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Planet X Found in Worldwide Telescope??

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:34 AM
Well, first off don't take that attitude that what I say is disinfo; just because you don't know what I'm talking don't assume that I don't know what I'm talking about. Knuckle-heads that post about the GFL are disinfo.

it does that because it is approaching from the south; which is probably the reason there is a background microwave radiation telescope at the south pole. The PR surrounding the south pole telescope is that it is searching cosmic background radiation and it's best to do it down there since there's supposedly a big ole hole in the ozone (yeah right).... but just as easily it can be used to detect/identify a brown dwarf star approaching from the south.

Additionally Sitchen isn't all wrong... I'll admit he is half-crocked in what he writes but he does have at least one thing correct; this celestial body has an elliptical orbit but that orbit is not as he outlines in his book. He's not an astronomer or a scientist.... he's a linguist. The orbit of this thing is 90 degree or so off from the rest of the planetary bodies in this system. It doesn't orbit in east to west (west-east - whatever) it orbits south to north. And the possible reason for this is because it is not a planet.... some astrophysicists think that our system of planets is a binary star system with one of those stars being a failed star.... a brown dwarf. We wouldn't be able to detect a brown dwarf all we would note are discrepencies in gravitational calculations for the movement of some of the celestial bodies in our local system. But a telescope that detects microwaves would be able to "see" a brown dwarf because a brown dwarf emits microwave radiation not visible light.

Additionally there are many ancient historical accounts that indicate there is a "monster" that comes from the south from time to time to destroy the world. I do not have links for these because these are from old books that I have and they are not online. But you can find references to them in some of the ancient texts from india, china, japan, thailand, the middle east, the legends and mythologies of many nomadic and aboriginal tribal belief systems.

One of the old books I have that is a good resource for ancient tribal belief systems is the Golden Bough.


Originally posted by NuclearPaul
This is really interesting!

IMO, it doesn't make sense of the theory that Nibiru can only be seen from the south pole. I think that is disinformation. That would imply it is approaching from the south. Why would a planet that is part of our solar system do that? All the other planets follow the ecliptic line pretty spot on (except for Pluto which is a bit off).

This object is right on the ecliptic line, which suggests it could well be a part of our solar system. Good find!

[edit on 7-8-2008 by euclid]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by ngchunter
reply to post by drphilxr

Same object, once again in the infrared part of the spectrum. I'd put good money on the google infrared source also being IRIS - apparently when iris covered that part of the sky there was a planet sitting there. We know this because other infrared all sky surveys do not show anything at that location, the object is sitting right on the ecliptic, and it's orders of magnitude brighter than anything else in the sky survey.

To be clear enough for the most ignorant of astronomy, are we talking about something visible to only one TYPE of infrared? I'd call that a real anomaly, if so. Or please correct me if I've missed something. Are the photos of the same infrared or of a regular light source? Could we be looking at something with a type of cloaking device? If so, to hell with Nibiru, it could be a Dyson Sphere (as encountered by Picard et al on ST Next Generation) or "Death Star" artificial planet...

Add: So perhaps "Planet X" can be proven while disproving its standard postulating.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Lightworth]

[edit on 7-8-2008 by Lightworth]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by ngchunter

Planet X, as was mentioned before, is said to only be visible with infrared. That means you should probably look at the pics yourself before popping out your own theories. It's better to investigate before assuming you know what it could be.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:17 AM
If one of you has WWT,put your cursor mouse on the planet/comet(whatever).....and in the imagery put ''Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer''....
The Ultraviolet ''hits'' ''Planet X'' and an above...something that it's a little uper than the Planet X...
...and i think that it's what makes the Planet SHINE!
Take care!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:20 AM
Ok, did you observed the solar eclipse on 1. of August? I did . It was very nice until I spoted an unusuall anomaly on the right bottom corner of the sun. I took a "print screen" from online observation video. Then I browsed the photos from SOHO and compared them. Here are those photos.. look at them and tell me what is this anomaly? BTW sun wasnt active at all.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:31 AM
Not sure if this has been asked (only got to page 2 before it seemed to become the 'thing to use') but how up to date is this worldwidetelescope?

Is it like google earth, in that some images can be years old?

Is it regularly updated, say weekly, daily, monthy? sure seems like a lot of work for a free M$ app, considering.

Or is it just a representation of the sky at X point in time when a collaboration of images were strung together in order to give the appearance of the outward sky?

I mean, is it a verifiable tool to use for things like this, or is it like Google Earth - Where continents dont change noticably over decades, so a picture from 2004 is as good as a picture from 2008 of that small island off the coast of Australia.... per se.

I havent looked into the app so i dont know, and if it is anything like google earth on SKY view, I probly will never (as its useless for anything other than mundane 'oh theres where jupiter is' stuff) but maybe someone here has more info about it. Id' love it to be reliable as a tool, but... these online 'toys' leave the excitement at the door when it comes to "Hey I just found...." things...

And imo, as google earth is updated so slowly in regards to our small little ball of dirt, I cant see M$ making an app that is anywhere close to relying on viewing something even within the last year...


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Lightworth

To be clear enough for the most ignorant of astronomy, are we talking about something visible to only one TYPE of infrared? I'd call that a real anomaly, if so. Or please correct me if I've missed something.

In WWT it is visible at all wavelengths in the IRIS catalogue and it gets brighter as you go to shorter and shorter wavelengths, indicating it is no doubt very bright in visible wavelengths as well. In other words, it's a normal planet that anyone with a pair of eyes can see. Other infrared catalogues show nothing there because they took pictures of that part of the sky at different times, when this planet was located elsewhere along the ecliptic. Google sky only gives you one general "infrared map," which no doubt contains IRIS data which is why it appears there in google sky as well.

Could we be looking at something with a type of cloaking device?

No. It gets brighter towards the visible end of the spectrum, not dimmer.

Add: So perhaps "Planet X" can be proven while disproving its standard postulating.

Even if it were invisible, which it's obviously not, it wouldn't be the mythical planet X; how could ancient people have seen it and predicted its return if it's invisble?

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ngchunter]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Yabadak
Ok, did you observed the solar eclipse on 1. of August? I did . It was very nice until I spoted an unusuall anomaly on the right bottom corner of the sun. I took a "print screen" from online observation video. Then I browsed the photos from SOHO and compared them. Here are those photos.. look at them and tell me what is this anomaly? BTW sun wasnt active at all.

That's a prominence as seen in hydrogen alpha, an extraordinarily common occurance, even around solar minimum. You can see the same prominence in SOHO photos from august 1st:
It's at the top right in that picture. Most telescopes give upside down images, but I believe SOHO team corrects their images.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by fleabit

I agree my friend..
Just posted this because I wondered what the hell it was...
I think it's healthy to be both open and skeptic to these kinds of things..
But one thing i for sure, I don't judge people by their theories and ideas..
It's only 1 man's opinion you know..
have a nice day!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ngchunter

The last time it "flew" past us was 3600 years ago.. And the sun blocks it's view when it is behind the sun. It picks up great speed when it come more in towards the sun again. so if it's coming this way, I think we will see it soon.. when it pases the sun.. As the mayans did, but I think they saw it to late.. They managed to wright some about it, in the stone tables and scrolls? but im not sure if all of it was decoded or what u will call it.. I think Zecharia Sitchin know more than he's telling us... would love to know what doh!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by skekke

If they saw anything at all it could not have been invisible to optical wavelengths. If there's a large object with a 3600 year orbit bringing it close to the sun it should already be well within our local neighborhood and it should be distorting the positions of the outer planets.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Guys planet x is not real .
Great searching for the OP, but if you are searching for planet x that is supposed to be be passing through our solar system, it aint there.
not discounting a planet x on edge of our solar system thats kept in check.
The theory of this so called planet x that is on some strange orbit is just nonsense.
The theory says its a brown dwarf and hiding behind our sun and can only be seen from south pole.
Our earth orbits the sun, and also our axis tilt's so is this object playing hide and seek.
if there was a unknown brown dwarf we would see it.
Jupiter is believed among scientists' to be a failed star "brown dwarf " and likely this is our binary failed star. Jupiter is easily seen with naked eye,
Then gravitational effects, if planet x has passed through our solar system before and has the power to cause continental shift, it would have also effected our moon and ripped it out of orbit.
Does planet x defy the effects of mass and gravity whilst all mass objects kept in check.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:41 AM
[edit on 7-8-2008 by skekke]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

Thanks for your time and opinion. good comment!
I really don't think that Zecharia Sitchin was anything other than a researcher as the rest of us.. I have heard there are still some of the sumerian text and the mayan stone tablets / scrolls that havent been "decoded" or what its called.. and Zecharia Sitchin is the only one who knows this writing system.. I think he knows way more than he says he do.. . Some ppl doesn't belive anything u say no matter what.. that means they aren't ready for it... they have a closed mind. when/if planet x is coming I think it would be to late to do anything, just as it was for the civilisations before us.. they did manage to write some about it doh. good they used stone and not paper.
or else it wouldn't be much left i think. but u know... u need to know a little bit about everything to get the whole picture..
the truth we set your mind free... keep your eyes to the skies!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

"When Leo Zagami is asked about Se Rectum Omega, and the idea of nibiru being a reality, he says it is all part of a plan by the Vatican/ Jesuits to trick the people into fear. Zagami supports 2012 as being signifigant, but has to do with Universal consciousness as opposed to the end of the world."

I totally agree with Zagami! I think we are headed into a new age..
A new energy is comming with the Alignment of the galaxy and our solar system... I am grateful for the opportunity to live and experience this amazing time in history...

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:39 AM
Did anybody see the star in the hunchberto part of leo its in between van golly you can actually see it from the iris 12 microns
hope this helps you op because its obvious that you know nothing about what your mumbling on about

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by ngchunter

they did say something about it looked like a red cross in the skies..
but don't mis understand me here... I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING MORE THAN YOU DO ! so thats why Im here using a whole lot of time answering these comments.
I have never seen this object, so I can't know what it looks like.. all we can do is to read about those who lived back in those times and take a look at what the describe... do you follow me? I don't know when we should see it. but sense it travels so so fast in the end when it come closer past the sun, that we wouldn't see it before 2009 or 2010... thats what I think... but im no scientist nor expert in this field.. It wouldn't surprise me doh, if the governments didn't say anything before they have taken care of their own people.. then they will drop the bomb. and let us to our selves! almost like they do now a days..

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:47 AM
Has anybody ever heard about the potential of colonizing this place? I was talking to some people recently who said that there were plans to inhabit a hospitable planet called NR 2020 and that there was some serious backing from the scientific and entrepreneurial crowd.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by skekke
reply to post by ngchunter

I don't know when we should see it. but sense it travels so so fast in the end when it come closer past the sun, that we wouldn't see it before 2009 or 2010... thats what I think...

How do you know it travels "so so fast"? Thanks to Kepler's laws we can deduce where it should be in the solar system if we "know" that the orbital period is 3600 years and the date of closest approach is in 2012 and that puts it inside the orbit of neptune already. We should have seen the unpredicted gravitational effects on the outer planets for a long time now, yet my telescope can still find all the planets without a problem and without accounting for "planet x."

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

okey.... then the mystery is solved!!! hunter! did you catch the yesterday coast to coast am show? with george noory and the guests were Jordan Maxwell & Michael Tsarion.. damn good show! always listening!!!!

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