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Is anyone else going through this?

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:02 AM
You are absolutely right!! The Mayan calendar is going to end in December 2012. That's the end and that's that! I don't think the world is mad at us, it's just the way the Earth is floating around in the cosmos. The point our Earth is in, in space is causing terrible natural disasters. Personally, I don't think all life on the planet will disappear, but just about all of it will die. Solar flares caused the Tsunami a few years ago, and another one is scheduled for 2012, but this one is said to be 300 times worse! WOW!! Top world scientists and Astrophysicists agree that the end is coming! Soon the government will put a stop to all rumors about 2012. Can you imagine the worldwide fear and desparation? If you don't believe that the Mayan calendar is for real consider this; After all the years the Mayans have been gone, their calendar is only 33 seconds off. That' amazing!! Someone or something came here and showed those people some serious stuff! Today's society does not give the Mayans enough credit!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:40 AM
very good post, yes I have been going thru the same thing... Have had some vivid dream which make me wake up in a cold sweat. Im certainly no environmentalist or anything like that, but I have these weird dream about polluted earth devastating humanity. Also... someone mentioned a "vortex".. I had this really strange vision/dream of human souls trapped in a spiraling vortex.. No idea what that means, but probably a artifact of an overactive imagination. Dreams/Hallucinations, etc occur at the border between the conscience and unconscience thought. The brain takes a detour and you wonder... where did that thought process come from?? You try to read something into it.... could be "awakening" or "enlightenment".. who knows.

On this 2012 thing... I a big skeptic of that mainly because the people promoting the hype are in fact making money from it. Selling books, tickets to seminars and the like. I think humans are evolving to collective conscience, but mainly thru technology. The web and cell phones for example are perhaps the greatest inventions of our time, and bringing us closer.

So these 2012 believers think that will be the "End of the World"?? I would be willing to make a wager on that one. Some predict we will ascend to another dimension?? I would make a wager on that one as well. The safe bet is nothing will happen as we ring in the new year 2013...

Interesting topic tho... Peace.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by mushninja
" seemed to feel the earth crying out to us to stop the polluting of the air and water, to stop the raping of the land, that as a species we have gone terribly arwy. Yes, very hippish I know. I became very aware that there is far more to this world than science and logic will ever explain "

" Oh yeah, it seems to me that there is a collective awakening/eveloution taking place within a portion of the population. And that we may very well find ourselves evolving in a sense. Anybody with me here, or are we in the midst of some sort of schizophrinic bender? "

Maybe it's hippish but I hear the cries of Mother Earth and often of lonely Souls too. I always have had that.

After my accident and coma, I awoke and the ' sounds' (I don't always acually HEAR them with me ears) became stronger / louder.

I indeed do believe that we are evolving and that there is a collective awakening happening right now.

One can even SENSE the Transformation: our heartbeats and brainwaves are speeding up in a higher vibration.

Schuman resonance / Earth's heartbeat:

When I was in me teens and early 20S I felt very alone about all this but over the last 10 years more and more ppl FEEL that there is something happening. Don't worry, it's not a mental ilness

Maybe it's due to the fact that beside our individual consiouness, we ' remember' (again) that we are part of the ALL consiouness.

Good luck on your Path! Try to accept what is happening. It's IS

Aether Vibrations & Quantum Pysics:

[edit on 8/14/2008 by Melyanna Tengwesta]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:36 AM
hmmmm, for me I suppose the awakening began back in the eighties and kicked into high gear last December. Back in the eighties, I had the misfortune to buy too much into the slacker ideal but was smart enough to breeze through the toughest that high school had by then. This of course meant I was not at all ready to get through college. Eventually I did manage to get a c average in my pre engineering degree, but no one particularly wanted that, no company, no four year school. This lead me into the USAF.

After the first two weeks, they let us have some mental relief on Sunday by going to the interdenominational church on the base. I went and it's there that I felt something. Not God, but rather something that we were a part of, interacting with. This managed to get enough of my interest that I started opening myself more. When I crashed and burned, earning a non classified discharge, I fell into self taught shamanism. That was, for nearly two decades, the extent of it for me.

Then in 2005, the company I worked for went out of business, and I applied myself to school again, this time in IT, and did a lot better. In December of 2007, we got a wake up call, a windstorm so strong that it cut the feeder line between us and the Hoover dam. It was then that I discovered talk radio as that's all we could get through battery power. Though Coast to Coast, AM the opening to learn of things I never knew became available. When power came back nearly a week later things changed, I began truly applying myself, and began to feel that time was running short, and there was something coming up that I would need to cram to be ready for.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:41 AM
Forgive me for putting this on anonymously, I'm still unsure whether I am going crazy but I can sympathise with the 'Am I going crazy!' thoughts of the main poster. If anyone wants a bit of background happy to oblige but generally, although I'm a bit of a geek, I am perfectly normal!

It all started around 6 months ago towards the end of March. For about a month I thought someone was in the room. I was woken up by a presense in the room probably every other night. Then one night in early April, that changed. Something was in my room, right in the corner, don't laugh by it seemed to me to be in soft focus and it said (in my mind, it didn't speak) 'I am Swan. They are coming before 2012'. Then I woke up and it was I really sound crazy. The something was very dark and if I had to stick my neck out was reptile like (and I am sticking my neck out as it was in the top corner of my room stuck between wall and ceiling), I could make out no features but it seemed humanoid. From that day forward I didn't really feel anything unti late May (I moved house at the beginning of May) where I felt something was there again, just for a couple of weeks, and since then nothing.

My sleep is now sometimes disturbed (my girlfirend has noticed) I say things in my sleep like 'How about an atomic bomb, pwckkkk' etc. I do however think that could be explained by the amount of research I've got through in the last 4 months since 'Swan' made an appearance in my room/head.

I've alway been interested in many phenomenon (my parents saw an orange Cigar shaped craft when I was a little baby flying next to the trees in Yorkshire in 1977) but I generally just got on with life. Again this is going to sound ridiculous but it may be related. I have a round scar (I have no ther scars) on the back of my neck right in the middle and neither myself or my parents have a recollection of how it happened (i have had chicken pox though so it could be that!). My parents have the same ones on their ankles.

I've looked into Planet X, Global Warming (and the atrocious weather in britain at the moment!), Natural Disasters, Market Conditions, 9/11, the NWO, CCD, Religion, Ufology (Disclosure, Dan Sherman etc.), general history and more. I won't list everything I've looked at as there is so much disinformation out there its unreal. I'm still making my own conclusions (I have packed my scoot pack just in case!), theres so much to take in, I've ruled out much of it but something is going on (UFO and NWO are the strongest conspiracy theories by my reckoning).

Simple fact is this planet cannot sustain the growth of population, and with 6 billion people on it and the information highway springing security leaks left right and center, its only a matter of time before something gives.

Sometimes I hope I am a little bit mad, but something tells me I've just woken up to something and I'm not alone.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:43 AM
mushninja, I can relate, I too am a Blue Collar man, having worked in the service trades most of my life as an automobile engineer. I too was raised up in church, a holy roller type, and it just about drove me nuts listening to the drivel of hell and punishment being dealt out each Sunday.
I went for years without any kind of religion, for I have had many visions and spiritual experiences not sanctioned by the church, and any church person will tell you that if it isn't from Jesus, then it must be from Satan. I finally became a Wiccan, because that is the only religion that seemed to fit me. I have had visions of the world ending in flames, and with very large spacecraft taking the worthy off planet, and I have communicated with higher intelligences for a long time now. what will happen? I don't know, and I don't think anyone does. Human Beings make the future, that much is very clear to me, and I think TPTB know this, for they constantly try to brainwash us all with the MSM and other mind control techniques.
I have read of Project Blue Beam, and the Montauk series, and this has woke me up big time to what our government has been up to behind the scenes. Time travel and other dimensions are real, and we all exist in other dimensions as well as this one. ET is trying to help us all, but cannot directly help, else they would be responsible for us after that, and no ET race wants that.
We have to help our own selves, that much is clear, no savior is coming to save us, and no alien race will either. The answer lies in the ones who control everything. These must be taken down for us to clean up Mother Earth and restore Her to Her natural state, and if we (humanity) don't do this, nobody will. I think Et will help us after we take down the dictators and bankers that control everything we do and say, and soon what we think, for the Montauk Project dealt with mass mind control of the people on a massive scale, and we are seeing this everywhere, if you care to look for it.
Love is the answer, this I know, the answer to all questions ever asked. Just know that you are not alone, and keep driving forward. Watch out for traps, and for dis-info, it is everywhere you look, from the TV, to radio, to the internet. I suggest reading about Montauk if you care to, here are some links.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:05 AM
I am still learning this awakening even after 10 years, 10 years of meaningfull spirituality. i have learned so much concintrating ki, opening and closing my chakras (i cannot spell this morning) hell, ive even done some spiritual therapy for others to help them awaken from their sleep. a lot of people have asked or felt the place of they belong somewhere. each and everyone person who is aware feels a part of something but not as a whole. i dont know how acurate i am, it was probably covered on other forums/sites on spirituality but were part of this HUGE grid.. (at least thats what i call it) and this grid connects each and everyone of us. iteven hlps in reincarnation, giving you the chance to be reborn into anything u want. this grid can also transport u into the past, the future, and even bend space/time. if someone know what im talking about, please link me, ive done these self discoveris, i just want proof that they exist in some form for closure reasons. i have been dorment a long time, holding in my stories for a long time. i feel that some of them have importance. i will be creating a post once i get my thoughts together.
i have a lot of inside knowlege of this and for the first 5 years of my awakening i didint know anything, didint research anything, but i knew it was there, i could feel it, i could feel the earth cry, i could feel the energies flow. sounds kind of akward to some, but for others this is normal. but i would like to talk to someone about this to get a clearer understanding of how others are handling this. PM me or something, btw, great post, opening a lot of peoples minds.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by mushninja

yes i have started around same time last yr now i kinda beleive in alot of spiritual stuff and cant stop feeding my brain with reading and stuff i have come across alot of interesting and learnt a hell of alot of information did not think i would do in a year
also alot more aware of what is going on around me

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:39 AM
This process for me started around 3 years ago. And I don't think it will ever end.

The more you evolve the more you know who you are and why you are here, questions become answers and life transforms itself in front of you.

I hope more and more will change towards spirituality and the truth of this world. Thing is many don't want to. It's always a matter a choise, but no worries in the end we are all one and One we will become again, time is an illusion, we are already what we have to become.

Just enjoy what you are. That's the purpose, to be what you are, because you are everything.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by mushninja
I've always been a blue collar, no bs, what you see is whats real kind of guy but this last year has changed who I am and how I precive the world foever.

Be very careful with your thoughts during this period, You are going to have to know the difference between what your "filter" places on your perception and what is "real". Also be prepared for stuff to shake your world.

The closest subect I can find that even comes close to what I'm experincing is this "awakening" that people are talking about. I never believed in all this twigs and berris, fruits and nuts, tree hugging business before.

Good. And you shouldn't start now. Pay attention to what you can feel and sense. That's all that is there. Even though you have a new perspective on what "is real", don't trade your old concepts which were given to you for another set that is given to you. It's like getting serious with a rebound girlfriend.... you'll just end up in the exact same spot you were before.

Keep in mind... you must rely on your own senses for reality and understand that your reasoning, whatever it is, only provides a model of how to integrate what you sense into "what you believe reality to be".

In short, use the model as long as it works, but don't get married to it. Be ready to discard it as soon as new evidence presents itself on the sensory level.

No spirits, physics, demons, telepathy, vibes or energy flow. Or aliens(the jury is still out on that one for me).

personally, I've had the "alien abduction" scenario happen to me, and I don't think it has anything to do with beings from another planet.

Once again, read everything you can, but don't be pulled in by how convinced the authors are (even me). Remember... you have to be able to hold at least three possible theories in mind for any experience you have, because no matter how convinced you are of a single theory, chances are it's not what you think. So it's better to work with different theories. Think Quantum physics. It's a Wave... No it's a particle... No IT's Both! No, it's just a fluctuation in a conituum... etc. All these theories work for physicists, however, they are all contradictory to eachother. keep that in mind.

I was raised going to church but it never worked for me. Although I believed in God, I didn't feel a pressence in my life nor have a real relationship with any higher power.

I had the church upbringing as well. When I turned 27 I started having crazy experiences which any normal person would immediately translate into whatever their doctrine is, but not me.. I don't trust anything at face value. However, I found it VERY helpful to read as much as you can from different perspectives on whatever your experiences are to better understand it in broader terms.

For example, Take channeling. Some people claim they are channeling dead people, others aliens, still others egyptian gods. Other less fantastical folks just use the experience to create, like Robert Frost. At the end of the day, what matters is not where the message is comming from, but how it impacts you and how you relate to it.

For example, I project onto inanimate objects all the time,usually statues of philosophers, saints, aliens, etc... but sometimes it may be a piece of furniture. I talk to it, it talks back. But it is all in my head, and I use it as a sounding board, and the process yields great info. What's behind it? I got theories which are, although beautiful, rather mundane. But as I mentioned, it doesn't matter what causes it.

its the folks who are convinced they know where it is comming from that become the jim jones's of the world. Once again, allow yourself to hold several different theories, and embrace the models which yeild results, without being convinced of their "reality".

I knew the enviroment was in trouble, but hey, what can ya do right? Gotta live. Till one night my brother and I were pretty much sat down and got out heads stuffed full of information. I don't know how to even try to explain it. And the more I try,the crazier I'll probably sound. We seem to have been woken up by a higher power, seem to suddenly be aware of what now appears to be a sinister plot against all of us, seemed to feel the earth crying out to us to stop the polluting of the air and water, to stop the raping of the land, that as a species we have gone terribly arwy.

Yep.. sounds like what happened to me is happening to you, but the message was much different. See what I mean? Pay attention to it, but don't allow it to run over your ideas of what is real like your old concepts did. if you do, that's where what people call "possession" can come into play.

I recommend you read carl jungs auto biography To get an idea of how one man approached these same experiences without becoming deluded by the experience.

Yes, very hippish I know. I became very aware that there is far more to this world than science and logic will ever explain, and that evil is all around us, really.

So one thing you might stumble on as you are trying to read to better understand what's happening to you is the maxim "There is no good or evil, only thinking makes it so".

keep in mind that the concept of evil was also given to you.

This is what is described in the allegory of genesis when "eve" ate from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil".

Once again the trick is in understanding what supports or can destroy what you hold valuable, without being deluded by your projection of evil on to that which can destroy what you hold valuable.

You can't solve attachment with aversion.

When we call something evil, it is the adult equivalent of a 2yo who slaps someone which takes a toy away from them. I know it sounds like I'm over simplifying here, but believe me, when you climb jacobs ladder through the layer of abstractions, you will most likely find a similar thing.

One last word of caution here about "evil". Keep in mind that what you believe to be "evil" will then actually be "evil" in your world. This is another reason to withhold projection.

Romans 14:14 gives us a glimpse into this.

At that point we kinda started freaking out a bit because this type of thinking has never been a part of who either of us were.

yep... To better balance the "freaking out" that comes with this, I recommend you look into zen. A great book, if you are a westerner is by Christmas Humphreys

With such strong feelings we had no choice but to start researching some of this stuff and the plot only seems to thicken. I know there is alot of bs out there but there really does seem to be an evil plot against us so complex no one man could ever see the whole picture.

Be very careful with this. Remeber, your mind organizes patterns into what it thinks is intelligible and then hands it to you. This is the same mind that was organizing patterns before you had this experience, so you really have to train it to handle these things.

Here I would recommend you read Prometheus Rising from which you will learn the power of how your beliefs shape your reality in a very real way. remember... Seek and you shall find.

Hell I'm alredy sounding like a loon so I'll just say it. It's beginging to appear to me that dominate men and satan, the devil, whathaveyou are working together against us.
That the planet is pissed and about to revolt against us. That this plan against us is almost complete and that we're mostly screwed. Oh yeah, it seems to me that there is a collective awakening/eveloution taking place within a portion of the population. And that we may very well find ourselves evolving in a sense. Anybody with me here, or are we in the midst of some sort of schizophrinic bender?

You are not on a schizophrenic bender, although most schizophrenics have similar experinces. Keep asking yourself.. "home come mystics are revered but schizophrenics are locked up?" Once again, Jung will add lots of value to this.

keep in mind that as collective reality changes, we come up with new reasons to explain it. As finite organisms, the ego we developed to allow us to survive is the dominate force within us all. It is very obsessed with determining cause, and thus influences our pattern recognition towards this end. These processes exist in the left hemisphere of the brain. And your initial impressions are very typical for us humans, as it's new and so the ego wants to translate it in terms of fear.

However, if you spend some time accessing your right hemisphere, you are more likely to experience states of "oneness" with everything, and "euphoria", and your ego's need to find a cause, will sublimate to simply a mere curiosity.

Both of these modes of experience though, left and right brain, have evolved in us to balance the other one out, so don't get deluded by either of them. Play them against eachother, and don't let any grab the reigns for too long. By practicing this, your "observer consciousness" will develop much more and you'll be happy it did.

One last book to keep on your shelf after you have got your bearings in the new world you are living in, is Brief history of everything

[edit on 14-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Hi all..

remember you are all stars and can do magic!

much love to you all

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
I know I have written before about this but I feel the same. Just recently I think this started for me in March I think. Just feel like something big is going to happen not bad necessarily but something. Glad to hear that there are others out there feeling like I am. My intuition seems to be on high. Don't know, just can't explain in words. So many people think you are totally loonie if you talk about it so I don't. I know very few people who believe or feel the way I do. Love nature because really that is all there is. If we do not have Mother Nature we are dead. Our bees are disappearing rapidly. A friend here in Ontario where I get my honey lost 5 hives to what he does not know the bees are just dead. And without bees we are in such trouble. It's funny I was never raised with religion never went to church but when I go in one for a wedding or funeral I am so scared to be there. Weird but I think I sense the evil that really lives there. Peace and love.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by mushninja

HI M just coming in on the thread, I figured that you are or were probably doing some sort of drug with your brother?

My suggestion to you is to stay clean and clear now that this portal has opened for you.

If you do choose the other, it will only open the most horrific paths for you and your brother.

As for the job and security, well join the club, many conscious beings are tested while moving through the base chakras. It is how you chose to create the new that will define how your future existence will turn out.

Growth never comes without pain so just try not to get too mental about things that are far removed from the mental state.

If your experience is part of the divine, it came to you, trust that it will continue to guide you. Tune into your intuition, if you are headed for the store and always go left at the light and your instinct says go right, just do so without the mental distraction of questioning.

Good first post.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:09 AM
I know what you are talking about. I was never political until 9/11 happened and then the series of Government actions that followed is what made me stand back and take a bigger, deeper look! Things done in secrecy are not for the good of the people or the World!

All AP reports and news releases - so none of these topics are conspiracy

1. Secret meeting by Government heads and Elite - Bilderburg, G8 and yes even Bohemian Grove

2. The use of chemical weapons and torture in Iraq

3. The seed vault built by Rockefeller and Bill Gates - what are they preparing for?

4. Endless lies and corruption in DC - such as:

5. Military grade Anthrax mailed to Iraq war critics - mailed to very specific Senators just after 9/11 to send a message.

6. Outing CIA officer Valerie Plame to shut up her husband Joe Wilson who had proof the reasons for the Iraq war were false and manufactured. (Act of Treason)

7. Blaming the Anthrax mailings on a scientist that conveniently commits suicide.

8. Firing several Government prosecutors because they were not in line with working for Bush and Cheney's New World Order operation.

9. Lying about the plan for a North American Union and a Texas trans freeway system. Trying to create a new version of the European Union.

10. Selling our Sea Port Security to Arabs - 19 of the hijackers were Arab

11. Reusing video footage of Osama bin Laden and claiming it was a new terror threat. Osama who was created by our own CIA and whos brother was in the energy business with George W. Bush

12. Switching almost instantly from "Going after those responsible for 9/11" to catching Saddam in Iraq and creating a failed and unwanted democracy. Saddam who used chemical weapons sold to him by our own Government. They hung him for using the weapons we sold him! Crazy!

13. Hiring more private contractors through Blackwater to fight the war in Iraq instead of paying and supporting our own military.

14. Halliburon raping our Nation of billions of tax dollars for war profits and then moves to UAE with the Arabs in Dubai

15. Lying about how and why Pat Tillman was killed just to put a face on the war - creating a fallen hero who killed by his own unit

16. The "Trillion Dollars" missing from the Pentagon - Rumsfeld announced

17. Thermate and other demolitional material detected in World Trade Center "dust"

18. Illegal wiretapping and giving immunity to themselves and Telcom! (Again, a treasonous act)

19. Talk of World depopulation efforts by the Elite

20. All this Corporate contracting going on in the middle of a war while normal jobs disappear

21. Oil company's bringing in record hundreds of billions in profit while the economy gets raked through the coals.

22. The housing crisis and the Private Owned Federal Bank printing more and more paper dollars not backed by anything and the devalue America's worth!

If these things do not wake up someone (everyone) there is a real problem! I am awake and I am glad many more are becoming aware. The question now is are we going to let (British Royalty, World Bank Owners, Israel and the Illuminati) take control of our Nation?

I think not! So please by all means - WAKE UP!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Hello everyone,

I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to post because I have been in the process of awakening for the last 3 years.

It all started for me when I was trading stocks. I figured out that making money in stocks means that you have to get the information on the markets before the general public knows about it. I figured out that paying attention to conspiracy theories actually worked when trading stocks and so began my process of awakening.

Once I had passed the threshhold of awakening, I really began to see the world much differently and unfortunately like many others have said, there are a lot of evils going on in this world that most people are just oblivious to. What is more disheartening than the realization of these evils is the fact that people fall for these evil games all too easily without any thought.

The difficult part about awakening is that it is extremely hard to share my development with people around me because their sphere of reality is much different from mine. Thank goodness I found this board because it seems like there are many others in the same boat as I am.

Many days I think about whether or not my life would be better not knowing the stuff I know. But at the end of the thought I always conclude that although this knowledge is a burden, I am much happier knowing what is really going on in this world and that I am not a sheep.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by mushninja

I understand what you're going through. I started this process back in 2005, I could feel something but was unsure what it was. I think I fought this for the longest time and became obsessed in a search for the truth.

What a journey it's turning out to be.

It's the awakening, I wish you luck on your personal journey to the truth. Time has a way to make things clear.

When you finally realize the truth, peace within will follow and then you'll have to decide what to do with the truth from there. Again, what is the greater sin, regretting something you've done, or something you won't do?

Escape the Illusion and understand the perception of self.

Good Luck.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:26 AM
I have ended up study plant life...

Taking care of plants is one of my daily duties.. You could wonder what awakening and plantlife have in common..

Basically - Everything.

My plants are growing - killing the lonlyness that has arisen in this Speedy world society...

Plants will be our future medicine - for mind and body.
At same time - It gives understanding of life..
Sun creates life...And all that...

This understanding - Of plantlife - in some way stabilize - or creates harmony inside your minds.. Because of the understanding.

that is one of the most important teachings in these years for the human race..
Digging the ground with a showel all day ect.. Touching the dirt - Watch your own plants become small wonders...Can heal you..
And if your good at it - Then you have a new skill...

Plants are extremly forgotten subject - in our connection - to life..
Just think of the hempplant...How much it can do for mankind in the future - Or how much it can do for your understanding of mankind...

Look it up... You tube..ect.

It's part of the conspiracy.. important part..

Have we forgotten the plantlife...?
Study life..

[edit on 14-8-2008 by Ram]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Wow, I had no idea I would trigger such a responce. I was merely hoping to recertify myself through a few other people. I know i know, seeking external validation is the exact oppisite of what we are supposed to be doing but I had to reach out. I can't believe there are so many of us and our numbers are growing. I asked yesterday, and I must ask again today. With all of these good intentions, all of this positive energy, all of these people only wanting to do good and see the organisim we live on in a state of wellness, what will our positive ACTION be as a collective whole?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by mushninja

it warms my heart to see that from the first post to your last post you went from being worried about how you sound example. tree hugger ect. to saying things like "lets take positive action" and so on. Personally i feel that many many many people are aware of this change in our world, there are those who have been ignoring the issue for years but are at a point now (like yourself) where you just give in and finally go with your gut..which is what you should continue to do.

the topic of ET and UFO's will only begin to arouse interest in you. You most likely will have to decide which type of approach you wil excersise, some passively wait for solid proof (dead alien) or some simply believe based on testemony from a credited individual (edgar mitchell astronaut)

keep and open mind, dont come down on others too hard if they dont share the same idea, and dont waste your time trying to convince others of the truth too too much.. remember, the earth and the collective conciousness has its ways of opening eyes all on its own accord. RIGHT?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 12:12 PM
you know, just a couple days ago, i had writed something i wanted to post on here similar to his story of awakening. its a long story, as i said before, was building up for quite a while.

just a few years ago, i only knew maybee 2 or 3 people who understood what i meant, but i have seen a lot more people waking the hell up in the past few years. time will come when the unaware will be aware, and the ones who were aware will be... hate to say this... will be crossing over...

its all about balance, one side gets too heavy, the whole thing breaks loose.

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