posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Ok, let me see if I can get this out the right way.
I have been getting some amazingly supportive U2Us from so many wonderful people.
Thank you all for your kindness. Some of you wanted a few more details from that day. Right now I have to force myself to remember so I'll go slow
and maybe post things later as they come to me.
We moved to DC three years ago and our friends here are removed from the 9/11 situation in NYC. So I haven't actually talked or expressed myself on
this subject for at least three years. Until today. And I am glad that I did it.
One of the questions that keeps coming up, naturally for ATS, is my personal take on whether 9/11 was an inside job or not. By the way, I have done
no research on the subject believe me.
I have a strange relationship with 9/11 insofar as the possibility of an inside job. One of the few differences between living in NYC on that day as
opposed to somewhere else, is that to those that were there, it seems to matter much less. I know, you would think the opposite. But when you lose
family and friends you naturally polarize towards closure, any closure. You can observe this these days, NYC just extended free med checkups for
anyone who used to live in lower Manhattan, but most people aren't going, the ones who go aren't rushing. For my wife and I, the only time we ever
talk about it is these days, and only for one minute to acknowledge that the dark cloud in our house is seasonal and not of our own making. The part
that is difficult to explain to some people is that when they know you were there, and the anniversary date is coming, they keep trying to comfort
you. And most of the time you just don't want to talk about it. And they often get mad. Being there on that day and that close, literally breathing
in your friends and neighbors, no matter what anyone tells you, it means nothing WHO really did it.
Humans did it, we did it. That's the source of my sadness today and every year around this date. I've gotten past the two months of funerals, I'm
ok writing to all my friends' parents every August. But we did this to ourselves as a species. The closer your proximity to that moment the more
overwhelming this realization becomes. What good are the names and identities to me? But that is not to say that it doesn't matter. And I
participate on board which has forums where this is discussed every day. And like I said in the OP, I am happy and touched that people care enough to
do that. It's just not for me.
Does that make sense?