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Originally posted by Rick007
reply to post by Smokinbbl
You took an oath buddy! If you break it , we will hold you responsible!
I will uphold my oath so if you have any plans of breaking yours, I will stop you!
Originally posted by Smokinbbl
What would you do if you found out that the government you worked for was a lie... And what would you do if you where givin an asignment to go into the streets, and start aresting / killing American civilians?
Or my favorite.. What would you do if you were ordered to go house to house and start confiscating legal guns from law abiding citizens?
What if our government went crazy, and started killing American citizens? How could we get out of it?
Originally posted by Apex Predator
Well, I'm not going to debate morality, legality (to a point), or constitutionality. I will give you my take on the question at hand.
If my team was ordered to act in a police-like manner (never mind posse comitatus) I would follow orders as long as they were legal. Usually when the US military is called to act in support of police operations (usually the national guard does this before active military but there are exceptions...see Katrina threads for further we are used as glorified security guards. Rarely does active duty units get "arresting" powers unless martial law is announced. Now, as to the question about arresting/killing US civilians, if I were given arrest authority I would most certainly arrest a fellow American if he or she were breaking the law. As to killing, it would depend on the situation. If I were in danger of being killed by said individual or if another innocent person were in that same danger then yes I would as a last resort, I'd do the same if I were civilian (which will thankfully be in a few months.)
In the instance of having to go door to door and confiscate legal weapons from legal owners...unfortunately I'd have to follow lawful orders (don't want to screw up my discharge!) but I would loathe what I'm doing. But, if you promise not to tell anyone (don't want to screw up my clearance I would probably be a little lax on the confiscation if I were the only one in the house taking the guns...unless the guy in the house were being a total women's feminine wash product dispenser! (if you don't get that one U2U I'd probably tell the owner that he should hide his stuff real well until this blows over and if he has a cheapo throwaway gun he's willing to let go I'll mark that one down and then on the books he'll be known as "compliant" and probably wouldn't have to deal with it again.
Before people respond saying that I'm a sheep for the above writings let me just say that unlike the posers out there that SAY they would go AWOL or frag their officers and what not, I am a realist. I'm not going to ruin my life for someone else's ideals of nobility. Yeah, I don't think forced confiscation of legally purchased/owned firearms is the right thing to do, much less the legal thing to do but I'd rather have some random guy pissed at me for taking his guns under the orders of the government than have the government pissed at me for not following orders. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either not in the military, just began military service and hasn't had the hippy bred out of them yet, or is just acting tough to pick up chicks. Even though I feel that it would be wrong I look at it more of an opportunity to work on the "inside"...anyone ever heard of the fifth column? How about hiding in plain sight? Really people!
P.S. Feel free to U2U me or reply or whatever if you need clarification, I tend to get long winded and I have a 4000 maximum character
Edit to add: the statement above about "people who SAY they will go AWOL and frag...etc..." is not meant as a dig or shot at anyone who said that in this topic, just at those who say it elsewhere as if they know what the real world is like. Also this post is taken from a martial law perspective, not a Situation X beginning of the end of the world viewpoint!
[edit on 2-8-2008 by Apex Predator]
Originally posted by joe_dirt976
wow, you're question disgusts me. I can't believe you would assume that anyone in the military would attack their own nation that of which they serve. now I can't chastise you for thinking that what with msm these days, but i would like to point out some things for you, the Oath of Enlistment, and the Law Of Armed Conflict [LOAC] google either of those and theres your answer.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Geneva Convention
Code Of Conduct
most of the are the same site, but they are dead on accurate. We're people too dude, and whatever anyone thinks about the war on terror, they attacked us first, we just went into their backyard to give them some justice. We're the ones signing up to go to the sandbox on our own will so that there won't have to be a draft.
If i was given unlawful orders to attack my own, I would report them to the IG, OSI, and if it's that bad, the press.
Thats my 2 cents
[edit on 2008/8/2 by joe_dirt976]