posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Originally posted by skekke
reply to post by Tricky63
My pleasure dude... well they do say that Nibiru only can be seen with the pole telescope. and the IRAS telescope... Because nibiru doesn't emit
light we can see with a "normal" telescope. but a whole lot of heat.. I have heard so much different things , but Zecharia Sitchin I think is the
most credible one... well I think Ill do some more research now... hehe..
[edit on 6-8-2008 by skekke]
Good post , but im sure Leo Zagami would disagree. According to him Zacheria Sitchin is an illuminati member , and the vatican is using him and others
to support the whole Nibiru concept.
Sitchin's 10th planet idea is extremely controversial and there is a website which disproves everything he has said in regard to ancient Sumerian
Translations.I wish there was some verifiable proof to put this thing to an end. You can find all the interviews from zagami and also a Vatican omega
se rectum member coming forward and saying that Nibiru is real. He also gives a brief history of ET contact, states the Vatican has a Telescope hidden
in an old Oil foundry in alaska which is tracking Nibiru, and on SILOE a probe launched in the mid 90's with the intent of tracking Nibiru, along
with many other interesting things. Alot of what he says seems to make sense
Interview with the se rectum omega member.
These are a bunch of photos leaked by the Vatican member.
When Leo Zagami is asked about Se Rectum Omega, and the idea of nibiru being a reality, he says it is all part of a plan by the Vatican/ Jesuits to
trick the people into fear. Zagami supports 2012 as being signifigant, but has to do with Universal consciousness as opposed to the end of the
Who to believe its hard to say either one could be disinformation agents, but when you watch the interviews and listen to all that is said . It seems
that the Se Rectum Omega member was sent by the Vatican to give the interview and release this information for a purpose.
Sitchin proven wrong
pardon my lack of proper post structuring just follow the links and watch the interviews, read the information.