posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:55 AM
All right we've been at for about an hour but i have something cool to report.
We live in Fresno Cal. and a half hour ago we were laying on our truck bed like we do every night. We saw a starlike ufo like the kind that several
other people have been describing in this thread' We were paying attention to
it intently becasue there was a jet behind it. a commercial jet not a military jet. Both of them were flying south to north and then the starlike ufo
changed course very rapidly and got 4-5 times bigger and 4-5 times brighter than it was the second before!!
We were shocked. We've been watching
every night for the past 20-25 days or so, and i've been recording some of our sighting in the thread above. We've seen them move and change course
but we've never seen a small one that looks as bright as a distant star grow so large!!!!!! I'm still pretty shocked about it. After the object
was out of the planes flight path it zoomed off to the northwest but dissapeared long before it got to the horizon. just dissapeared.
I dont know what we saw but this is 31st star like ufo we've seen and this was one of the most radical. One of the main reasons i'm so shocked is
that i thought these objects were much further out than this! It dodged a commercial jet! The oother reason is that from how it appeared when the
light got really bright it wasn't a giant ball of light but it seemed as if the light was being contained. When it moved out of the way and got
bright both of us (my girlfriuend Shannon and I) said that it looked like it was puffing up its chest or responding to the plane in surprise... its
really hard to explain... I wish some one else could have seen it than us.
I'm sorry i couldn't get a picture in time but the camera was off. I wasnt expecting the object to do something like that because we've tried to
photograph them before and they are just to small for my camera to pick up (3.5 mp older digital cam)..... I know i know let the flames begin because
i couldnt get a decent pic...
I know it wasnt alien contact per say but tonight was definately memmorable for us. we may go back out becasue i'm not sure we'll be able to get
much sleep. Happy hunting! If any of you have seen the starlike objects pay attention to them... they aren't satalites and i'm not so sure they
are man made and they do some really neat stuff!!!