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Anthrax suspect Bruce Ivins (linked to ATS)

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posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:38 PM
My opinion is that they were going throw him in jail just to show they had the case solved or somebody had seriously screwed him in a very severe way and he was out to get them back. I doubt very seriously that we will ever know the truth about what really happened. I have seen first hand how crooked the government is.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Mabus
I was watching some show a long time back and this bitch in this place I was held tried to use it against me just because of what the show involved. She obvously did it for the punk atf. She sure was acting different than the last time I had to meet her. I wouldnt put it pass me that she was wearing a wire trying to provoke me to say things that could look damning in the ear of the ppl who lack wise judgement.

Why does this statement have me hearing a ringing sound

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by nahsik

More attention needs to be paid to:

I have a strong suspicion THIS fellow was the culprit. He had the motives and the access.

A new investigation needs to be arranged. I can't count how many times zionists have set up 'others' with psychological evaluations to incriminate a target while absolving one of their own involved in a case.
Google similar case histories and you may see where I'm coming from. Zionists needed to give the public more 'reason' to invade Iraq. I believe Dr. Ivins was set up in order to 'close' the case and dissuade suspicion of one of their own. It just doesn't add up when you review the evidence and motive.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by zorgon

My apologies for the inaccurate prior post while I was distracted on the telephone. What I meant to say was that Dr. Philip M. Zack needs to be reevaluated for the Anthrax mailings. He appears to have the motive, access and desire to send the Anthrax laced letter. Dr. Ivins appears to have been set up with a 'psychological evaluation' setting him up for the fall. Zionists are known to use psychologists' evaluations to achieve their agendas. Who was the psychologist and what was their motive? Also, why did Dr. Zack implicate Dr. Ayaad Assaad at first only to discover he later had to implicate another? Review the case against Dr. Philip M. Zack yourself:

[edit on 11-8-2008 by oceanaut1]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:54 AM
well if the fbi is watching this site...i am notsaying crap anymore lol

G.W.B I LUV U lol


posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:06 AM
eehhh it all depends what you have to say I suppose.

Most of what is said in here is largely nutty anyway... 50% guessing at motives and 40% seriously fringe oddball ideas... what much good are the 10% or so i would guess make a solid hit...if it's buried in so many other ideas it never achieves... anything?

Gosh... who would really blame people for ..guessing at what's really going on unless across the board we were getting things right and... lol even when someone is right lol... they get bashed to heck anyway i suppose...

All I have to say, considering some fun insults I have traded with who knows who.... I'm very happy that Anthrax can be sent by regular mail not e-mail

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by nahsik

Anthrax suspect Bruce Ivins (linked to ATS)

WASHINGTON -- Bruce E. Ivins, the bioweapons scientist who apparently killed himself as the government was preparing to indict him in the 2001 anthrax attacks, had a long history of mental illness that flared just before mail contaminated with the fatal spores was received in New York, Florida, Connecticut and Washington, D.C.

(visit the link for the full news article)

If you assume this story is true, here is the question no reporter will ask (nothing to see here, move along!): If Ivins had a "long history of mental illness" why did the government hire him to work around biological weapons?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Yes. Terrorist can be your neighbors. They can be your "friends" on this site. They could be your family. Be scared and approve of this War on Terror.

... government propaganda BS.

20 years ago this guy would have wrote a page in his diary. But, since the invention of this wealth of knowledge called the internet, he choose to discuss his problems with an anonymous public, rather than an inanimate object such as a diary.

The kid that shot up VT did the same thing with MySpace. Had the Uni-bomber had access, he might have done the same, rather than ranting in the form of a Manifesto.

I think we'll see this become a common occurrence with lunatics that take the lower road in life and commit such horrendous acts as these.

Developing Pattern: Most of the people or groups committing terrorist acts have previously been employed or trained by the United States government.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:50 AM
It's a conspiracy I tell ya, the feds are here and they are going to steal your cookies!

With the volume of members and visitors here at ATS, is it any wonder that this guy posted here?

I'd almost be willing to bet you that members of the white house, maybe even the president himself, notable members of congress, various celebrities, infamous criminals, psychopaths, Obama McCain, Hillary, Bill and god only knows who else has been here and registered an account and perhaps posted, or posted anonymously.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by The_Alarmist2012]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by DocMoreau
Plus this is not the 'first time' that some 'kook' has posted at ATS.... anyone else remember hearing about Jeff Weise? Look that up if you haven't...

Jeff Weise, the Minnesota teen accused of killing nine people and himself in a school shooting rampage, was an active participant on an Internet conspiracy web site, writing in the past 20 months about a suicide attempt, his father's suicide, and a 2004 incident where he was feared to be planning a Columbine-style attack on his school.

In an Aug. 11, 2004, posting on AboveTopSecret, a popular government conspiracy and UFO site, Weise described a suicide attempt:

I had went through alot of things in my life that had driven me to a darker path than most choose to take. I split the flesh on my wrist with a box opener, painting the floor of my bedroom with blood I shouldn't have spilt. After sitting there for what seemed like hours (which apparently was only minutes), I had the revelation that this was not the path.

Is this what you're talking about?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Gools
The old anonymous post thread currently sits in our Trash Bin which is why members will not be able to see it.

Apparently, this guy was being watched closely and the post was recorded during the short period it was "live".

i'm just curious here, not only is a posting made on ATS implicated in the evidence against a suspect but a posting that was made anonymously and has since been confined to a trash can. i have some questions.

is there anyway to trace the ip address attached to the posting at this late stage, just for curiosities sake?
why exactly was the post sent to the trash can?
how long was the post live, minutes, days, weeks? any idea?
is there any chance we could see it in context as part of the information related to this story?
i know of the present anonymous posting system but i don't remember a previous one, when was this and how long did it operate for?
have any of the alphabets approached ATS in relation to this story?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by pieman

I read through the thread, they said it is in the trash because they changed the anonymous posting system... Also I believe the person in question posted his email address, the comments and email address alone would have been enough for the feds would it not?

Come to think of it that may be why ATS is strongly urging members to not post ANY kind of personal information.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by The_Alarmist2012]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:21 AM
To be honest, I've been expecting something like this for a while, IMO, they're trying to affiliate ATS with terrorist activity, aswell as other sites like it. This will, for the least, give them a reason to monitor and control these sites more actively, or maybe even shut them down altogether. We may be even getting our own watch list soon
lucky us.


posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Getting our own watch list soon? Don't you think they already watch this site and monitor members? About a month or so ago a member had posted a great thread about hackable computer parts bought on ebay from china. Those parts allowed the chinese government to easily hack into government computer networks if I remember correctly.

That news hit the mainstream media. It also got big time attention from all sorts of alphabet soup agencies. (that information was given by SkepticOverlord)

Bruce Ivin's anon post on ATS is an odd thing for me personaly. What is weird is that they knew that he posted here. (Probably by checking his computer at home I would assume.)

I remember the old Anon post thread, you could reply to specific Anon posts, it was cumbersome and probably really hard to moderate.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by nahsik

This doesn't surprise me at all, think about it, here is a forum that
has many anti American posts, many conspiracy topics," mostly anti American, anti American government, so add that to an unstable mind, and instability, equals a recipe for disaster,

Do forums like this feed the desire to act out in violence?

Many times I worry about the negative post here, and the fact they may cause increasing hatred for America, increasing hatred for Christians as well.

I think there should be some personal responsibility, pushing propaganda, which may lead to violence should really be monitored in a topic,

[edit on 103131p://bMonday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
To be honest, I've been expecting something like this for a while, IMO, they're trying to affiliate ATS with terrorist activity, aswell as other sites like it. This will, for the least, give them a reason to monitor and control these sites more actively, or maybe even shut them down altogether. We may be even getting our own watch list soon
lucky us.


What makes you so sure there are not terrorist posting?

This is a prefect set up to push an agenda,

I knew when I read the first post that immediately we would blame America .

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by The_Alarmist2012
Also I believe the person in question posted his email address, the comments and email address alone would have been enough for the feds would it not?

that depends as i see it. when was the post made and how long was it up. the comments would be enough to suggest that it was the guy, the e-mail would confirm it i suppose, but i'm not sure that that's the point.

the thing that worries me is that i want to know how the AtruZ's link this into the investigation, was he being monitored at the time, if so, how closely. the suggestion is there that it was quite closely as the post was trashed quite quickly. so, we have the ability to estimate exactly how closely it was at that stage.

furthermore, the old anonymous system has been gone for some time, so why were they allowing the guy to walk around free after after they strongly suspected he tried to release such a dangerous bio-weapon, to which he still had access, or if not, which he still had the knowledge and expertise to produce.

this is on top of the standard concerns i have over ats' inclusion into the story, frankly the reason for mentioning ATS is irrelevant to the story, the only reason to do so that i can see is to associate ATS with someone accused of serious terrorism.
on the other hand, is association with ATS in itself another nail in your coffin should you be labelled as a dangerous element with-in society? does it damage the small level of credibility the site has built up?

this story raises a few red flags for me, i'ld just like to see where they lead.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by pieman
that depends as i see it. when was the post made and how long was it up. the comments would be enough to suggest that it was the guy, the e-mail would confirm it i suppose, but i'm not sure that that's the point.

Well seeing as all the U2U's recently had a 'dump' I hope there isn't some nosy alphabet soup company poking around in the trash bins

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:49 PM
you have to wonder, and the corruption that is proposed as the cause, the deep corruption, that had never caused any issues before now, hmmmm.

see we thought we be over egging it to believe we were considered any kind of a threat to the ptb, but are we so sure now, are we?

that little yellow warning at the bottom of this post box, the normal, everyday, standard internet warning, is it just me or does it look mighty conspicuous because it was never there before.

i'm looking up at the stage most of the time, the odd occasion i'll throw out an "it's behind you", but i guess there are some of the actors warily looking over their shoulders right now.

i'll tell you this, it's well the might because the curtain is twitching in a rather sinister way.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Post 9/11, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution has been margenalized. Now the last remnant of free speech (the internet) is in jeorpardy of being 'controlled' with multiple sites being censored as we speak. A good example of this is Google itself. Each country has it's own version of Google with it's own set of censored sites. Some sites are inaccessable depending on what country your in. There is a little trick that works in some countries. If you type in, regardless of what country your in, you get the coutry's version of For example, try typing in
is the Belize google domain of which you can access from here by posting it in your browser. You can also try
which is Mexico's version of

Here is a list of country specific Google suffixes

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