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Dr.Ron Paul 9/2/08 Rally for the Republic!!!

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:28 PM
I thought I would go ahead and add Jessie Ventura's appearance at the Rally to the thread as well. A must watch for anyone interested in 9/11 topics.

He did an awesome job.

[edit on 9/3/08 by BlackOps719]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
"Those who are able to speak out against wickedness and do not do so are themselves morally culpable"

Mr. Lew Rockwell just earned himself a new fan.

I had the same reaction. I am a fan of the von Mises Institute, but have never heard him speak.

btw, we both have Mencken quotes in our signature. We must be kindred spirits...

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

This was the first time I have ever had the pleasure of hearing him speak as well and I was very impressed. He has a very stern and healthy distrust of the Republican party, that is for sure.

H.L. Mencken did produce some admirable quotes, your signature line is as true as any words that have ever been spoken. Perhaps our similarities and our love of liberty stem from the fact that we are both from the great commonwealth of VA (born and raised in southside VA).

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:39 PM
I imagine this is what it would be like if Jesus existed and returned to earth- Not even the Christians would notice because they're too busy fighting with other religions. It's time for everyone to open up their eyes. We want 'change', so be it. I believe Ron Paul offers this change, and then some. If anyone could help get America out of this ditch, it's him.

If possible, I will write in Ron Paul's name on the ballot. America is supposed to be about choices, not a lack thereof.

I believe in Ron Paul.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Lew Rockwell is an intellectual's intellectual. He and Murray Rothbard were the ones who introduced Austrian Economics to this country, through the Mises Institute of course. They single handily, are the ones showing the rest of this country what Friedman and the rest of the Chicago monetarist are doing to your purchasing power through central banking.

To learn about Lew and all the other intellectuals that post on his blog go here, these are top notch intellectuals, economists, political scientist, lawyers, accountants... The cream of the crop people in this country... (also podcasts are great) (Everything you want to know about Austrian Economics)

I also wanted to pass along this video, it is Bruce Fein, you could say that this man was to some degree a former Neocon too, he really changed his way though and has seen the light of WHAT TRUE CONSERVATISM IS!!

Just listen to his eloquent speech!! Just amazing!!

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I was actually quite disappointed in RPs speech. I watched the whole thing on Cspan and was really disappointed. He barely went into his core issues like money and the fed or go into real details on other issues like intervention and our soaring national debt. He assumed that everyone watching knows about RPs policies. This was his chance to get his word out to a new audience and I feel he blew a big chance. Jesse did a great job however. I was kinda upset because I made my wife and everyone sit down and watch him speak and was not wowed at all.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
I just don't get Pauls relative unpopularity with the general public.

I have seen this observation numerous times on ATS and I have been puzzled at times as to why Ron Paul supporters think along these lines . Some people don't mind paying income tax , or they think that people should still receive health care after they have reached the two million dollar cap and so on . If you or other members want to take the topic further then I suggest that you send a U2U to resident democrat Don White or check out this thread .

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:29 PM
This guy is gonna become an american legend someday. HE is the candidate that inspires me.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Thanks for sharing this...

I Love to hear the Truth..

I wish Ron Paul would be president...


[edit on 3-9-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Ron Paul is a patriot. He just does not know how to deal with Washington. Had he picked a major party and said whatever he had too, he could rise to the top and do what he wants. I have a ton of respect for him, but if he can't win I refuse to waste a vote by giving it to Obama.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Hmm. I wonder why this thread doesn't show up in my list when I subscribe to it. Figured I'd try the "auto-subscribe" by posting a little tidbit here.

Go Ron Paul!!!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 09:20 PM
The way I see most politicians is that, if you were to line them up so that all of their ears are touching each other, you could look through the ear of the first politician & still see your own reflection in a mirror standing behind the ear of the last politician.

For far too many people, listening to "normal" politicians is like contracting a deadly, slow-acting, wasting disease: It rots the brain to the point where there's only have a wide gulf left, separating the only two remaining brain cells...The standard political rally consists of watching the disease victims try to cope with loneliness while those two brain cells calling out to each other without ever making contact.

Ron Paul seems to be the only politician that isn't acting as a carrier to that disease like some sort of "Typhoid Mary."

America needs some serious vaccination...Maybe this is just what the Doctor (Paul) ordered...

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by xpert11

Some people don't mind paying income tax , or they think that people should still receive health care after they have reached the two million dollar cap and so on . If you or other members want to take the topic further then I suggest that you send a U2U to resident democrat

If people don't mind paying income tax, then they also shouldn't mind the inevitable increase in income taxes since there is no way that we are currently or will be able to keep up with government expenditures. How in god's name are we to pay for the leviathan welfare warfare state?

Also, why should I waste my time and debate with the resident liberal here on ATS who sees no problem with spending, has no fundamental grasp or understanding of economics and cannot comprehend how inflation is tied with government spending. Or worse liberals cannot intellectually grasp the idea that a larger STATE by definition is the opposite of freedom.

I would be wasting my breath...

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Gateway

It does no good to argue with people like this. He will not understand economics till he has to take a wheelbarrow full of dollars to the store to get bread. When the dollar collapses it will be a wake up call to ALL the sheeple out there who love to spend on the welfare warfare state. Ron Paul really was our countries last hope and that is why I was disappointed in his speech. I though he could of dug deeper on what he is about instead of assuming that everyone knows his message. I think a lot of people tuned in to see Paul not knowing what he was about and had a good chance to reach those people.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

I wasn't disappointed with his speech by any means. He only had under an hour to address everything that needed to be fit in. I felt like he hit most of his key points and did a great job with the crowd. I would love to have heard Dr. Paul go into a long detailed lecture on economics as well, but it would likely go over a lot of people's heads.

You have to remember that this was his appeal to not only the hardcore followers who know his views, but this was directed toward a broader range of listeners. Many of them likely new to his cause.

Between Paul and Ventura and the other excellent speakers who participated I thought they did an excellent job and said what needed to be said.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

You're right, it does no good. I would much rather point out to our so-called conservatives "what they used" to believe, and show them the folly of their ways.

I would rather spend my time debating republicans, wining them back over to what they used to believe. Either winning them over or sending them back to the leftist party of bigger government where they belong, both I believe would be worth my time.

Funny how you not so much hear a peep from the Necons when these Ron Paul threads open up. It's as if they feel guilty, and know how they turned this party upside-down.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Right I understand he had to go to a wide range I just feel that his strong points are economics and interventionism and I feel he didnt focus on those points enough he just dabbled. I dont know I guess it wasnt bad wasnt his best speech for sure but I just didnt come away with the wow factor.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Gateway
reply to post by mybigunit

You're right, it does no good. I would much rather point out to our so-called conservatives "what they used" to believe, and show them the folly of their ways.

I would rather spend my time debating republicans, wining them back over to what they used to believe. Either winning them over or sending them back to the leftist party of bigger government where they belong, both I believe would be worth my time.

Funny how you not so much hear a peep from the Necons when these Ron Paul threads open up. It's as if they feel guilty, and know how they turned this party upside-down.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

Heh the sheeple who vote Republican cant even admit that Neo Cons exist. People dont understand that their Republicans are NOWHERE near their roots in which they were founded. Anymore its another form of big government and thats via the military, the legislative morality, the nanny state, the police state, and more. The fact is the only difference between a Republican and a Democrat anymore is the welfare issue and small BS issues like abortion. Otherwise there is no difference at all. Oh and the fact that the Republicans will put the debt on the charge card where as the Democrats will make you pay up front. I consider myself a Jeffersonian. You cant find that in a party anymore in exception for what Ron Paul stands for. I do feel there are some lefties who can be taught dont give up on them. The Republicans will be a lot easier for sure though. On a side note I would bang Palin though even though she is old

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

I agree that wasnt Dr. Paul's best address ever given, but it was pretty good all the same. The convention as a whole was top notch, I am proud of the Indy's for holding such an excellent event in spite of obvious disadvantage pertaining to news coverage and ballot issues.

The fact that the event actually received tv coverage from a major news network astounds me to no end.

I believe what is happening is a lot of these press folks and a lot of voters have weighed the options being offered by the two major parties and are now fearful that they made a terrible mistake in not listening to Paul in the first place.

We may end up with Mcbama or Mcsame but I refuse to have any hand in it. I will write my vote in protest to a criminal two party monopoly.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit On a side note I would bang Palin though even though she is old

Well, you got to hand it to that warmonger Mcain, I guess "old dogs" can learn new tricks. He's clearly trying to win over the more conservative wing of the Republican party as well as bring Ron Paul supporters back to vote for the sack of bones. It's not going to work though, poor Palin is going to have to toe the Neocon line if she wants to play the game.

Lieberman is not going to be left out hanging to dry in Mcmurder's regime either. He has his nose up so far Mcdeath's rear, that I'm sure he has the Secretary of State position in the bag.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Gateway]

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