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Some kind of Telepathy? What you think?

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:46 AM
We all saw several "Ufo" or "Alien" Movies and often they describe the communication between the aliens as some kind of telepathy.
I was thinking about...

few weeks ago at nite I was asleep, quite normal all... but for all sudden I woke up and had to think about a good friend immediately. It was early morning something about 2 oClock and I thought, well I should call, maybe? I did, bc that feeling doesnt leave me. She cried on the phone and said: how did you know that I am in need for a friend just now?

well that made me think, usual am not calling at that time, bc wont be annoying or disturbing, although, why I did it this time? Is that maybe some kind of telepathy... not as described in the SF Movies, but in this way....

What do you think about? Do you yourself have experiences in that way?



posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:18 AM
I've actually had very similar experiences. In at least a couple of these, I've clearly heard the person's voice "in my head". They were not calling out or anything like that, just a single word - almost like I've picked up on a word in a sentence they were saying (does that make sense?). I think of it the same way it happens when you are thinking of a person when the telephone rings and lo and behold! it is them.

So what is it? I've puzzled over that with no answers. Scientifically, I doubt there is anything that could explain it. Me being me, I lean twards more metaphysical explainations. If you believe that were are all connected, then maybe that person is subconsciously reaching out to you. Maybe the energy of the universe is directing you to be there for a person in a way that others cannot, given the circumstances.

Whatever it is, it is good to know I'm not alone. As long as you are open to it, you may find it happens more often.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:36 AM
I can totally relate to this!! On many occasion I have said something that has been on my mind and my partner has said they were thinking about exactly the same thing at the same time!
I have also had feelings that such a such a person is going to phone and the phone will start ringing and they are on the other end!
I am not sure if this is the same but whenever I feel compelled to buy a lottery scratch off card I always win!! shame I cannot pick out the winning lottery numbers

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:51 AM
yeah thats what I mean, its weird somehow sometimes, dont know
I have that too that I talk to a friend, something is happen in between (can be just someone is passing) we look at eachother and I know shes thinking exactly the same as I do...

maybe there are more experiences, would love to read some more

thankyou all


posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:59 AM
While we live our daily lives with hundreds of different occurrence's each day, we tend to remember the very few that match in any given month and ignore the fact of coincidental statistics.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:03 AM
Interesting subject for sure yes..! I deffo believe in some kind of telepathy. I personally had too many occurrings for being a coincidence. I also believe that some are more sensitive for telepathy then others. Think it's even possible to sort of train the capability of being able to work with telepathy, just don't ask me how and why..

Humans do not realize what kind of 'supernatural' power they might posses.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Please don't get me wrong. I also believe in this, but too many people jump to conclusion so easily.

I know for a fact that I'm psychic and it has been proven to all the people around me in my city. I just don't talk about it because something like that is not something you can just turn on and off and prove it when someone says, "Ok, prove it!"

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:50 AM
yeah thats what I think too
its not about giving a proof bc I think also thats not possible
as u said, its there or not
but that there is "something" I believe in


posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:50 PM
I have no doubt there are many scientific reasons that explain how this happens - and thanks to MrMysticism for pointing out the statistics line of thought - I had not thought of it before.

I'll tell you what, though, I find it much more hopeful to believe that there is something more. Don't we all want to be part of something more than just ourselves? It gives me hope that some day someone else will be the one "magically" there for me when I need them

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:20 PM
I had a telepathic link to my german shepherd dog...
On one occasion I was going into my kitchen after having a snack but as my hands were full I was unable to carry the empty coke can that was on the floor at the side of my chair, I thought to myself I will have to come back for that walked out into the kitchen with my dog following me as usual and when I looked at him he had the empty coke can in his mouth,most unusual too as he hated holding metal of any kind in his mouth! He was my best friend and would have give his life for me we certainly had a special friendship. So I don't think it is just humans who can have a telepathic link with each other,I think it is also possible to relate it to an animal if you have a special relationship with them.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:33 PM
i don.t have proof for it and i don,t talk about the "telepathy" some scientifics want to proof while holding cards and somebody has to think of the card and the other one tells whats on the card.

to me telepathy exists and i wish i could do it more often!
my story:
i have a son who is 11 yo by now, giving birth to him one stormy night in december 1996 - ok would be a better story if it would have been a stormy night, actually it was a lovely afternoon in december 1996 - we both had to stay for a week in hospital because of the sectio
at daytimes he has been in my room at nighttimes in nursery - now comes the telepathy
everytime before he started to scream and demanded me, i was up running around telling the nurses: my son needs me
no mam you son is sleeping everything is all right
2 minutes later they came to fetch me because… yeah my son was screaming!

other story
i got a cat 5yo and there is also a telepathic conection between him and me
he was able to call me when he wanted to get into the house
(meanwhile we are living in another apparment and he won.t go out anymore)
when it was in the middle of the night, he "haunted" my dreams
i dreamt on several occasions that he was strolling around the terrace, woke up went downstairs and he was sitting there, ready to get into the house

a friend told me yesterday that she has such a close conection to another friend that she could hear her screaming in her head - just her name - when that friend needed help!

how can we train these skills?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:54 PM
interesting thread,thx for starting it CB

i have a lot of vivid dreams & preminitions,many of which have *come to life*,some good,some bad

kinda *scary* sometimes when these are not *good or happy* ones and i often question whether or not i should tell the person(s) involved

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

i experience this all the time!

it is only when i more aware of it though that i start to question.
i supose it depends on what level you are connected to that person at the time as to how strongly its made evident? hhhmmm

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:59 AM

to me it is a matter of soulfamily
when the person is part of your soulfamily you have a more or less good conection to him/her and no real connection can be established with other persons

did you figure out if you could train this ability? either deepen the connection or getting you better in being telepathic

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:25 AM
thats what I think too
there must be some kind of connection
think as closer u feel a person as more u experience this telepathy thing
and yeah that can also happen to your animals, ofcourse, why not?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:19 AM
with these previous comments in mind,perhaps my dreams & preminitions are not necessarily *telepathy* bc often times the subject(s) of these things are not my *soulmates*
i'm not so sure i believe *soulmates* and *telepathy* fall into the same categories bc *emotions* are often times associated with *soulmates* and not necessarily with *telepathy*

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:30 AM
sidenote: strange why does the reply to button sometimes don.t work?

i guess sometimes intense feelings for a friend or a lover could be mixed up with being soulmate of that person
but usually telepathy doesn.t work with "such" persons, when you are close you are able to understand each others without words but is that telepathy? real telepathy?
isn.t telepathy more, bringing my thoughts into your brain, hearing your voice in my inner sanctum?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:02 AM
for me that reply button is working fine ...

thats a good point what made me think
and you are right, its maybe more than just knowing bc we know the other that good, we expect those things when we are close.
but what is it in distance. my soulmate per example lives far away from me and I dont see that person very often in real. we speak much via phone or skype but we have that too... that we come online or call the other just bc there was a blink in the thoughts about the other..thats a part of telepathy?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by CharlieBrown

i don't think distance plays a role in the equasion of *soulmates* and i think the *closeness* on so many levels with another person is what makes them a *soulmate*,perhaps it is a form of *telepathy* but one that is still based more upon on *emotions*
i know a lot of people laugh at Wikipedia but many times i find it very informative (in a short-reference way) and here's a link as to what they define as *telepathy*,any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:06 PM
I also believe that some humans/ animals are more open/ sensitive for telepathy than others. I think that everyone is connected to each other.
I also had many experiences with friends and collegues... I think about someone and after he/ called etc. In my opinion it has also something to do with intuition and sometimes with fate..

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