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Large Debris Field, No Bodies, No Large Plane Parts. Flight 93? Think again

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

I agree with you 100% I find that the whole Occums Razor should be implemented here in the 911 situation.

The simplest answer tends to be true in all things.

Now which is the simplest answer?

A guy in a cave perpetrates four hijackings of planes in the usa, foils the CIA, NSA, SS and NORAD, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and has 75% accuracy.


Someone in the USA government orchestrated it....cairred the plans out and blamed someone else...

my god even my youngest niece can figure this one out and she is ten!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by theability
A guy in a cave perpetrates four hijackings of planes in the usa, foils the CIA, NSA, SS and NORAD, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and has 75% accuracy.

Well they did not foil those agencies, most of the agencies like NSA warned the government about attacks.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

I should rephrase and say that all the communication between the parties mention were foiled....hows that context?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by theability
I should rephrase and say that all the communication between the parties mention were foiled....hows that context?

I just think the government underestimated or did not care about the warnings they were given by the foreign and domestic intell agencies.

Is that clear for you?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Send as many requests as your little hart desires. It will not place a document in your hand that DOES NOT EXIST!

Its going to be so funny seeing your reaction when i show the document (that i have seen).

It's already funny that your story changes from post to post.

This nonsense about FOIA Requests started with your claim that you already possess this document!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by theability

I remember the Coroner stating, there wasn't a drop of blood at the scene of flight 93, so much for the human hamburger theory!

I guess the bodies must be floating around still!

You are obviously misguided and misinformed. Try learning a little more about flight 93 and the DNA evidence that was found near and around the crash scene.

Oh, and stop trying to be such a smart a** and have some respect for those that died.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by theability

A guy in a cave perpetrates four hijackings of planes in the usa, foils the CIA, NSA, SS and NORAD, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and has 75% accuracy.

my god even my youngest niece can figure this one out and she is ten!

As usual another ill informed person. Try looking into the backgrounds of those that were involved in the planning of this tragedy. They were well educated men/scum bags.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by Cool Hand Luke

Thanks Cool,

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Almost 200 views and not a truther in site.

Here's a "truther".

First bit of evidence supporting a Flight 93 crash. Starred/Flagged!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

First bit of evidence supporting a Flight 93 crash. Starred/Flagged!

wow... I just gained some respect for you mirage! Thank you!!

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by discombobulator
This nonsense about FOIA Requests started with your claim that you already possess this document!

Please do not be so immature as to try to put words in my mouth just because you cannot debate what i post or post any evidence to support your claims.

Please grow up and stop spreading the lies.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by Cool Hand Luke

Thanks Cool,

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Almost 200 views and not a truther in site.

"here is something that happend once that is kind of similar but not exactly the same but has similarities. and even though i have dabated whether or not stuff was found miles away, or that there was more than one debris field, i am changing that to fit with this story that backs up the larger picture so half my arguments are invalid in order for this one to be valid. even though, mind you, it is not the same, it did not crash the same way, it was not the same plane, and the crash site is different. totally proves one of my many contradicting points doesnt it?"

-hmmmm wonder why "truthers" wouldnt bother to comment here.

next see if you can find buildings that collapsed completely straight down into their footprint due to fire, except that the buildings will be different, the fires different, oh and they wont fall "straight" down exactly. but that will totally prove some of your other points too i am sure.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I am one of the family members victimized by the mad-man that murdered those forty-three people! It doesn't matter whether or not you "heard" about it! Who cares what you've heard? This really happened, and caused real pain to all who loved the departed on that dreaded flight. I thank God that the air-sickness bag and gun were found...because now I know who to blame. It doesn't matter what the circumstances were, the fact is that these people woke up one morning, never for a second thinking that it would be their last, boarded an airline, and were murdered! IT IS REAL! At 750 +/- mph, going into a mountain or hill at a nose dive will pretty much disintegrate anything....I call it a miracle that, due to finding the black box, gun, and finger tissue on the gun itself, led my family to a sick, unbalanced monster who stole lives that day....lives away from families who miss them terribly. Have you ever personally experienced that kind of loss? If you have, then I am condolences...if not, keep quiet about things that you know nothing me, the FBI,ATF,NTSB, were forthcoming with plenty of imformation that you know nothing about...this happened, wether you heard about it or not!

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by theability

I remember the Coroner stating, there wasn't a drop of blood at the scene of flight 93, so much for the human hamburger theory!

I guess the bodies must be floating around still!

You are obviously misguided and misinformed. Try learning a little more about flight 93 and the DNA evidence that was found near and around the crash scene.

Oh, and stop trying to be such a smart a** and have some respect for those that died.

"I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. ... Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. ... It appeared as though there were no passengers or crew on this plane."

"It was as if the plane had stopped and let the passengers off before it crashed."

"It was a really a very unusual site. You almost would've thought the passengers had been dropped off somewhere. ... Even by the standard model of an airplane crash, there was very little, even by those standards."

"This is the most eerie thing. I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop."

"I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there. It became like a giant funeral service."

-Wallace Miller, coroner of Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Miller later recanted the last statement by claiming after 20 minutes he stopped being coroner because the case was solved. hijackers took over the plane and commited suicide.
hmmm...i thought the plane was taken over by passengers and forced to crash. seems the case was not so closed after 20 minutes now was it. of course he has yet to find a way to recant the statements he made above.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by discombobulator
This nonsense about FOIA Requests started with your claim that you already possess this document!

Please do not be so immature as to try to put words in my mouth just because you cannot debate what i post or post any evidence to support your claims.

Please grow up and stop spreading the lies.

Thankyou for the canned response.

The beauty of this forum is we can always go back and check what you said:

I have a document that proves reasonable doubt in the official story. Something that the court would have to agree with.

Too bad you have no evidence to support the official story and would lose in court.

So Ultima1, do you have it, or have you just seen it, or are you merely trying to get it? (Hint: rhetorical question)

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by jfj123
He's been making unfounded claims like this for a long time and never delivered.

What unfounded claims? I have posted facts and evidnece and the proof that i have been making FOIA requests.

I have also been e-mailing companies tht were ast ground zero.


More evindece of the FOIA request i have made to find the truth.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by ULTIMA1]

Obviously if the government was involved, they would never cave in and send out incriminating material just because some joe schmo asked for it.
Think about it. If he had real info that showed they were guilty and named names, those individuals could be shot for treason. If he really has what he's claiming, and he works for the government (supposedly an NSA agent )and obviously would be posting on a government computer, then he's currently being tracked and would have been "disappeared" a long time ago.

Seriously, if he has what he claims, they would consider him an enemy of the state and would be hunting him down.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Send as many requests as your little hart desires. It will not place a document in your hand that DOES NOT EXIST!

Its going to be so funny seeing your reaction when i show the document (that i have seen).

You will have to stop being that good little media robot when its proven the official story has been questioned.

Either post the document or drop it already.
That's like me claiming I am king of the universe but refusing to provide proof.

And once again, if you had solid evidence the government was involved in 9/11, you'd already be dead. You don't honestly believe that the people you claim are involved in the most horrific conspiracy of our time, would simply give up incriminating evidence just because YOU asked, do you?
Thank kind of evidence, if it existed, would get people shot for treason!
I can see those people sitting around a big table laughing about getting away with this horrific crime until a secretary comes in and explains that "ultima" caught us because he asked for some evidence so I must send it right out. Then everyone around that same table agree's and prepares for their prison sentence, hanging, firing squad, lethal injection, etc... Yes, the mighty ultima has brought down the evil empire

[edit on 22-8-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

I have said it many times before on ATS and in my personal life, it is quite obvious that the US Gov ordered flight 93 be shot down to avoid the plane being used a weapon, as the other 2 planes were. IMO flight 93 is the biggest proof against those who believe the US government orchestrated the trade center disaster, proof that terrorists hijacked all 3 planes, but because of the actions of US military, only 2 planes became weapons.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by re22666

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by theability

I remember the Coroner stating, there wasn't a drop of blood at the scene of flight 93, so much for the human hamburger theory!

I guess the bodies must be floating around still!

You are obviously misguided and misinformed. Try learning a little more about flight 93 and the DNA evidence that was found near and around the crash scene.

Oh, and stop trying to be such a smart a** and have some respect for those that died.

"I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. ... Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. ... It appeared as though there were no passengers or crew on this plane."

"It was as if the plane had stopped and let the passengers off before it crashed."

"It was a really a very unusual site. You almost would've thought the passengers had been dropped off somewhere. ... Even by the standard model of an airplane crash, there was very little, even by those standards."

"This is the most eerie thing. I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop."

"I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there. It became like a giant funeral service."

-Wallace Miller, coroner of Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Miller later recanted the last statement by claiming after 20 minutes he stopped being coroner because the case was solved. hijackers took over the plane and commited suicide.
hmmm...i thought the plane was taken over by passengers and forced to crash. seems the case was not so closed after 20 minutes now was it. of course he has yet to find a way to recant the statements he made above.

He never said there were no body parts. Everyone there said they saw body parts strewn through the crash site.

Here are some corrections
1. debris was not found 8 miles away from the flight 93 crash site. There was only a few papers found as far as Indian Lake which is approx. 1.5 miles away.

2. Wally Millers response to your above accusation is as follows:
"What I meant is that after 20 minutes I stopped being a coroner and started being a funeral director. The coroners job is to determine the cause and manor of death. Well we knew what the cause of death was

Another witness:
Lt. Patrick Madigan PA State Police
"There were many parts of human remains that were located and recovered"

So yes there were body parts and no, there were not debris found 8 miles from the crash sight.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by ThroatYogurt


thank you for your opinon. You see, that's all it is. In regards to facts, evidence, or proof.... you have .... a grand total of... ZERO to back up your opinion.

Thanks again,


posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
Either post the document or drop it already.

I have shown prove of the document and have shown FOIA request for the document.

Please be adult enough to atleast admit to that much.

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
In regards to facts, evidence, or proof.... you have .... a grand total of... ZERO to back up your opinion.

Thats so funny coming from someone who has not posted any real evidence no matter how many times he has been asked, only repeating what the media has told him.

So you also have ZERO evidence to back up your claims or the official story.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by ULTIMA1]

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