posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:36 PM
This thread is for everyone with ears, eyes, and a camera. I have a feeling that tonight will be very significant, and I am going to
sit in the yard as long as I can stay awake, attempting contact. I suggest that this night is the night (8/4-5/2008) that we all send a clear message
that we are ready for contact, and we want it right now.
I am excited about tonight.
I have advice for everyone. Put down your weapons and keep your dogs in their kennels or house. Get a camera. Trust in your own abilities to keep calm
and logical (their ships naturally cause a fear response in us, we (and they) can't help it, but we must try to control it.) They're not going to
hurt anyone, I promise. And, if you are lucky enough to have an encounter of a 3rd kind, please, show some dignity. Bow a greeting and extend your
hands in peace. This message of welcome is universal.
Words of caution; Hope that you run into a "white", as these are the most benevolent species. And, if you happen to run into a "grey", I
recommend staying very wary of them, and seek out friends.
I don't believe in the myth that these "spirits" lie to us. I believe that they have their own language, and our minds simply interpret these
thoughts as well as we can. They're not "lying" to us, they're simply misunderstood. It's a language-gap, nothing more.
The basic message you need to think is, "Arrive. It is time for you to help." That's it. And it doesn't need to be directed to anything
in particular. The ones that will help will pick it up.
If you have any doubt about this, you should see what I've just been introduced to - the Alex Collier videos. He has substantiated EVERYTHING I have
been shown in visions. (independent observation from my own.)
I'll follow this thread all night, and I hope we post sightings and events right here and keep this thing organized.
If I hear of anyone attempting to harm any of them to gain fame or profit, I will personally destroy you. Do not test me on this.