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Is anyone else going through this?

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by LordThumbs

I've always been one to take action, even long before this. It just seems to me that with this "collective force", these masses of good intent should be albe do more than be aware and put good vibes out. It seems to me the other side has been laughing in out faces for quite some time. Their symbols are everywhere(you seem quite aware yourself), and it seems as though they're not as worried about keeping it all under wraps as they used to be. They don't care because its all under control. This is more than one conspricousy. It's not whether or not it's NWO, Aliens, Planatary relovt, terrorisism, satan, ect ect. It is all of the above rolled into one. I think we have tendency to narrow our focus too much, rather than stand back and look at the big picture. Study symbols for a bit then look at the world around you. Every facet of world government, every mega corp, street signs, EVERYWHERE. Oh that? Thats just a kids toy/book. Why would somebody put something there? It doesn't mean anything......yeeeaaahhh. Nothing is innocent. People say symbols can have two different meanings, or that they only have the power you give them, not true. Symbols are a very powerful thing and a simple symbol can contain pages of information even in the simplest of geometric shapes. And it's everywhere. Now we know. Whats next???

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by mushninja

What I'm trying to say is, it all ties together. It is the greatest deception ever. And it's right in front of us, has been for a long time and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by mushninja
reply to post by mushninja

What I'm trying to say is, it all ties together. It is the greatest deception ever. And it's right in front of us, has been for a long time and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

well dont hate yourself over it, we all go through that phase.
"omg i cant beleive i didint see that before" its deception spoon fed to us since we we were able to retain informtion at a young age. some people never see the full picutre, some people do, sometimes when your 15 years old or 50. dont let other forces controll you. free your mind, open your heart, and let the energy flow! it holds the key to everything!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Quazga

Trip Nixon signing in. I respect all the opinions, experiential observations, rationalization, and paths provided as to aid to the proverbial 'answer'.

Here goes the abstraction...

We all have had a moment in our biological life that sets about the mind's rational and subsequent irrational processes to yield a perspective, through sensation or ideas, that allows us to feel as if the product is almost tangible. I have always known that there is something bigger than me and that I serve a purpose that for years I wrestled with: the questions that I could not answer nor articulate in the 'English Language'. I attribute this to being tossed out of the car at age 5. My perception that the dead animal on the side of the road was only sleeping was only truly opened by this experience: this is what is meant by 'Grandpa died and lives in heaven'. The latter statement is watered down for sake of character limits.

In a theistic tradition, we are taught our absorb the conscious or unconscious perspectives shared and that there is a larger entity, almost tangible at times - especially death, that may alter our perceptions, rationality, and the biological and spiritual product. Irrational fears, comfort, and so on. In a non-theistic tradition, it is ourselves we look inward to for checks and balances: if one is not sound in such a tradition, the mental translation could be viewed by others as irrational, self defeating, or falling of the path. The polar opposite to that is that one may be exactly on the path...

Regardless of this, the lens is all explained under the term of spirituality. My personal 'spirituality' is not of much use here, but the true abstraction is this:

We are a product of our environment (for entropic as it is), a product of the mental environment we create for ourselves, and a product of the perceived environments of others with which we allow into our own environment(s). The product, our state of being at a biological and spiritual level, are all directly tied to these and produce an internal subset of questions that we may find answers or not. As answers are found, our overall environment can change until we reach the point that everything is an answer to 'a question': that with which we seek is now the question, not the answer.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I really enjoy threads like this. To hear different accounts from different people like this is very interesting.

However, no one seems to address the comment that the OP was in an "altered" state of mind with a critical eye.

Why is this?

I'm not preaching one way or the other. I'm not saying I don't believe everything that's been contributed to this thread is real or fake. I certainly won't sit here and tell someone what they are feeling isn't real.

But the fact remains, the OP, and from the sounds of it, other people as well, are achieving this "awakening" while under an influence. Does that not raise at least the slightest bit of doubt in anyone else? Being under an influence...of any me at least, takes away from the entire concept of being awake, or being able to see things for real now, or experiencing true reality, or claiming to see the world the way it really is.

Again, I'm no hypocrite, and I'm not preaching. I believe in a lot of things, and I know the power of drugs.

All I'm saying is that no one seems to want to question the fact that this person (and others) were under the influence when these things occurred.

I would like to think that these "awakenings" can and should occur with a clean state of mind...which is why I'm not into the drugs.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:52 PM
did i do something wrong when i loaded my pic or does it take awhile to be approved?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Quazga

We are a product of our environment (for entropic as it is), a product of the mental environment we create for ourselves, and a product of the perceived environments of others with which we allow into our own environment(s). The product, our state of being at a biological and spiritual level, are all directly tied to these and produce an internal subset of questions that we may find answers or not. As answers are found, our overall environment can change until we reach the point that everything is an answer to 'a question': that with which we seek is now the question, not the answer.
Nicely said. It answers my question of why everyone seems to want to focus all of the attention on creating good vibes. It goes far beyond just wanting to feel good.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by mushninja

I feel like I know more than most of the people around me and I'm still lost, kind of. The more I see and experince the more questions it creates.

Just keep following the questions. One of the things this awakening does it to lead you from the "known" (which may not be reflecting the truth) to the unknown, or a state of being that is not dependent on the security of "knowing."

The truth of what is is unfolding, it cannot be "known" in a concrete way, it can only be experienced in the moment, using ones full awareness, not filtering it through the ideas of the mind and the culture.

If you have just "awakened" you have a lot of backlog of old habits and beliefs to sort through. Just settle into the process, and dont do so expecting there to be an "end" where it will all make complete sense. Something that is evolving, blossoming, and unfolding is something that you can never "know" in a close the books kind of way. You have to stay aware and on your toes to keep up. Follow the white rabbit.

Nice thread, and good luck.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by mushninja
reply to post by mushninja

What I'm trying to say is, it all ties together. It is the greatest deception ever. And it's right in front of us, has been for a long time and I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

Pls don't be so hard on urself. Be happy that ya finally SEE

Awareness is going fast but still it takes some time. First humanity as a whole has to awake, then there will be time for action.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:19 PM
Wow! There is a world of potential reflected in this thread. I have to take the opportunity to say a few things, if you will kindly bear with me, I will attempt not to try your patience.

First off, welcome mushninja, and all the others posting here for the first time.

Second, as you can see, your experiences are unique only in that it is you who are experiencing them and putting them into context. An important part of this so-called 'awakening' (i think of it a bit differently) is the beginning, where so many have floundered alone and without comradeship, eventually sinking back into a haze of confused and pointless struggle. Glad you joined us!

Third, we don't all agree here on the specifics, with what I believe is a single vital exception. We are no longer alone. In each others stories we can see that reaching out and getting nonjudgmental feedback is the fairest reassurance we could have hoped for.

My biggest addition is this:

By no means do I believe what am I am about to say has happened to anyone other than a few, but I am among them, so I want to share. For me this began as an academic exercise, or better a distraction or hobby. I set out to 'collect' CTs (conspiracy theories) because I always felt that within them, much like certain mythology, there is a truth to be found.

I became overwhelmed at the volume of material the internet provided me access to; and I began a routine of cataloging and analyzing what I found. Soon, I realized that in much of these stories, there was NO real conspiracy, the conspiracy presented itself in the fact that the information had to be sought out, it wasn't 'given' to us or taught or even examined seriously by any media or prominent institution. These facts of life seemed to be denied us by a confluence of circumstances which may have been orchestrated or engineered to keep us from learning. I found ATS in the Spring of this year, and since then it has become clear to me that there are those who will recognize, when the moment is right, that there is a time and a reason to stand and pronounce that something is wrong, unjust, or evil. I believe many are on the board, more so than anywhere else I have seen.

But the reality and my nature conflicted, soon I found myself quite depressed at the nature of the reality mankind has forged for itself. I felt the hopeless abandon of systems and institutions I naively accepted as being for the benefit of all; and found that the thing we call "evil" is a real - active - force in the world, and is apparently 'embraced' by some who have found the way to make it serve them. My depression was very real, and it wasn't until I realized something specific that I was lifted from the greyness.

Our unseen and unrecognized foes suffer from a horrible affliction, perhaps even willfully unrecognized by them - they are hiding. That which must hide is weak. Truth is their enemy, and truth cannot be contained. You may always lie and cover up a certain truth, but it will always be there, the truth persists. The darkness around us 'appears' to be closing in, it's not, it is surrounding a larger body, thus weakening itself at every point, to accomplish the illusion.

If you find yourself feeling gloomy and depressed over the apparent lack of control we have as a caring, nurturing, sentient group of beings, I can tell you unequivocally, it will pass. I feel it is a phase of enlightenment, one of the necessary pains we must all learn to endure and see past. (like medical students who all seem to diagnose themselves with wild illnesses as they learn their art).

Good luck to all of you. Thank you for listening to this old guy, who promises, I will stand. You are not alone. And if I can help, I will.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:20 PM
well to put it more simply. I think the poster has taken the plunge down the "rabbit hole" and it is blowin his mind. this is a natural progression for people finally seeing thru the "illusion". We are pawns in this elite grand chess game that will result in one world gov and total control of the human species. And our personal interests and rights are not being protected by any government. Our rights are being trampled. And innocent people are dying everywhere. Why?! Why?! This is where it starts- why do innocent people continue to die. When when you are descending the "rabbit hole" what blows your mind is that a handful of evil elites have rationalized that it's ok to have "acceptable losses" of "regular people" to achieve their grand scheme. damn who are these people?! From now on- you don't trust anything you hear or see or feel because chances are it's not what it appears. that's probably the way we all feel right now- we have awakened but are still a little groggy. just my 2cents-

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

If you have just "awakened" you have a lot of backlog of old habits and beliefs to sort through. Just settle into the process, and dont do so expecting there to be an "end" where it will all make complete sense. Something that is evolving, blossoming, and unfolding is something that you can never "know" in a close the books kind of way. You have to stay aware and on your toes to keep up. Follow the white rabbit.

Nice thread, and good luck.

So true!

Let us all dive into the Rabbit Hole together

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

I would like to think that these "awakenings" can and should occur with a clean state of mind...which is why I'm not into the drugs.

They can occur without drugs. Some people have some tragedy that rips away the veil of illusion, some have some beautiful experience that does the same, some do so under the influence.

The method, in my opinion, is less important than the experience of having ones eyes opened.

You dont need to sit in meditation for years, though some do. You dont need to have some tragedy, though some do. You dont need psychedelics, though some do. Whatever the method, and they differ wildly, there is a common event happening. The common element is that the egoistic view of the world, the view created by our minds, our habits, our ideas and beliefs is shattered temporarily, but long enough for another view to flood in.

The egoistic view is generally quickly reassembled, but the memory of the other vision isnt completely forgotten. The impact has occurred. Generally speaking, there is a period of time, days, months, years, decades, it doesnt matter how long, it is individual, where the new vision and the old are compared and contrasted while the individual uses that new faculty of awareness to examine the world. The dark night of the soul it has been called, where everything you believed no longer sits comfortably.

Over time, you find an equilibrium. The mind is still present and doing its thing, but the new "consciousness" or "awareness" is operating freely as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Hello, and welcome to real life.

Everyone eventually gets here, some not until their death bed, others only the next time around ;-)

And, you'll want to share, but people won't (can't) listen until it's their time, so don't get frustrated. There is a reason they are called "Sheeple". It's not to put them down, but talking to them about anything deeper than what was on TV last night, well, you might as well be talking to a sheep ;-)

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:34 PM
In reply to the anonymous guy? yeah i guess thats right, I know what your talking about under the influence, I had my "awakening" months before i started using mild drugs, but everntually I quit and have been sober for over a year i'd say, and after I quit the feelings of things got stronger and clearer, drugs are stupid, no good comes from it, been there done that went to jail no fun. I do think like most people though stranger and stranger things are yet to come, not like an explosion out of nowhere but where the worlds just fries and everything is so weird constantly that when it explodes its believeable at that point.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:35 PM
one thing I notice since my awakening is that you have no tolerance for anyone still in the dark. i can't relate to them. but i know i have to engage these people eventually if the "truth" is to spread. Yupper life is not the same as it was 50 years ago. my dreams often revert back to that time in my life when it was all so simple..........................

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I really enjoy threads like this. To hear different accounts from different people like this is very interesting.

However, no one seems to address the comment that the OP was in an "altered" state of mind with a critical eye.

Why is this?

I'm not preaching one way or the other. I'm not saying I don't believe everything that's been contributed to this thread is real or fake. I certainly won't sit here and tell someone what they are feeling isn't real.

But the fact remains, the OP, and from the sounds of it, other people as well, are achieving this "awakening" while under an influence. Does that not raise at least the slightest bit of doubt in anyone else? Being under an influence...of any me at least, takes away from the entire concept of being awake,

Actually not at all. These impressions must come via an altered state, however one need not use drugs to achieve this altered state.

Keep in mind that anytime you ingest, or refrain from ingesting anything, you are altering your consciousness. The more "awake" you are, the more you will be tuned into the subtleties I speak of.

There is no "base line" consciousness, so all consciousness is altered.

Some mystics in the past have stated that those who reach this state via meditation are better off, as they have the ability to live in this state without the aid of anything, and that the process of meditation to reach this state also prepares the student for the "world of phantasms" that come along with it.

Whether or not the OP had this awakeneing due to a shocking experience, meditation, or drug use does not matter much here, because the same state can be achieved by all three. What matters is how the OP processes this experience.

As for your assumption that one can't be awake if they are altered, keep in mind that it is the altering of the mind from one state to another which is the key. It's the transition between states that causes the contrast which gives definition to the experiences the OP is speaking of.

It's true that if one is a habitual user of a substance (including sobriety), that they will become numb to certain perceptions, because things become background noise. As I said. It is the change in perception between state A and state B that matters, it is not either State A or State B that really matters.

Once again.. it's the journey... not the destination.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by mushninja
With all of these good intentions, all of this positive energy, all of these people only wanting to do good and see the organisim we live on in a state of wellness, what will our positive ACTION be as a collective whole?

Working on yourself, looking inside, connecting with the eternal within.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Ram

right on brother!.. i love plants as well and animals

"Tree of Life" by The Human Revolution

BIG Cats slideshow - "Bungle in the Jungle" Jethro Tull


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Most People are starting to feel the shift that has happened in the last 2 weeks.
This is just the start of everything changing.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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