if you have 6 heads yourself. The news/media recently reported UFO sighting here with that same old raised eyebrow, tongue in cheek smarmy attitude.

“Kirky your nuts” has been thrown at me plentifully the last 10 years. Bollocks to them anyway, baa baa..nada nada… But there does seem to be a creeping awareness amongst a small percentage of the populace. But I fear it’s a tad too little.. to late for Gary. But I for one am behind him. It’s a sad day in the UK.


posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:06 AM
Would anybody like to comment on the following “what ifs” you can ask the “whys” too if you want..but;

1. What if there are non-terrestrial officers as Gary states
2. What if there is Antigravatic Propulsion
3. What if there is a Secret Space program ran by the Military
4. What if Free Energy is real
5. What if Aliens are “actually” real

Just something to mull over

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:19 AM
Gary has claimed he was doing this all via dial-up. Personally, I find that hard to believe, but I went to help my neighbor with some computer issues the other day and sure enough, he was also on a dial-up, so I guess people do still use modems...
Being that he was on dial-up, his access was rather slow.
The way he explained how he got access was basically remoting into machines that had not administrator password. He is clear about not making any changes while he slipped in and out, but I got a feeling he mighta secured his ability to reconnect in some way...still, I doubt this'd cause any real damage as much as waste thousands in taxpayer dollars as overpaid military security analysts attempted to discover the extend of their screw up.

Gary talks about seeing a manifest for off-world military personnel and what appeared to be ship to ship transfer lists.

The most tantilizing would have been the instance where he claims to have connected to an image processing machine that had a "processed" and "unprocessed" folder for the proprietary and too big to transfer via dialup files. So, Gary opened one of the unprocessed images and as the screen was refreshing was apparently when his connection was cut off. He says he saw part of the image and that is was obviously a space craft not of human design(or it didn't look so to him).

Essentially, that is all he divulged in an interview I had seen taken with him.

Gary was clear that he didn't really know where he was specifically as he surfed around from machine to machine, but that the image was most certainly on a NASA machine, I that leaves the manifest in question. Who's to say what he saw wasn't some piece of fiction a staffmember at NASA was putting together for a book or somehting else?

His story is so cryptic and what he says he saw seems so insignificant...I really think this is just the government trying to make an example of Gary to others that might consider using his methods of exploiting extremely lax security.

You may be right, though. Maybe he did see something important only he doesn't realize just how important it really was. Nothing he has mentioned seems all that profound to me. Then again, maybe he's downplaying what he really found?

In any case, I think the punishment is extremely disproportionate.
The institutions hiring these numbnuts who didn't secure their admin user should have been fired.
My dad used to work for the EFF, so I've gotten used to seeing this kind of injustice.

edit to add a link to the inverview I saw: Here it is

Pay no mind to the site content. It is Gary's words we are after.

[edit on 9-9-2008 by 4N6310]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:29 AM
hi kirky (that was my nickname before i got married!)

the only time i have see exposure about gary is on project camelot, the gary website and here at ats.

i personally agree with nomadrush they are wanting to keep it out of papers and court here as there would be more exposure .
i have asked a few people at work and social what do they think they have never heard of him or the situation!!!

most people dont care, they just stay inside their little box
i dread to think what will happen to him when he finally goes

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by 4N6310

Hi 4N6310
What is EFF m8 never heard that before, I live in Ireland now.
The USA state that it cost so many thousands of Tax dollars to fix in man hours. (90k from memory) If look at it face value why would they be bothered by that much. That figure about 40grand in our(uk) money is spent by the US government every friggin nano second. The money is not the issue. The information is key and its probably worth a lot more than some “computer fix service/agency” fees.

What he states he saw is again like you say possible fiction. I think he’s cryptic cause he’s either very frightened or has possibly been threatened, has gone totally paranoid with all the long drawn out 7 years effects on his senses (no wonder he’s suffering from Asperingers)Well then why the 70 years and so called NEW extraditions agreements, which are effectively allowing him to be illegally prosecuted outside the UK, yup it’s a sticky trick one. But remember he did this crime BEFORE those agreements were in place and had already gone down the UK justice avenue.

It seems like Gary touched raw nerves, a whole pile of them. Its true they offered him a lenient sentence initially. But WHO really would want to go to jail for messing around with computers/hacking. Would YOU want to serve 6 hours in a USA penitentiary never mind a couple of years. Not to mention what they could privately do to him whilst he’s there. I mean WHO exactly has he hurt that bad that his life has to be taken from him. Who stands to lose if Gary was allowed to walk free and tell his story? Its obvious to me.

The punishment is the scapegoat clause. It serves as a reminder to those who would commit similar crimes and are so called “Allies” of the US or Nato. Unfortunately for Gary he’s British if he were Russian I suspect he would be up there with the Hero’s of the time sort of thing. Food for thought, and that’s American Justice for you, never mind the Spineless UK Politicians. More than my jobs worth I can here Jackie/Gordon saying to each other.


[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:00 AM
So it makes me think, what if Gary is sent to the states this week and sent down for 70 years, that's a long time obviously, what's to stop him revealing anything he knows more about in prison or in a book etc?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by craic.n.up

Hi craic.n.up
Nice to hear from fellow Irelander/Norn whatever m8..bout yee
Yea the nickname has stuck, real name Kirk, Kirky to friends.

Yea I’m gonna watch that again, rem seeing him on Camalot a while back. Excellent eye-opening docus from them pair. Nobody you talk to m8 will have heard about Gary cause it doesn’t sell and most of the sheeple have backloads of X Factor/Gladiators stored on their Sky Drives to wade through Baaaaaaaaaaa baaaa maaaaa..

I asked loads of people in my day to day have you heard of this guy Mckinnon… asking for the time in French Swahili, they wont have heard, and if they do its “ooo yeaa think I heard something about that”

That little box your talking about m8y is the TV/Media brain washing platform spewing out the pish we’ve been accustomed to, business as usual situation. Sorry’s for poor old Gary the UK is fast asleep


What we can do is keep it alive. Like all injustices, people need to hear about it and start discussing/shouting… usually before a damn thing is done about it.

Patience is a virtue is it not.
Peace all

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by WatchTheWorld

Hi WatchTheWorld
Yea like the US would really let that happen. What good would it do him anyways if he made a million or 2 from it. Whose gonna spend it, his family, well yea kind of a token consolation eh..

"well done Gary for all that hard work writing that best seller. Its ok your money safe..see ya in 2078, well do lunch, adios amigo"

Just a thought

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by 4N6310

Cheers pal
That saves me googling. Right anouther cup tea and an Ebassay Red coming up. Now wheres me friggen ashen bachor
Thanks again.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 06:55 AM
Good point Kirky, i see where you are coming from but if he's going to be in prison for another 70 years, possibly the rest of his life and he was so determined to find genuine proof of UFOs and energy research in the first place why keep this info to himself if he has nothing to lose?

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by WatchTheWorld

Hi watchtheworld
Well he has not kept it to himself. He has quite openly told the world what he's done but the world is NOT listening/ready. As well as that mostly what he is says would just be old hat to those in the know anyways. Anyways he did peruse a book but the plug was pulled at t he last minute by the US Gov.

Its a real catch 22 situ, but then that’s life m8.

The USA/UK higher ups want him fried. They also asked and accused him of breaking into places where he knew he did not. What are they exactly worried about. 90K or the info they think he’s got in his head.

They offered him a lenient sentence. His legal reps and Gary wanted that in writing. They did not get it. On refusal they then charge him with 7 counts on damage to computers each carry a mandatory of 10 years each.

You can now figure why he's not happy with either choice. Your screwed any which way you can.
Just my thoughts

ps. He's got plenty to lose m8, his freedom
[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

[edit on 9-9-2008 by kirky]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:43 AM
IMO McKinnon remembers alot more of what he saw than he's revealing.

If he says too much he most likely suffers an 'accident'.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by kirky
reply to post by WatchTheWorld

Hi watchtheworld
Well he has not kept it to himself. He has quite openly told the world what he's done but the world is NOT listening/ready.

Sorry if i've got this wrong Kirky but is this thread you've posted not about Gary withholding info from the public in fear of his own safety?

I might be getting this all wrong but personally i do think he is withholding info, in the interview in the beer garden when the interviewer asks him about it, from his body language you can just tell, i think he replys something like 'if i was i wound't tell you'

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