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Some kind of Telepathy? What you think?

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posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

thank you for your reply,its apparent you and your *soulmate* have a very special connection which distance can never sever
if i were in the same situation i dont know if i would be as strong bc i would want that *closeness* to be *close*
(as often as possible)

[edit on 17-8-2008 by ibelievewearenotalone]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:45 AM
know what you mean
usually i have the same with friends,wanna be close as much as possible
thats quite normal,if u like someone u wanna be with em.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

hi there CB......may I ask you about your soulmate oagain please .....because it seems I´m almost in the same situation .....but I´m not that sure by myself if its enough for me to feel this closeness only by heart .....we live here one mother earth...and if to put something in reality we still have to touch it I guess only because of the dimension we still live in .......I´m a bit confused at the moment because of this topic and if you don`t mind.... may I ask you if both of you live in a happy relationship....and it don`t makes a different to both of you, is there never the hope to be together in reality ....
btw this is my 18 post so u2u is coming closer : )

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 12:45 PM
well u may

theres a way to live together,ofcourse, but why? we are great friends,thats it.
am living in a very beautiful relationship and my friend as well. we both are more than ok with it

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:11 PM
this is a very fascinating, interesting and still confusing topic
from prior convos with people in similar circumstances and also speaking from personal experience,one has to believe we each have *more than one* soulmate
i mean, if we consider someone to be our *true soulmate* and yet we are living in a *beautiful relationship* with another,is the person your living with not also a *soulmate*?
and then,do we share with the soulmate with whom we are living or in a relationship,that we also have another or more *soulmates*?
questions,questions,questions lol

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:16 PM
thats one of the reasons why i started this topic
to hear (read) what others think about that
if theres some kind of telepathy between people and if yes
why and if its possible to have more as only one soulmate...
isnt it cool that we have all this questions and that we are able to ask them and that we are able to learn every day... think if there wouldnt be any questions left and there would be nothing to learn anymore...we are death



posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

i'm delighted you started this topic and it's the first topic i read when i log in to ATS

but,with that being said,could you share your thoughts and answers to the questions in my last post? plz?

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by ibelievewearenotalone

... may I try to answer your questions...
In my opinion Orangelight explained in this thread really good the 'twinsoul': "twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.
Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul"

But you can have one or more soulmates. Soulmate can also be f.e. your best friend, your father or your sister... Also for sure it can be your wife or husband... girlfriend or boyfriend...

I think you can tell your husband/ wife etc. that you have another soulmate if you want... Because to have some soulmates is beautiful.... But some people are jealous... You should think about... before you tell...

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Cosmicsly

thank you for your reply,i welcome any and all thoughts,beliefs

if i understand correctly,we never know our *twin soul* until the end of our life?
and we can have many *soulmates* in our lifetime on this earth,just on various levels?
i can understand why someone would choose not to tell one soulmate about another,specially in a marriage or committed relationship bc of the jealousy factor,can't imagine too many husbands/wives/lovers would wanna know the one they consider their *soulmate* is also having the same *connection* with others

and then to throw another idea into the mix,can imagine one person's idea of a *soulmate* could differ from another's idea

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by ibelievewearenotalone

Yes.. but if you have luck you can find your twin soul more earlier than at the end of our life.. Hopefully it will be..!

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 07:46 AM
thankyou Cosmicsly
couldnt explain it any better

and @ ibelievewearenotalone

I hope you find or already found your "twinsoul" or/and "soulmate"
its a bless to have friends like that around ...


[edit on 23-8-2008 by CharlieBrown]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by ibelievewearenotalone
this is a very fascinating, interesting and still confusing topic
from prior convos with people in similar circumstances and also speaking from personal experience,one has to believe we each have *more than one* soulmate
i mean, if we consider someone to be our *true soulmate* and yet we are living in a *beautiful relationship* with another,is the person your living with not also a *soulmate*?

yeah that person is also a soulmate for me

Originally posted by ibelievewearenotalone
...and then,do we share with the soulmate with whom we are living or in a relationship,that we also have another or more *soulmates*?
questions,questions,questions lol

I did and got no problems,but as Cosmicsly said,thats something u should be careful with... in my eyes,a real "soulmate" can handle,theres no need to be jealous...


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 08:11 PM
thx CB for your answers and comments

you are very blessed to have more than one *soulmate* and both which understand and are happy with the situation,i would think that is more of a rare than common occurance bc jealousy can be a real issue in many solid relationships

i have some very good and close friends,but i don't believe i've found any *true soulmates*,at least in my belief of what that means
guess i have that to look forward to should it ever happen

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:38 AM
oh dear,hope my last comment didn't kill this thread

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:33 AM
of course not

think its lack of time(for me it is at time)
and what is important,we can come back here as soon theres summin to talk about again,cant we?

I sure hope u will find your soulmate,but do not look for... then it wont happen,let it come as it comes,do not think about,it will all come itself...

oh this happend to me last week:

bought a book (b-day gift) for my soulmate,thought that would be very interesting to was that interesting that he got that book a day b4 himself

thats the way it is.... great minds think alike


posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:17 PM
and how amazing & special is that,your both truly blessed

have another question for you & others:

do you believe that *fate* is also part of *telepathy* and finding your *twinmate and/or soulmate*?

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:08 AM
thats what i was thinking about too
why did i meet that person there where we met?why i was there exactly to the same time as he was?all those questions
i dont know,if theres summin wot made us both going there and meet,but very thankful.
when u think about,that just a small moment could have changed it all,just a coffee at a shop or summin else...unbelievable how small that coincidence was that we met... i sure hope there is summin what brings ppl together...


posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

Fate has to play a part bc, like you said,just one moment,one little change,could make all the difference in the World
when you think of all the millions of people in the World and you and your *soulmate* met at that particular time in that particular place,completely unplanned,it's obvious it was meant to be
of course people meet new people everyday,but that's not the same as everything being aligned so that 2 *soulmates* are destined to meet

it's so exciting & almost unbelievable when you think about something like that happening to people

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Like what you have to say about soul mates..& can relate I actually married mine
& as you say we were not looking for one another it kind of happened..but you just connect on a different level...we have a telepathic link between us many a time one or other of us has said something about what the other has been thinking,or gone to do the same thing at the same time....I like the twin soul theory too
as do feel that their are certain people in life you just connect with,I have met some on the net that I have not even met in real life,but just have a connection,not explainable....some people in real life I feel this with too....Maybe some people you are just meant to meet,maybe it has something to do with fate..

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:15 PM
such an interesting thread here....!

i leave my opinion related to soul-mates:
i always imagine that our souls come from different planets and that it is wonderful to find someone who is from the same soul-planet. in my case my best friend def is from the same soul-planet. we understand each other when all the other ppl around us are confused. we think and feel mostly the same way. we do not need to talk much to exactly know what the other person thinks. and because we think so similar we have the best laughs together.

i think it must be wonderful to have a partner from your soul-planet - to have this deep, naturally bond in a relationship must be great.
besides my best friend, i never got to know someone else from my soul-planet. maybe my soul comes from a very small planet though

i do not think you meet your soulmates necessarily - you are just lucky if you do. but you can also get very happy with ppl from soul-planets near your planet.
god i hope that all doesnt sound too freaky and you kind of get what i mean...

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