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SWAT guns down innocent dogs of town mayor

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by EverythingYouDespise
Who says the dogs are innocent? I bet they attacked the officers. If you can't train your dogs to subdue their violent nature you don't have the right to be upset when it causes them to be harmed.

Dude, they were Labs. Not really known to be the most vicious of canines.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:47 PM
I was reading about this on some LEO message boards. They're scratching their heads over how this was all handled, too, i.e. the dogs, the serving of the warrent.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Didn't a young lab just murder a baby last month or so?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 02:59 PM
You know I remember seeing a pic of the Mayor and his wife walking in a park with the dogs wearing a muzzle I think. Not sure if it was a muzzle. Could be a collar like harness.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by deltaboy

You know I remember seeing a pic of the Mayor and his wife walking in a park with the dogs wearing a muzzle I think. Not sure if it was a muzzle. Could be a collar like harness.

Nope....those are called "gentle leaders" they help train a dog without having to jerk them around. I had them for dogs I trained in the past.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by spookjr

Dammit have to be mindful of your anger
they want you to lose control.....that is how they find you.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 03:20 PM
This is exactly why these middle of the night, kick the door down and shoot anything that doesnt do what you tell it to do the first time you say it raids need to be made illegal. The cops have no business doing these raids that can only lead to pointless death. Expecially if they are incapable of doing simple checks on who they are raiding.

Seriously whats the difference between these guys doing this and a home invasion? These are Gestapo techniques if I've ever seen them...

I hope Mayor Calvo mops the floor with these bozos and everyone who was involved in this.

PETA needs to start filing lawsuits against any police departments involved in the wrongful deaths of animals.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by XTexan]

[edit on 8-8-2008 by XTexan]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Well all i can say is i'm glad it has finally started happening to the politicians. I in no way mean that i'm glad that their dogs were killed, or that these people had to go through this.I just mean that now there is at least one politician that has experienced what regular citizens go through in this country everyday, and just what kind of gestapo tactics our police force is using.

I'm relieved to hear that this mayor is not going to just let them get away with it, as he has now seen how they try to justify everything they do wrong, or right. Honestly i hope it happens to a couple more politicians so more of them can jump on the band wagon and help get the police force back under control.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by EverythingYouDespise

Here ya go again, trying to derail a thread with your personal beliefs about dogs. You know full well that the case about the 8 week old baby being killed by a six week old lab puppy is still under investigation. The cause of that baby's death has not been detirmined yet.

This thread is about an illegal raid on someone's house and the murder of their dogs, not dog attacks.

And yes if one of the dogs was shot in the back it is relevant as it would show that the dog was not facing the officers and therefore was not posing any threat to the officers.

[edit on 8/8/08 by chise61]

[edit on 8/8/08 by chise61]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Does anyone know if there is an elected police commission in this town? From what I read it sounds like a preventable mistake was made. My opinion is that the police departments in your country and mine are being mislead and misused in the war on drug use. We are fighting it from the wrong end. The sources( physical crops and supply lines ) have to be eliminated. The way it works right now by trying to arrest dealers and have them turn over on their supply all the way up the line is not the best way to do it. Consider where the drugs are coming from ( the physical countries involved ) and wipe the crops out. Then once that is in control nail the home grow ops and the local dealers. I have absolutely no pity for addicted dealers or their associates. They always use that in court to plead for leniency. The whole drug scam is being used to misdirect our attention away from what is really going on. Our complacency is being fueled by drugs in whatever way shape or form we are allowing or unwillingly using them.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by michial

The town has it's own police department, however it was the sherriff's (county police) department that raided the house. They should have made the local police department aware of the raid before hand, as well as involve them in it, and yes had they done that the situation probably would not have occured.

The "war on drugs" is a crock of crap, especially since our own goverment is involved in drug trafficking.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:32 PM
SO WHAT???Jail time for doing exactly what the founders of this country did? Where the hell do you think we are dude? Between the Federal Reserve,A very questionable income tax law,The Patriot act, and Homeland Security,I can still SAY anything I freakin' want. Even now. I'm quite sure I am already on somebodys watch list anyway. Most of you are all talk and no action. You sit there on your computers eating your hot pockets,and tabbing over to your internet porn, while the freedom your father,grandfathers, great grandfathers,and great great grandfathers died for are erroded away, and as long as you have your T.V. and your car and your air conditioning you think everything is great. Just wait 'till some terrrorist sends some pot to your house and your local police break down your door,kill your family pet and hold a gun to your 18 month old child, because you were picked at random and they forgot to intercept the package. WAKE THE HECK UP SHEEPLE!!!!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by XTexan
Right,yeah,lawsuits.... That'll really make a difference. Perhaps an example of the all hallowed second amendment....

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
I was reading about this on some LEO message boards. They're scratching their heads over how this was all handled, too, i.e. the dogs, the serving of the warrent.

Quite honestly, LEO message boards and personal interaction (as in buddying around with) with LEO's are largly where I get my sense of what they're about. They're probably scratching their heads thinking "How do we make sure that we cover our a**es when it's time for us to do one of these? Who do we blame when we f**k up? Should we kill everyone and plant a gun?"

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 12:21 AM
Seems to me love of animals is distracting just about everyone on this thread from the real story, which is this business of drugs being mailed to the guy's house.

The dead dogs are sad and all, but the idea that you can get someone in this much trouble just by mailing an illegal substance to their house is what I find truly disturbing.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Distractions4Nothing
Seems to me love of animals is distracting just about everyone on this thread from the real story, which is this business of drugs being mailed to the guy's house.

The dead dogs are sad and all, but the idea that you can get someone in this much trouble just by mailing an illegal substance to their house is what I find truly disturbing.

For me it's simply the entire drug war condition.

What is done when entering which includes besides shooting pets without question as standard procedure:

Not announcing themselves as law enforcement which can lead someone to think they're under attack. As a result they may rightfully attempt to defend themselves which may lead not only to injury or death of the one being raided but for the officers as well. This can result in the tnjury or death of innocents when the wrong house is raided or others not involved happen to be in the house. Sometimes older couples have heart attacks. Infants have been killed in raids. It should be evident they don't investigate the situation very carefully.

The triflingly small amount of circumstantial evidence required for entry:

Often others that have been given deals to rat out someone that may have been involved with the person in some way in exchange for lighter sentences. It motivates the informant to make any association they can no matter how tenuous. The word of anyone will do. Sometimes it's simply vidictiveness. Other times no more evidence than a seed in the trash was required. Sometimes a only a few plants for private use (which of course leads to charges related to dealing). One time I recall the pot in question turned out to be a Japanese maple tree.

The fact that they may enter at all:

I'm throughly against the invasion of freedom and privacy that is prohibition especially with such an incredible zeal for convictions.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:06 AM
A couple good links:

COPs that hate this stuff too:
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

A U.S. map of "isolated incidents":
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by EverythingYouDespise

Dogs can not be easily replaced, that is the most outlandish thing I have heard in a long time, and I just read the national health care thread so that is saying a lot. I realize that not everyone loves animals, certainly not the way I do. But have you ever even causally known a good dog?

It is widely thought in some academic circles that the mutually beneficial early relationships between our human ancestors and wolves and early domesticated canines was the very thing that has made us human. the things we learned from the caninds methods of cooperative hunting, their complicated and evolving pack structure, as well as the increased protein intake due to the better hunting results enabled humans to rise above the primate pack and become the entities we are today.
So while you think so lowly of our four legged companions, take some time to think on the possible impact they have on your very existence.

A dogs instinct is to protects its home and pack; often at all costs, they were innocent lives lost in this chaos.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 05:13 AM

By BRETT ZONGKER, Associated Press Writer
"The deputies opened fire and executed our dogs the very second they broke down our front door," Calvo, 37, said at a news conference on his front lawn Thursday. "We were harmed by the very people who took an oath to protect us."

The county sheriff has said the dogs' deaths were justified, saying officers felt threatened.

Seems to me the sheriff & his comrades are the more dangerous criminals here - and they seem to have nobody to answer to. How many many more innocent Americans have to die before America has had enough of these dirty bastards?

Prince George's County Police Chief Melvin High "The Calvo family members were the apparent victims of a local drug ring,"

Nope - they were victims you and your NAZI pigs - you stupid bastard.

Once again the cops put themselves above the law and it seems there is a big double standard.

If we should kill one of their dogs because we fear for our lives we would be charged with a felony with penalty's from five years in prison on up. If we kill a neighbors dog we can get 1-3 years in prison. These people and their dogs did nothing illegal - the pigs should lose their jobs & go to prison where they belong.

Who makes the most money off of drugs? Courts, cops, & the prison industry.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:59 PM
I hope the mayor and his family sue the pants off of FEDEX.
It was their own internal dogs that detected the package in the first place, in arizona.
And from what I'm reading it doesnt sound like the Feds were notified, because the raid should have been a DEA operation, since the package crossed state lines. The local police(sherrifs dept) should have had no jurisdiction.
It's not just the police but the judges who issue warrents for what ever the police want, with asking any questions.
2 years ago, in my rather good neighborhood, he sherrifs dept kicked in the door of a family of 4 and muscled them around a little before realizing they had just made total asses of themselves.
You see their warrent was for a large scale marijuana growing operation.
What was their evidence, complaints or tips from neighbors, NO, people being seeing carring in large amounts of fertilizers, NO, purchases of HID lighting, NO, people coming and going at all hrs, NO .
The evidance used ,was that their electric bill had gone up $150 in one month in the summer, Oh yah it gets well over 105 degrees here every day.
You see some self appointed depidy dawg at the utilities took it upon himself to root out the evils of indoor weed growing, by scanning fro customers that had a 200% increase over the previous year in the same month.
So his little pgm spit out this address, and he called gthe local sherrifs dept and told them he had a for sure grow house. They got a warrent based on the info and came in like storm troopers.
Only problem was that the house was vacant the summer before and had no electric billing, so any amount would have triggered his little robo-cop.
I think that the sherrifs dept and the utilitity quietly may have provided some sort of restitution to the family.
The old sherrif, who was a pretty good guy, made a public apology as did the utility, and they announced that they would no longer use their systems to provide unwarranted searches of private citizens, YAH RIGHT.


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