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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by mellisamouse

man I miss the 80' no shame in needing each other people...we obviously DO, and gotta get back together. Screw this "independance BS. Co-dependance is wrong yes, but interdependance is natural and healthy.

Yes your right!!!! we have to wear the clothes of the eighties

Surely we can connect without that terrible memory

Well, sadly, some of the 80's styles are commong back, as long as the puffy hair dosent.....

Oh well. I feel bad for the lady, she was hearing voices, mabey needs help?

Mabey this will be the push to get her the help she needs?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by weneedtoknow
go onto her website
in the channelings section
shes edited a lot of the `channelings`
in fact she`s made it all into a sarcastic joke
anybody else notice?

Wow, that sux....sad really. yup, I definatly think she needs help. mabey she needed help before, but probly will NOW more than ever.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I get yelled at for quoting scripture, but it's just so relevant in this case.

Jeremiah 14:14
14 Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds."

[edit on 15-10-2008 by metatronscube]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Fellow humans... as usual we limit our perceptions to what we can see in the here and now... Please open up your minds... At least consider this probability... Could it not be possible that although the ship is directly over Alabama as we speak... it is several million light years away and when Blossum states that it will be visible to everyone... well it will be if you happen to be around several million light years from now...! I think someone should inform nasa and have them train the hubble space telescope in that direction in a few million years and then Blossum will be everyones hero..!

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Yea what's her deal now? She's a Charmer, palm reader, psychic type. They prey on fools. They are the biggest scam artists. They can't ever really be blamed too much though because they usually make you feel 'good' by telling you good things are right around the corner. It's what they do. Anyway I do believe the UFO/Aliens will come someday, I just pray it's within my lifetime...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Again, for the people calling this a hoax, it is BEYOND OBVIOUS that she believed what she was saying. She believes she can 'channel' and that she received a message.

I dont know where this Federation of Light nonsense started but the fact is Goodchild believed it and is now brutally aware of her own ignorance and stupidity in this whole matter to so with channelling.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by GSBlayney]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I've got it!!!

When you type amazone rain forest and snowcone in google you end up in Ecuador. at San Antonio de Pichincha.

The “Mitad del Mundo City ” surrounding the monument includes several restaurants and folklore shops, museums about the missions that measured the Earth, the "Solar Culture Museum" (with a display of the latest investigations about the real middle of the world), and a Planetarium. Inside the monument is an interesting Ethnic Museum. You can shop and place one foot on the northern Hemisphere and the other on the southern Hemisphere. Entrance fee to the “Middle of the World City” is $1.50, to the Ethnic Museum $3, to the Planetarium $1.50. Visiting hours: Monday thru Friday 09h00-18h00, Saturday and Sunday 09h00-19h00.

Ha..go figure. Only $1,50 now that's a bargen...LOL

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Exactly what I've been thinking! When one does the research on projects like Montauk (Philadelphia Experiment), MKUltra etc etc. One comes to the conclusion that this is possible. People may think it sounds whacked, but if they researched the US and world military's, they'd come to these conclusions themselves. They have technology that we could never dream of!

Space exploration is one subject we know very little of, and they know a lot of, from their 'hidden' programs

[edit on 15-10-2008 by TortoiseKweek]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Has she made a statement yet??

Don't want this to be a one liner, but that's the question.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:26 PM
I hear a lot of negativity from everyone. You would think most people checking out this website would be for this event(14 oct), even though it has not happened yet. Everyone united in Peace and Love, does'nt sound too bad. Just a thought.... peace

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:29 PM
there are simply 2 scenarios :

(a) she willfully deceived everyone
(b) she believed in what she was saying

i think it can be assumed that (a) is rather unlikely, as she not only discredits herself, her work, but also possibly attracts harm to herself or others. at least the former i am sure she would try to avoid, even if ruthless. monetary gain, i don't think it had/has a positive impact to justify the consequences.

scenario (b) leaves several options. she might be simply delusional. or she might not really understand her own subconscious talking to her in metaphors and taking everything at face value.
more exotic possibility would be that she was a victim of a deliberate mind manipulation in order to again discredit a lot of valid research into extraterrestrial presence.

whatever the reason, would have been extraordinary if it happened, and the emotional fall for many is deep. yet many amazing events have been recorded in this field, and maybe some day there will indeed come the 'big' one.

peace out.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by ThatDGgirl
Has she made a statement yet??

Don't want this to be a one liner, but that's the question.

No she's appeared to have locked herself away. Her blog is now on private and she's boarded the website up it seems she's in hiding out of shame.
Does anyone know if there's any updates from the other galactic federation captain brad or whatever his name was because I lost their website?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:43 PM
Now that this thing is over and proven to be a Hoax...may I be unbanned?


posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Still, just fantasizing here.
. It would be very humiliating for those people that have written their cop-out message and a ship does show up

Then we will know who the hoaxers are. But alas, fat chance.

(ok obviously the whole lot of 'em are hoaxers, delusional or tricked at this point)

[edit on 15-10-2008 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:55 PM
BG`s blog.. hacked?

left hand corner go to her blog
its either been hacked or she`s edited it to take the piss....

look at things like this

Good thinking Batman!
Guys, guys, guys, I seem to have my heart in my throat these days! I KNOW I am not mad. I KNOW I am not seeking attention (as many out there have suggested.) … God … I shy away from that, this is why this whole thing is so scary … I KNOW I did what I had to do … (as Frankie once sang!) and I guess I should just keep TRUSTING until that very important date and then ALL questions regarding whether or not this is for real will be answered. Please forgive my doubting … I reckon if you were me, down here on this earth plane, an unknown, you would be feeling the same. Wouldn't’t it have worked better if you had asked Oprah or Wayne Dwyer or someone of standing to tell the world of this? That’s what I don’t get … why me??


May we speak?

Sorry … go ahead.

We are aware that at this moment you have tears in your eyes and you are afraid.

How’s Edwina doing with that?? (see snap shot channellings)

We are not used to pain of the heart. The colour pink is fading.

And so is my courage!!

What would you have us say dearest one? We can only send you pulses of strength. Yet, on another level of yourself you knew of all of this. Of the ‘courage’ it would take to embark upon such a journey. You must understand that you were one of many many who volunteered and were considered for the post. Do you not see how delicate this matter is?



Sorry chaps … Can’t do it today. It’s just all a bit too much. If you could just … appear to me with a sticker on your head saying Oct 14th and a tick … then perhaps I may feel stronger to carry on. The thing is … I KNOW that when we work that you are for real. I know ME, and I couldn’t possibly write in the intelligent fashion that you do. So … Why am I doubting that you are going to show?


Neither … You are in your human form. You are behaving as any human in their RIGHT MIND would do. Any human in their RIGHT MIND who has humility and the desire to bring only TRUTH is a human that we are very proud to associate with.

OK … that did it for me. Burst in to tears! Gotta go … got a world to convince!! Swords of Light to the skies. What ho… And all that.

( this is from the first page alone) i think she has purposely edited everything or somebody has hacked into it... either way this is making me furious, im sure her blog was never originally like that or else nobody would have fallen for this as its clearly a sarcastic piece

second page even worse:::

Challenges are ahead.

No offence… but do I really want to hear this ?

Have you not faced challenges before Blossom? And may we say with glee, you intervened before allowing us to finish our sentence …

Oops sorry!


her 11th channeling has clearly been edited too, its stupid beyond the point of babytalk:::

This is understood by us. We have plans so as not to disrupt this time too much for you.

Jolly good. Tickety Boo! TRUST TRUST TRUST… and I know you have my well being at heart … and I know you are filling me with strength when I get a little overwhelmed .... And I know I LOVE YOU… and I know YOU LOVE ME… would more could a gal ask for?

A table!

I really fought with myself about writing that down. A TABLE!!???? PLEASE!!! Here we go… is this like ‘snow cone’? What does a table mean? It seems such a ridiculous thing to say …But on questioning myself about it … I had to TRUST that I had to write it down. Golden Rays on the table thing then. Can’t possibly imagine how a table fits into the equation …Hey ho and on we go!! Many thanks for now.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:00 PM
I'm really starting to doubt at this point that a ship is going to appear. I just have that feeling.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by weneedtoknow

Dude, all that stuff was posted on there awhile ago. Its not her blog hacked, as you would like people to believe. Its not even her blog, its in her channeling section. First page!! You couldn't even take something from the 5th or 10th page, but the first. Man, you are not even trying. Bad show.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by weneedtoknow

or she`s edited it to take the piss....

what does this mean? as in, she was quite drunk when she was flailing herself with the no show? that was what i got out of it when i read it........

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by weneedtoknow

Is this really what she channelled? This is absolute rubbish, how can a whole movement based on aliens turning up be based on these ramblings? I dont think TGFL need a table to travel through the dimensions some how do you

[edit on 15-10-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by schism85
Dude, all that stuff was posted on there awhile ago. Its not her blog hacked,

I agree. I saved the channellings at the beginning... just compared them there is no change... seems just like another spammer trying to keep this going

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