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Akashic 'Hall of records'.

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
I wanted to make sure it wasn't part of what was happening to you...

So despite what you say about misunderstanding your purpose... it seems clear to me that you came with a purpose after all

I don't know where you get your information from, but at no time have you asked me about my beliefs or experiences,

Well in the OP it was made very clear where hi information came from... and this was about his experience not yours...

Am I missing something? I hear you have a thread about your experiences? Toss in the link and I will have a look and discuss your experiences there

I will repeat this need to learn to discriminate, challenge, dismiss and protect what you encounter spiritually. Your amazing awakening does not make you an expert, however easily the given information falls from your mouth. How, exactly, do you think you are given this information? (This is rhetorical, by the way...I don't expect an answer).

This is something we all need to do... and it is WHY we are all here at ATS...

But I am still unsure why you think that YOU have all the answers, because what I see from your posts is that you are POSITIVE you are correct... so if someone else is also positive about their belief or experience it rubs you the wrong way...

Many meditators, lightworkers, shaman, healers, witches, holy men and gurus will tell you that the darkest forces in any universe will masquerade as something incredibly bright and absorbing, making you think that you have truly seen the light.

And many dark forces masquerade as the above especially as 'healers' and witches and I have encountered many who are merely in it for the money

But you know how many esoteric teachers tell you that you have the ability to recognize truth within you... yet when someone does that and 'knows' the truth... there is opposition

It's so easy to let yourself be fooled, because it feels so damn good, and an arguement like "I don't need protection because, I'm working with the One True Energy/Archangel Michael/The Angellers/The Lady Hecate Herself who only speaks to Me/ Lord Zoob from the Planet Fnark (delete as appropriate here) is naive in the most dangerous way. It doesn't just put you at risk, but the people who choose to listen to you and take on board what you're telling them, however good your intentions.

So which one are you working with? And can you point me to the teachings? or are you an independent?

Religions of all kinds from around the world all have 'good intentions' yet none of them seems to get it right IMO... Since there is no proof of ANYTHING we only have our personal beliefs to cling to...

No one persons ideas are and different that another. Its a personal journey. It always boggles my mind why there is so much violence attached to religious beliefs... but just look at the daily news for the last 2000 years...

Dan's description of the Akashic Hall fits things I have studied for over 35 years... and certainly adds a few interesting twists

Until you know absolutely what you are dealing with and who you are talking to, you cannot trust the information you have been given,

EXACTLY So how then shall I trust the information YOU are giving? Forgive me if I do not understand the difference?

But....there is so much of it, so quickly, and you have too many instant, unarguable answers to queries posted here, that I get a little suspicous. My experiences tells me to be like this, and for good reason, but I don't think that you are close to the place where you can listen and discuss with humility.

Humility? Humility is for sheep
No major religion was founded on Humility... they were founded on a strong belief that people fought, died and killed for. If one truly believes ones convictions, should one not stand up and shout them from the rooftops? Do do less would make one a hypocrite...

You either believe or do not.... and I don't see Dan looking to set up a Jones Town here

Maybe you just don't like to be argued with. Which is a shame, if you choose to respond to me! Lol!

AH so thats it!! Your purpose is to ARGUE. Thanks for clearing that up

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Global Warming Reality Check

The results of the second graph below are created from Ice Core samples that they drilled above Lake Vostok in Antarctica...

For those who do not know Lake Vostok is a huge unfrozen lake deep below the ice in Antarctic... The water has not seen the light of day for 420,000 years. It is kept from freezing by geothermal conditions at the bottom of the lake

They recently stopped drilling because they started to find microbes that have never been seen before and a wise scientist suggested it might not be a good idea to release microbes from a lake from 420,000 years ago

Bad idea???
YOU THINK?? Gave that man a MEDAL

Now look at the first chart covering recent history... notice the SUDDEN decline from 1300 to 1400 Its almost a straight line... THIS change triggered the invention of the fireplace, tapestries on walls of castles and window panes to keep the cold out...

Point is it CAN happen very quickly... and there was NO industrial revolution an huge population or cow flatulence to blame that time

Now here is the Lake Vostock record....

From 415,000 years ago to present... Look at it closely... THINK about it and notice the regularity of the cycles and their LENGTH

Now if that doesn't wake some people up I don't know what will

I am going to add one note....

The polar caps are melting quickly in this time of heat... so are the ice flows on land and even the glaciers in the Himalaya's

Let me show you what happened the last time it was at a peak warming period...

Get the picture yet?

Here is a better view... Seems like my home is high and dry...
I remember an old Bill Cosby skit called NOAH... and a famous line from that comes to mind to all those living in the Atlantean States...

"How long can you tread water.... hahahaha" Bill Cosby

Brings a whole new perspective to the NWO term "New Atlantis" doesn't it?

[edit on 3-9-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:27 PM

I am just going to go
and start learning my swimming skills.. Thanks Zorgon, I appreciate your sharing that with us - and wow does it make one think - As for those microbes... yeah that would be good to keep them deep within their own little world.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I have been thinking about Dan's previous posts on his experiences.

Do you think its possible that Dan was being completely open and honest on these boards, and that is why he was given a more enlightening experience?

He experienced things in such details, its amazing. Perhaps, it was known that he would share what he saw.

Many believe it is about passing the word, and spreading the light. Perhaps, an entity decided Dan is a good conduit for that word, due to his past explanations and descriptions of previous encounters.

Now, I don't think that "streamers" are reading this forum. But, perhaps, they can feell an increase in conciousness. Perhaps, since the internet is mainly energy, beings can tap into it. IDK... just a thought.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:37 PM
link purpose is not *just* to argue...I made it clear that my purpose, which I didn't hide, was to challenge Dan's source of information. Actually, I don't have a thread about my, no link, I'm afraid. I'm not religious, in my opinion, but spiritual. In my world, our relationship to the divine is an individual thing, with teaching coming from Spirit, and not human dogma or propaganda, which is why I have learned so well to discriminate. That's what Iwas suggesting Dan learned to do...discriminate as to which energy he is dealing with. It's a strategy, a device, a safety mechanism, that can be applied to any belief system. That's all. It worries me that so many people think that it doesn't matter, and then end up in a mess. I've seen it happen too many times to ignore.

Dan's description does match perfectly what we know about the Akashic Records, but how do we know he just didn't read it all somewhere and reproduce it here? I haven't offered up any information or teaching here, just a process that's really useful to learn in any spiritual development. Other people *will* tell you the same.

I STRONGLY disagree with you about the issue of humility...I think it's vital, but I can accept that you don't hold that belief. Fine. As for shouting from the roof tops...that is the way that suits you, and maybe Dan, the best...that's fine too, but it's not respectful to say that everyone *must* do that...I simply have another way of working that suits me better. I am not "religious" and I'm absolutely not a hypocrite.

And there still has been no explaination of why you think it's ok to be so dismissive of another persons spiritual beliefs? Actually, Dan has been downright offensive in places about who I am and what I believe. Do you think that is acceptable? U2U me if you prefer to keep this off Dan's thread. I'm happy to talk about it.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Hi caitlinfae.

I'll keep to the point.

You are right - I do hate fairies. You know what is done to them when they are caught? they are crushed, squeezed, shredded and torn apart on every single plane of their being. They are hounded and hunted until they can run no more. Then they get shown no mercy. The Creators Angellers and the Streamers are higher beings, but you can bet your last penny on the fact that when risen to war they are an unyeilding unmerciful oppont to face, as what is at stake is the creators will and want for his peoples.

You want to know why? thousands of years ago, when we were just fledglings at the edge of our time, they wanted in. The wanted adoration, they wanted everything we had and expected it all, with nothing in return. They then wanted 'us'. They wanted that unique spark within us that makes us the Creators absolute favorites, they wanted our mind, bodies, spirits and soul. They like us weer created, but unlike us, they were a non-solid entity, able to shift and drop frequencies and universes at will. They abused this to try to enslave mankind.

For this they took the most awesome punishment, dying in their millions, and only the very very few that went to the darkest corners of the gigaverses edges and caves survived.

They are evil, they are malicious, they also want to return. Thats not going to happen, just like the Shukra have been so badly mauled in the past recent years.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Dan, thank you for your reply, however warlike and unpleasant it was. It is only your belief information is completely different, and I simply don't believe that the Universe works the way you say it least mine doesn't...maybe we have different spheres of reality to inhabit. I think I'm thankful for that. I also noticed that you didn't take me up on the offer to sit down and talk about this across the table. It's a shame.

Hate is a very strong word to use, and a strange choice for someone who has been so gloriously awakened. Hatred of this magnitude often comes from fear. Is that the case? Fear usually brings what we fear most closer to us...and here I am!



posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
but how do we know he just didn't read it all somewhere and reproduce it here?

Well the description is more 'realistic than any I have read
but the one thing that works for me is the story about the sun... I posted the heartbeat a long time ago from a science source... but the Vishnu reference... not something a Christian would easily admit to, let alone describe so clearly...

This lends credibility to my theory that there is certainly more than one path to enlightenment

I STRONGLY disagree with you about the issue of humility...I think it's vital, but I can accept that you don't hold that belief. Fine. As for shouting from the roof tops...that is the way that suits you, and maybe Dan, the best...that's fine too, but it's not respectful to say that everyone *must* do that...I simply have another way of working that suits me better. I am not "religious" and I'm absolutely not a hypocrite.

Well I merely pointed out observations of human nature... I much prefer a webpage to a hot roof top

But I see you here just as strongly defending your position... and there is nothing wrong with that... I just don't see the difference... both of you have strong opinions that you are right

You say you are not 'religious'

1: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity
2: of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances
3 : scrupulously and conscientiously faithful

You say..."In my world, our relationship to the divine is an individual thing, with teaching coming from Spirit"

So what is this "Spirit"? Is it not a higher power than humans? What do you mean by 'divine'?

Your belief is as much religious as anything...

The Dalai Lama once said to me... "If you have 1000 Tibetan monks in a room, you will have 1000 religions"

Wise man

but any belief in any divine higher power is 'religious'

Actually, Dan has been downright offensive in places about who I am and what I believe. Do you think that is acceptable? U2U me if you prefer to keep this off Dan's thread. I'm happy to talk about it.

I do not think there is ever a need to get 'offensive' However we are all human still and sometimes sticking to our guns and our own beliefs, the mere point of stating them is offensive to the opposing side...

This thread ran for 16 pages until LuciferSatan made a blatantly spiteful post that I am surprised was not noticed by the Mods and removed... that was the point were things went downhill...

I do not condone anyone deliberately insulting anyone... but even I have been pushed to my limits in some thread...

Now everyone please behave or I will send my pet Dragon Drathmar to really flame the lot of you

[edit on 3-9-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
Dan, thank you for your reply, however warlike and unpleasant it was. It is only your belief information is completely different, and I simply don't believe that the Universe works the way you say it least mine doesn't...maybe we have different spheres of reality to inhabit. I think I'm thankful for that. I also noticed that you didn't take me up on the offer to sit down and talk about this across the table. It's a shame.

Hate is a very strong word to use, and a strange choice for someone who has been so gloriously awakened. Hatred of this magnitude often comes from fear. Is that the case? Fear usually brings what we fear most closer to us...and here I am!



no caitlinfae, I watched the war of Fairy field in glorious colour. I watched as they Angellers purged this creation (earth) of the fairy folk, and watched as the streamers hunted down the remenant of what remained - but sadly they didn't hunt for long enough, because it seems that they are trying to creep back as 'friendly little chappies and chappettes with wings'. They are cold blooded thieves of spirit and energy.

I also watched and felt joy as the streamers tried hard to repair what was done - much like they are trying hard to repair now what the shukra have done to this earth and its people.

I just hope that soon they suffer the same fate as the fairy folk.

We will stay the opposite sides of the net, because in truth i would get as much pleasure at meeting a fairy devotee as I would get meeting a shukra devotee. Its not personal on a human level, its a stand point, and a fixed one at that.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:16 PM
AWWWW!!!!! I *love!* dragons...!! And he's such a cutie little pink and shiny baby dragon....soooo pretty! Go on, lil baby Dragon...roll over and let me tickle your tummmy.....go like it! There we go....! Lil cute ickle baby dragon puppy.....
Caitlin loves you!!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
AWWWW!!!!! I *love!* dragons...!! And he's such a cutie little pink and shiny baby dragon....soooo pretty! Go on, lil baby Dragon...roll over and let me tickle your tummmy.....go like it! There we go....! Lil cute ickle baby dragon puppy.....
Caitlin loves you!!

and I just lost my cherry coke via my nose at that. Pure comedy gold, thanks.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:28 PM
wow, first you get in a knife fight with a non-human being in your bedroom, ...and now this! What gives? have you had your head checked out lately? Seriously! I mean, people with brain tumors sometimes experience strange things like this. I hope it's not a tumor; rather, a wild imagination.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by no name needed]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by no name needed
wow, first you get in a knife fight with an alien in your bedroom, ...and now this! What gives? have you had your head checked out lately? Seriously! I mean, people with brain tumors sometimes experience strange things like this. I hope it's not a tumor; rather, a wild imagination.

Its all part of one ongoing set of events, kind of like a time of life where I just ran out of luck and it all went pear shape, and certain non-worldly beings were sent to haul my butt out of the mire.

Attempted abduction, strangle cloud, darkness in the day time and now the visit and tour of the universe and beyond.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Dan Tanna]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

OK. Sorry! I believe you now! Still might want to have the old noggin checked out though.

Just Sayin'


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Thanks for posting your stories. I've gained a lot of new insight about the universe and you've given me hope about receiving guidance from streamers to help me through life's hardships even when I can't see the help right under my nose. Like you were, I'm pretty shy and have trouble talking to new people and functioning in social situations but I now have a more positive outlook on life.

I have a couple questions:

1) I feel embarrassed/guilty of some things I've done. Is it possible for only the Creator/Streamers and myself to view certain things in the hall of records? Because I would rather have a few certain things only known by myself and the creator than be available to other human spirits...

2) Does the creator want people to believe in a Creator? I'd feel bad for all good hearted people who don't believe in God to get punished, yet they are still nice people who in a way follow Jesus's teaching without actually believing in God/Jesus. Since we are given free will, I think we should be able to freely choose weather or not to believe in a creator in this life. Otherwise, is it fair for someone to get punished simply because he or she grew up with parents who didn't raise them with a religious background?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by curiousbeliever

Thanks for posting your stories. I've gained a lot of new insight about the universe and you've given me hope about receiving guidance from streamers to help me through life's hardships even when I can't see the help right under my nose. Like you were, I'm pretty shy and have trouble talking to new people and functioning in social situations but I now have a more positive outlook on life.

I hope that positivity carries you upwards my friend.

I have a couple questions:

1) I feel embarrassed/guilty of some things I've done. Is it possible for only the Creator/Streamers and myself to view certain things in the hall of records? Because I would rather have a few certain things only known by myself and the creator than be available to other human spirits...

2) Does the creator want people to believe in a Creator? I'd feel bad for all good hearted people who don't believe in God to get punished, yet they are still nice people who in a way follow Jesus's teaching without actually believing in God/Jesus. Since we are given free will, I think we should be able to freely choose weather or not to believe in a creator in this life. Otherwise, is it fair for someone to get punished simply because he or she grew up with parents who didn't raise them with a religious background?

1) Only the Streamer who guards your record and the Creator see it, UNLESS you are taken their to view it. Three beings in the entirety of all have access. Believe me, mines chock a block with bits I go 'ohh man, thats embarressing'.

2) Good people are good people. I am a Christian, and have met Vishnu. LOL, did I get a shock? oh yes, believe me I did, until it was he started talking.
Secondly, the Creator wants goodness, good words, good deeds, and care for one another. If your good, your good. if your bad, your bad. A life of good deeds from a non-believer will do more for them than a life of devotion to God from a paedophile Priest. An extreme example, but I hope it makes my point.

3) The Creator loves us all above every single being in the gigaverse. However, those that say, side with the shukra, or try to gain from a partnership with such creatures are in for a nasty, brutal suprise when they pass over.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 09:05 PM
I'm back.

Did the streamers reveal to you anything as far as what the single greatest threat to humanity is?

I understand that the shukra are a problem, but I mean in terms of internal human conflict, etc.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:56 PM
The shukra are the greatest threat mankind faces. full stop.

if we don't realise this and they get in full control, the Almighty will send streamers to sanitise this place. Then your screwed ok?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:18 PM
OK folks, here you have it. This is my last ever post on ATS

How to get up enough energy to leap out of your body and into the next realm. this is not OOBE, this is real travelling.

This must be said FIRST

I am protected by the Creators light and energy, no being can touch me body soul spirit or mind.

here it is in its simplest form, as told to me by Vishnu.

Cross left foot over right at the ankles. make a cross hape with arms outstretched, raise hands from the elbow to point at the cieling, and face palms towards each other. You just made a circuit of your energies. This is how you ramp up enough power to travel easily.

Get your palms 4 to six inches apart, clear your mind, and make a slow, gentle in and out wave like motion - towards, away, towards away - you will feel an energy build up, and keep your eyes closed and mind free, and feel that energy growing. When you can feel the energies in your hands like a solid ball, cup your hands, and slowly, without your two hands touching, place them on your chest over your heart.

You done this right, you will leap like a bird into the cosmos.

Now, when you leap and find yourself out there, call upon the creators beings - angellers, streamers, Jesus, the creator himself.

You will be heard and seen as soon as you leap, but its better to make sure they are wide awake and waiting for you sooner rather than later.

Enjoy it.

Word of warning DOING THIS WITHOUT TELLING OUT LOUD THAT YOUR BODY SOUL SPIRIT AND MIND ARE PROTECTED will leave you open to a Shukra attack, and you will perish. Its that simple and brutal.

Now, for those who will try this - join me, join me in the diamond raisn of Neptune, the oceans of Europa and of Titan. Join me as I stand in awe and listen to the very heart beat of the sun.

Good bye, and may Lord Jesus Christ guard you and all of yours day and night with the army of Angellers and streamers.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Gone forever Dan?


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