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Planet X Found in Worldwide Telescope??

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by skekke

My opinion is you shouldn't be posting misleading titles. How about "Something interesting found on worldwide telescope" instead of just flat out speculation.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:07 PM
What's the problem with the title of the thread? It's just a logical conclusion and every body has their own vantage point of view, he already backed his claims with actual proof but the lords of the truth are still hungry for a beheading as has been in other post I presume, he got a very valid point weather it's planet X or not at least he shared his experience with us and I congratulate him for doing that

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by reubendarious

I agree... I like the OP and it is a good post. I disagree with every/anyone who dismisses out of hand the planet X theory as not being real. There is no proof that it is not real.... but the facts are that astrophycists and astronomers DO NOTE discrepencies in the transits of celestial objects in our local system. They KNOW there some "thing" with enough gravity out there that causes these discrepencies. Ancient history, legend and mythology all indicate that there is some cyclic event that occurs from time to time and it destroys civilization.

I'm just looking at all available data to see what I can find out.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:15 PM
yes and distortion and bending of light in the outer reaches is now known to be dark matter! 80% of our universe.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by altered_states

sweet thanks!! i have been looking for something like this for a long time!!

still have to input the cords, but will do that later. thanks again

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by euclid
reply to post by reubendarious

I disagree with every/anyone who dismisses out of hand the planet X theory as not being real. There is no proof that it is not real.... but the facts are that astrophycists and astronomers DO NOTE discrepencies in the transits of celestial objects in our local system. They KNOW there some "thing" with enough gravity out there that causes these discrepencies.

We know there are many icy objects yet to be discovered in the kuiper belt, but there's a gigantic difference between that and specific claims regarding a "nibiru/planet x/whatever you want to call it" coming to kill us in 2012. Specific claims like that can be rejected based on the evidence in front of us. The amount of discrepancy between the predicted and observed locations of the planets should be much larger than any minute effects from the kuiper belt. It should be immediately obvious, even to amateurs, if an object fitting the description of planet X, with a period of 3600 years, is heading into the inner solar system for a periapsis during 2012. It should be inside the orbit of neptune already, it should have thrown off the orbits of the outer planets so badly that goto telescopes stop working at finding those planets at high magnification. Poor little pluto's orbit shouldn't even be recognizable if this thing approaches from that side of the solar system. Nothing at all like that is happening so we can rule out disaster in 2012 as everyone is claiming. There may be bodies hiding out in the kuiper belt and beyond, similar to sedna, but none of them (of any significant size) are close to entering the inner solar system or we would know about it well ahead of time through very serious and undeniable signs.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ngchunter]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

I agree with you ngc. The issue I have concerns the possible orbit of this "thing". I think your right about the disturbances that would be caused by an object like that if it were on the same orbital plane as the rest of the planets in Sol system. But what if it isn't on the same orbital plane.

Sitchen and others assume that the oribit of this thing looks similar to this on the same orbital plane (top view of solar system):

But what if that supposition is incorrect? What if it is more like this and is 90 degrees off the orbital plane? (side view of solar system):

If the orbit is more like this then there will be less influence to the outer planets as the "thing" moves closer to the inner planets we should see more eccentric anomalies but not necessarily very large erratic distortions. If the incoming vector is even less elliptical on that plane of orbit than we may see very little gravitional distortions until it is quite close.

This is what I'm trying to verify.


[edit on 7-8-2008 by euclid]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by euclid]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by ngchunter
I just downloaded this worldwidetelescope thing. It's not planet X, it's just a regular planet of our solar system. That's why it happens to lie perfectly on the ecliptic line. It's also why it only appears in the IRIS catalogue, but when you switch to SFD 100 micron it vanishes - it's a planet moving along the line of the ecliptic. If the WWT would tell you when the picture was taken I could tell you exactly what planet it is.

You're probably right. I did a little research on these IRIS images...

Here's a good website for the source of the images used by WWT/Google Sky:

The IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) is a survey of 98% of the sky in four bands with effective wavelengths of 12, 25, 60 and 100 µm, which was done during a ten month period from January to November, 1983.

On this site I looked at the area being discussed here and the mystery object is present. Just put "hr3882" in the Single Object field and click Submit to see for yourself.

So, take your favorite sky atlas software way back to 1983. I can't seem to dig-out the exact 1983 date from the image data but if you just scroll through the year you'll see Venus and Mercury come through the area in July. Mars passes by in October.

P.S. IRIS is a reprocessig of the IRAS data. The ISIS images can be found here:

[edit on 7-8-2008 by IAttackPeople]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:11 PM
wikid op.. wikid find..
using google sky i get great results but there is an anomaly..
i'll get back to anomaly later..
i feel sorry for ya cos all the posters are well.. say no more..
i took some screen shots..

first one is infrared off

this one is infrared on


for these i zoomed out a bit get a better look..

first one has infrared off

then with infrared on

ok thats it for now ..
i want to prepare the anonamaly shot now..
back soon


i don't know about ye guys but to me this is highly suggestive of a solar disk??

one thing i don't think it is is a promenance.. think they have a pictue of one on the soho web site at the moment which i am sure is what we are looking at when following that link to the picture of the sun during eclypse..

again thanks OP..

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

now to the anomaly..

i could only zoom so far out with the infrared on..
also my photoshop is broken so am limited to mspaint for the moment..
the following image does not do it justice but if you are interested..

to take a picture of the screen with windows pres "alt + print screen".
print screen should be top right on your keyboard.
open your favourite editor and simply paster or "ctrl + c".

if you zoom in on the object you can make out a star behind the black area of the for lack of a better word for it a UFO.?

what do ya think of that.??

to me, looking closely at the area it seems as if it's been masked..
something like a photoshop mask.

why would there be a mask on that area..

could that be done..??

anyone else think so..??



[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by daz__]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by daz__


Pretend I'm a total retard and put it in freshmen college terms... what do you think it is?


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by euclid

hi ya.

i'm not sure what i'm looking at to put it honestly..
but i'll share what i think..
there is one area not blacked out.. looking closely i'm sure i'm looking at something earth like..

just a thought..



ps. i have edited my post to add another picture


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by daz__
reply to post by euclid

hi ya.

i'm not sure what i'm looking at to put it honestly..
but i'll share what i think..
there is one area not blacked out.. looking closely i'm sure i'm looking at something earth like..

just a thought..



ps. i have edited my post to add another picture


OK.... I see you what you mean.
...... that's cool.

How can we determine this things location? How far away it is? If it's stationary? If the little "lights" in front of it are orbiting it or are stars between the camera and it? Et cetera. If it's not stationary what is it's orbit?

How do we find that stuff out?


[edit on 7-8-2008 by euclid]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by euclid

The thing is with this orbit diagram you supplied, if planet x was on this orbit and the cycle is only what 3900 years which is a tiny amount of time regarding our universe,
if a past event did happen, and it's gravitational effect's are strong, our inner solar system would be totally different in the way we see it today.

Think about it, an object as big and similar forces as Jupiter coming through our inner solar system , what a train wreck that would cause.

but no the asteroid belt, inner planets and moons are peacfully orbiting our sun and been doing so for a very long time.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:33 AM
just as a side note..

notice to the top right of any of the pictures above.
the red star with the white line of stars going down.
almost like a string of perls..

well if memory serves me correctly that paticular artifact is highly reminiscent of one of the shots nancy zeta tak was trying to pass off as planet x back in the day's. the stringy perl thing seems to me to be the moon swirls she always used to go on about or was it the zetas or the black ops.. don't know if i even care anymore..



[edit on 8-8-2008 by daz__]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Sparkey76
reply to post by euclid

The thing is with this orbit diagram you supplied, if planet x was on this orbit and the cycle is only what 3900 years which is a tiny amount of time regarding our universe,
if a past event did happen, and it's gravitational effect's are strong, our inner solar system would be totally different in the way we see it today.

Think about it, an object as big and similar forces as Jupiter coming through our inner solar system , what a train wreck that would cause.

but no the asteroid belt, inner planets and moons are peacfully orbiting our sun and been doing so for a very long time.

I understand that sparky but it sounds like your referring to the top image that I posted and not the bottom image. If you're talking about the top image where planet X would be in an orbit on the same plane as the rest of the planets are then you are correct and I agree. But if you are referring to the bottom image where the orbit is 90 degrees off the horizontal place of the other planetary orbits then I do not agree. Because if it was coming at us from the south, as I suspect it will if it exists, then there would be minimal gravitational disturbances... kind of like how there are only minimal gravitational disturbances that astrophycists have noted for many years now.

So which image are you referring too? Top or Bottom?


posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Ok, when I turn the infrared on in google sky after I have zoomed in on this location, google sky kicks me out further, so that I am not looking at this area as closely as before, and then I see the large fuzzy round thing, but that is looking at a much bigger area, and when I zoom back in, the fuzzy round thing in that area disappears, which makes me think it is a software glitch.

If this Planet X is coming at us at a 90 degree orbit with the sun, chances are that the planet Earth with not be in the same spot in its rotation around the sun every time that Planet x comes through the system. I can't see a Jupiter size body crashing through the orbits of the inner group of planets, it would have to knock some of the inner planets out of orbit, and there should be some significant historical evidence, and most likely our moon would be knocked out of orbit if the gravitational effects were enough to flood the continents. This could be something more subtle, smaller, but with a large gravitational force, or electrical, maybe something about the size of the Earth. If this Planet X was approaching our planet from below, it would still be visible throughout most of the Southern hemisphere, and it should reflect the light of the sun, so if it is approaching from the south, with today's technology, we certainly should be able to see it sometime soon.

The Maya's and Sumerians and other civilizations might have seen this thing, but there isn't a major recording of world wide disaster at that time in history that I know of, but maybe I am wrong. There was the destruction of an Island in the Mediterranean, but that was a volcanic explosion, not the result of some cosmic event. Around 3,000 BC, which is 5,000 years ago, there was world wide climatic change where it is believed that most of the flood stories came from. It would make sense that if this planet X comes by and throws things out of wack, it would be every 5,000 years, from the last identified world wide strange experience in climate change.

I thought that this was an interesting link.

Some tentative conclusions: Millennial-scale warming terminates with a period of climatic disturbance (so-called "Piora oscillation") and flooding in the lower latitudes (Nile, Arizona, Morocco, Israel, Mesopotamia), followed by a drought; general, worldwide, climate-driven shock to early societies living in "edenic" geography of plenty with "fertile crescent" survivors organizing into more centrally directed and hierarchical culture based on irrigation. Abrupt cooling at higher latitudes, possibly related to oceanic effects, especially in Northern Europe, corresponding to peak of megalith cultures. Probable oscillation in sea level at 3200 BC followed by 10-15 ft. alluvial deposition in river valleys.

Here is another link that reports the same global climate change around 3,000 BC.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:44 AM
OOPS, Forgot to past other link.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:40 AM
That last link I think is even more interesting, a good read. It ends with this conclusion, which makes the most sense to me.

"The second discovery, due mainly to the Czechoslovakian astronomer Stohl, is that enveloping the Taurids, Comet Encke and these particular asteroids is a broad tube of meteoric debris. ... The Stohl stream is apparently double due probably to an exceptional fragmentation... The mass of the meteoric material within the Stohl stream is 10 or 20 billion tonnes. ... Adding in the mass of gas and very fine dust ... we find that the original body must have been about 100 kilometres across. ... Backtracking the orbits of Encke and Oljato, we find that 9500 years ago their orbits were nearly identical. It is possible there was a major disintegration of the prime body then, with much debris created of which Comet Encke and Oljato are the largest known bodies ... Oljato itself is in an orbit which brought it virtually into the Earth's orbital plane for some centuries around 3000-3500 BC."

Was it Oljato's tail that swarmed Earth around 3100 BC? Did it have a partner or is Swift-Tuttle a part of a parent body of both or did the parent body disintgrate into three parts: Oljate, Swift-Tuttle and a third part that rained on Earth 13 August 3114 BC, the Mayan day zero?

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 06:23 AM

You are quite correct that an object with an orbit inclined 90 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic would have less chance of perturbing the orbits of the outer planets. However, if it was large and massive enough, it's effects would still be detectable, simply because the orbits of the known planets can be calculated so accurately. In addition, this object would be bright enough to be easily seen with small backyard telescopes (and even with the naked eye), irrespective of the inclination of its orbit.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by euclid

I am referring to both diagrams euclid, ok the 90 degree would not cause as much disturbance, but it would still be enough, basic physics, any large mass will attract other mass objects. the angle of attack is irrelevant as it still has to pass near objects at some point and as it would get closer, we would see displacement of the asteroid belt, a massive tug of war between the sun and this planet x, which our sun would win and pull planet x in check,

our and other orbits would be erratic.
I suspect if this has happened before, and regardless of angle of attack as planet x supposed came close at some point, we would be a orbiting moon of planet x . If not earth, then some mass.

Also shown on the diagram's is this massive orbit of planet x.
what exactly is planet x orbiting?
Just holes with the theory with every question raised if using physics.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by Sparkey76]

[edit on 8-8-2008 by Sparkey76]

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