reply to post by Scorched Earth
Why... because the reality is that... just because your mom and dad is a parasite, it doesn't mean that their children will be, genes are funny
things... many, many... like half probably or more, of their children grow up to be...something better.
Not everyone is born in apathy, I have seen time and time from f'd up parents make a major go at life... the fat trailer trash lady
sitting on welfare with 5 kids... a few of them won't end up like her...
The ones that do...are born that way... I firmly believe upbring has an impact but...for alot of kids it just doesn't seem to...some kids are born
with horror there whole lives and make up their minds to do better
and placing them in foster care won;t change the ones born a mess...and will only damage further the ones who aren't
I am using...extreme examples to make a point, most people on welfare are lazy... perhaps lack morals too in many cases but...aren't inhuman...
just stupid... and there will always be 10% of us that are the stupidest 10% not capable of functioning as well as the rest...
if you kill the bottom 10% there will still be a bottom 10% and the new bottom 10% will be..... as incable in a society that has now raise d the bar
as the last 10% was...
so what do you do kill them too... eventually you will find yourself...the bottom 10%
so it's best to be greatful for the skills you have and not punish the less capable or genetically insufficent... the end, your not going to kill what do you do with all those children anyway?
Pay for them...which would be far more expensive... than welfare was in the first place...
there is no violent soultion... there is no governemnt change that will work...
10% of the people will always be the dumbest 10% and 10% of the people will be the revolution or governemnt or religion has solved what
is... an unsolvable situation...
Mercy in feeding them... and not having to deal with them personally is...the sanest, least expensive, most humane and viable soultion