reply to post by v01i0
What can I do, other than Star your post !
There certainly are lessons to be drawn from even this basically trivial non-event
And if all it achieves is to cause people to examine what on earth they hoped to gain from these anonymous 'Galactic Federation' .. then it's still
Because now the drama's gone, finished --- and some people WILL examine the extent to which they allowed themselves to be seduced by Goodchild's
And I'm pretty confident a lot of them will reach conclusions similar to points in your post i.e. .. just because something is exotic/unknown does
NOT mean it is necessarily good for us.
As I said in an earlier post, the situation proposed by Goodchild is not all that much different to the natives who fell on their knees before the
Spaniards and gave them gold and the keys to the city.
As we know, most of that gold made its way back to Spain.
The natives' lives and culture were destroyed and the survivors driven into the jungle, their civilisation raped and discredited
And the Spaniards came back for more and more gold, whipping and torturing the natives all the way through in the name of the Spanish god.
The natives had been waiting for the 'foreign gods' in their 'amazing ships' and with their golden beards and light skin, to return. They blindly
accepted the Spaniards in the belief their gods had finally arrived. The Spaniards took advantage of the situation to lay waste to the natives'
world. And those natives never got back their civilisation.
In like fashion, current-day people trusted Goodchild's 'Galactic Federation' .. have been waiting for who-knows how many years (ever since
watching ET as kids ?) for the 'superior and good' aliens to come to earth.
Why are 'aliens' automatically credited with being 'good and here for us' ?
We're pretty ghastly, as a species, as most are honest enough to admit.
So why wouldn't superior beings leave us to evolve at our pace and simply accept us as we are ?
Do we leap into the jungles in order to assist orang utans' evolutionary progress ? Why would we ? We have 6.6 billion already-humans here. Why
would we want humanised orang utans sitting on the bus next to us ?
In the same way, why would any highly evolved galactic group choose to detour to earth/our dimension in order to increase our abilities to the point
we become THEIR competitors for galactic resources ? These superior beings already know how territorial and agressive we are. Anyway, they have
their own populations etc. to worry about, without coming to Planet of the Apes to 'spread light' on us. They're most probably very happy we're
stuck on Earth, out of everyone else's way.
What did the Spaniards do for the natives other than take their valuables, kill and torture and impose their own religious beliefs on the Indians?
Is there any reason to believe 'galactic federations' would not seek to do likewise with Earth's natives ?
But .. people saw Richard Dreyfuss grinning toothily at the aliens in ' Something or other of the Third Kind' .. and they saw the 'cute, adorable'
ET --- and they want to believe it's all about 'harmony and co-operation' and about mutual warm and fuzzies between 'earthlings' and their
interstellar best friends --- with GAIN being the human part of the partnership.
Clearly, they ignore the cattle mutilations and invasive procedures and other nasty experiences claimed by alleged abductees.
Movies and tv have a lot to answer for