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Dr.Ron Paul 9/2/08 Rally for the Republic!!!

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:45 PM
Ron Paul is a patriot. He is honest with the American People about what is really going on in our country by the criminals in our government who are acting under the NWO.


Ron Paul is NOT running for president anymore. He is a Republican and the Republicans have nominated John McCain. Wishful thinking is NOT going to change that fundamental fact.

There are very qualified 3rd party candidates out there. Chuck Baldwin has the exact same platform as Ron Paul. Why not vote for him? Bob Barr, is fairly close without the religious aspect, if that is the way you feel.
I personally think Chuck Baldwin is a great man who would not sell out to the NWO. Besides, really, how do you know that if everyone writes in Ron Paul's name, that Paul could still say, "sorry I'm no longer interested in running for President" as he has ALREADY said! He has told people NOT to write in his name. I was disappointed that he didnt annouce his support for a third party candidate. In fact, I believe that by not supporting a viable third party candidate, his whole Rally for the Republic was nothing more than a weekend retreat to get everybody excited about nothing and keep them distracted.

If you think voting for a third party is a throw-away vote, then you are believing one of the biggest NWO lie there is.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by wendyworn

Hi wendyworn,

For me personally, I cannot vote for anyone else. I like Ron Paul, because his views have been my views for the longest time. Especially since he came from the Austrian school, and is familiar with Rothbard, Mises, Menger, Bastiat, et al. I cannot vote for a third party simply because these other gentlemen have not talked about or are not aware of how excessive spending, a central bank, the business cycle, and corporatism along with warfare are all tied together.

Ron Paul is in a class by himself. He is an intelligent and self-made man with a deeply held conviction of upholding the constitution with a PROVEN track record to back it up. I just don't see those qualities being offered outside of Dr. Paul.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by wendyworn

I believe the message that Dr. Paul sends is bigger than any election. It is bigger than a vote.

What he is putting together is going to be the largest grass roots campaign in history to effect change to our flawed system of government. Change against the way Americans are being exploited in our own country by our out of control criminal politicians. Change against the supression of our god given rights as individuals.

His message and his Rally for the Republic is a battle cry, it is a wake up call to every single person in this country who feels that their elected leaders need a serious reality check.

The goals here are bigger than some bought and paid for presidential election. They are about restoring real liberty and democracy to this nation.

Ron Paul is trying to motivate American citizens to step up and take back what is rightfully ours.

I have no choice but to vote for him.

[edit on 9/3/08 by BlackOps719]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Gateway

Originally posted by mybigunit On a side note I would bang Palin though even though she is old

Well, you got to hand it to that warmonger Mcain, I guess "old dogs" can learn new tricks. He's clearly trying to win over the more conservative wing of the Republican party as well as bring Ron Paul supporters back to vote for the sack of bones. It's not going to work though, poor Palin is going to have to toe the Neocon line if she wants to play the game.

Lieberman is not going to be left out hanging to dry in Mcmurder's regime either. He has his nose up so far Mcdeath's rear, that I'm sure he has the Secretary of State position in the bag.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

Lieberman disgusts me to no end. Not only does he push for the internet to be censored but he pushes some HUGE pro Israeli warmongering campaign. This is why Lieberman and the Neo Cons get along so well because the Neo Cons too push this same agenda. The sad thing is so do the Democrats. Talking about how we need to bomb Iran and they are evil and la la la la la. Give me a break like RP said they dont even refine their own oil let alone have to ability to invade us. This was a chess move to pick her. It will work for a lot of the sheeple but not for me. I sometimes wish for my ignorance again because man it truly was bliss.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I too am writing him in. One part I did like in the speech is in the beginning letting people know this convention cost the taxpayers not one cent and then went on to point out the others cost us 30 million dollars. Disgusting man.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by wendyworn

Please dont mention Bob Barr. He was just on Glenn Beck and his true colors came out. He was talking about killing evil wherever it is around the world. Gee who defines evil? Many would define Bush as evil. Baldwin is ok and just ok. Ron Paul is so intelligent especially when it comes to money which these days Washington needs a hard lesson on. His ideals on staying out of peoples business both here and abroad. So simple and would solve SO many of our problems here and abroad.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Correct. This is his new goal to educate the Americans and I will continue to donate as long as he keeps up the good fight. The sheeple need to be awakened and fast. When our 65 trillion in obligations come due and its going to happen sooner than later, we will be in some deep deep dung. Hell its getting to where 25% of our taxes are going right to the bankers in interest on all the borrowing we do.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Bob Barr seems like a decent enough guy and Im sure he has good intentions, but he strikes me as someone with little know how or experience in politics.

Ron Paul is a ten term congressman. He understands the economy, he understands the federal reserve system, he has the knowledge that it takes to fix an economy and he is a stickler to the consitution.

It is simple, small government, maximum personal liberties and rights restored to Americans, non intervention foreign policy, bring the troops home, protect the borders, use American funds to rebuild the infra-strcuture, eliminate the criminal fed and the IRS and get this country back on track as a nation of free individuals.

This multi trillion dollar debt to China is not going to simply disappear. And Paul is dead on correct about one thing, neither of the two major candidates even seem to have a plan for how they will address it.

That should scare the life out of any American citizen. Especially if you have children who will stand to inherit this awful mess.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:25 PM
ok, not Bob Barr. But Chuck Baldwin is running for president and has said he would have Ron Paul be Secretary of the Treasury. I mean, think about that! (Dont get me wrong. I love Ron Paul too. But trying to be practical too. ) GRRR! It cant really be already so hopeless in this country?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:26 PM
here is an example where today RP was on fixed news and I feel he really got what he was about out there and he did it all in 5 minutes. He didnt do this much in the whole hour he spoke. Check it out.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I think BlackOps719, is 100% correct. There's a void that is not currently being filled with either party. The Rally for the Republic is about inspiring and spreading the message to WHOLE new generation of young people. A message that combines Free-Markets, Free-Speech, Smaller Government and Peace. Sure, it's going to take sometime; but believe me...somewhere in that crowd, or at home watching, or on the internet watching these Youtube videos, someone out there or group of people that admire this man, will be moved by his words and fill that void and lead us back on the right path.

These leaders of tomorrow will always look up to Ron Paul as their hero, as their model of what a politician should be like. Make no mistake, Ron Paul and his R3volution has made an indelible impact on this country.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:33 PM
great you-tube on Ron Paul. Did you notice how the guy interviewing didnt interrupt or talk over Ron like they usually do? Cool.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Gateway

Your talking to that person. Im going to run for congress either here in Florida or Iowa depending on where I feel I have the best shot. Probably not till 2012 though. That gives me time. RP has changed my life literally. I was one of the sheeple. I didnt understand how our party had been hi jacked. I mean even watching the convention tonight and this country first and the hands in the air like in some church. I mean my god I thought I was back in the 30s in Nazi Germany. It disgusted me.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by wendyworn
great you-tube on Ron Paul. Did you notice how the guy interviewing didnt interrupt or talk over Ron like they usually do? Cool.

Yup Ill be honest with you I think Neil Cavuto is starting to see what RP is about and liking. He is VERY respectful towards him which is more than I can say for a lot of guests on his show.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Something that suprised me to see was during the Rally for the Republic convention Tucker Carlson was on stage introducing up coming speakers.

Isnt he supposedly a big time neo con? Maybe I am mistaken, but seems like he has always been a Bush guy.

In any case, there does seem to be a lot of people coming around. Dr. Paul was on Glenn Beck this evening and Beck was extremely cordial and respectful, even though he respectfully disagreed with Ventura's stance on 9/11. He was extremely fair in his interview with Dr, Paul.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

It is sort of ironic that the slogan for the neo con's this year is "country first"....considering it has been coming in dead last on their agenda for the past eight years.

Really sad when you think about it.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by Gateway

Your talking to that person. Im going to run for congress either here in Florida or Iowa depending on where I feel I have the best shot. Probably not till 2012 though. That gives me time. RP has changed my life literally. I was one of the sheeple. I didnt understand how our party had been hi jacked. I mean even watching the convention tonight and this country first and the hands in the air like in some church. I mean my god I thought I was back in the 30s in Nazi Germany. It disgusted me.

Great to hear!!

I'm getting up there in years, to make a difference beyond being able to somewhat financially support those that uphold Dr. Paul's ideas. It saddens me to no end, to know that it is you young people that will have to live with this debt, the consequences of these wars, and an out of control FED.

Keep up the fight, and best of luck in all your endeavors.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I saw the Beck interview and RP put him right in his place. When he said that they are 2 reasonable questions Beck had nothing to say. Its the truth why cant people ask questions without being labels anti american or a loon? Tucker was interviewed behind the scenes and he says he likes RP alot. He is for "government not telling people what to do" as he says. Hell makes sense to me. Doesnt seem to far fetched.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:46 PM

He is for "government not telling people what to do" as he says. Hell makes sense to me. Doesnt seem to far fetched.

reply to post by mybigunit

Seems simple enough doesnt it?

I really dont see how anyone in their right mind could stand in opposition to MORE freedom ????

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Here's the intro video to last night, Tucker talked a little about why he likes Dr. Paul.

Ask....and ye shall receive...

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

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