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Akashic 'Hall of records'.

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by h3akalee
You have problem's Dan problem's that i for shure nor anyone else on this forum for that matter can help you with.

That is very obvious in the reply you just made.

Take care.


Well, let the rattling of your cage die down a bit and i'll be able to hear that whiney little voice of yours a little bit better...

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
Thank you for voicing my feelings too...I tried as gently as I could to challenge what was being said here yesterday, but it didn't work, I guess. I think there is deception going on here, although maybe not from Dan. Maybe he is the one being deceived by whoever he is talking to. Dan, they may sound like love and light and all that's holy, but demons are liars too and know fine well how to make you think what *they* want you to think, and will show you anything to make it *real*.


Yeah, hell will freeze before I take advice from a fae folk and a fae follower.

Nice, but no cigar. try taking your own advice Caitlin.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:42 PM
I think i have made my point very clear and i hope everyone has learned a little bit about Dan's true nature he can not handle someone bursting his fantasy bubble time to leave this thread.

Good luck Dan.

Take care.



posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
ooohhhhhh.... seems like I rattled some 'experiencers' and 'fae folks' cages... I wonder why that could be? could it be that your scared? afraid that now the truth is out, your going to have to look at your own experiences again and try to back away from them? scared because a search light of truth has been shone into the night and its showing your 'friends' and 'guides' to be evil self obsessed beings with little or no regard for humanity or its welfare?

If your guides were so good and powerful and able, they would of taken you into the sun to meet vishnu, touched the edge of the universe and passed through, and then taken you to a place so beautiful it takes the breath away.

Oh and lets see... how did your experience of the Akashic records go? how was the second and third visit?

Ohhh you mean you cannot get in there with your guides? I wonder why that is??? hmmmmm ? could it just be that they would get slapped stupid into the next life if they even peeked around the doorway? hmmm?

Let me be very clear on this - your guides are evil dark folks. I call it out. You acting on their behalf are puppets and what ever you say or do will not make me ever think any other way.

Reply, flame, what ever you like, but I know your measure, and its found to be dark and decietful.


Ok, I was trying so hard to be good about this, but the mittens are off, I reckon.

Firstly, you and your heavenly friends do not scare me, and never will. Neither will anything that you can "show" me. You need to recognise that you know NOTHING about my experiences, or who my guides are, so you have no grounds for passing judgement on who they are or what they consist of...good or bad. I can guarantee you that I have had spiritual experiences that are way beyond anything you could ever invent, but I don't bragg about them here.

Not everyone who awakens spiritually "travels to the Sun and meets Vishnu". That was your experience, and is not universal. It is no indicator of quality or truthfulness, certainly not just because you say so. Not everyone needs to see their Akashic is not a rite of passage that we have to go through here, and again, is not a mark of spiritual maturity. Some people see them, and some don't. It's that simple.

You are casting a lot of downright silly and unfounded ideas around here, with absolutely no knowledge to back them up. How do you know anything about my guides? I've never discussed them with you.

I hadn't read this thread till last inight, but I was really appalled by how manipulative it is and how much people have been taken in buy it. I've encountered this kind of showcasing before many times, and it's so clearly false, I cannot believe that people listen, but they do, and they accept what they hear, sadly. Setting yourself up as a fountain of all spiritual knowledge and answers is not the way to go. Making stuff up when people ask for information is also not too cool.

Nuff said....

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae

Nuff said....


What? rattled your cage faery? Good. I'll keep rattling it too.

Not suprised though.

Never said I was the fount of all knowledge, I am just sharing what i got shown. Show me where i said I was the fount of all? i never have done. However, I have seen more than i ever dreamt of could be possible.

You however have to take the dregs of what the fae say you can see....

Unlike the faery folks, the streamers have nothing to hide from you if your around them.

'Nuff said'.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:55 PM
Daniel, if that's the best you can come up with, I'm in a safe place. Rattle all you makes no difference. Really, is your best arguement to slate my spirituality and experience...a subject about which you know absolutely nothing? That proves that what you write is invention. I know you haven't claimed to have all the knowledge, but the way you have continually expressed yourself here makes it clear that you believe you do have superior knowledge...even in you last acidic post to me. How do you know anything about the Fae? Have you studied them? Have you worked with them, or made any effort to get to know them? Or have you simply taken the word of some some recently surfaced being of completely unidentified and dubious origin that the Fae are dangerous?

I need to make this clear to you...what any being...streamer, angel, god, whoever...tells you ***may not be the truth***...some will lie wholesale to you, and if you trust them as totally as you seem to, you are begging for trouble. You are a massive target for not-so-light beings who will appear to you like God Almighty Herself, and convince you that they are honourable. Thankfully for me, the people who trained me made sure I was able to identify, challenge and dismiss anything that wasn't real, and I've had 25 years of practise, not 25 days.

I think...that big old scary survivalist Dan Tanna is scared of faeries......

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:55 PM
I have never met any of the wee folk.
..........Im not sure I would really want to.
In my studies and learnings I have come to believe they are the one & the same as the Jinn............and the Jinn are known tricksters of mankind, trying to set themselves up as bringers of light. In the light of the Jinn you 'think' your actually in the true light but it is a false light indeed. SOME of the Jinn folk are so very VERY dark you need fear for your very life..........others are just mere tricksters and game players but those are the GOOD ones..
...these wee folks are the same description in all of the cultures that speak of having involvement with them.......and it is 'edgy' at best and not 'in the light' is in the shadows, and they are known to not be trustworthy.

On this site there is a member called debris765nju...and he is very 'in-league' with the should see his posts if you have not to see what happens to a person who shares space with the wee folk.
Here is a link to one of his posts that he is showing some video of Grays/Shukra, and I am amazed at what it shows. I am NOT a judge of fake vids in any way so I don't know what to make of the vids.....I am bringing it up here on this Dan can see this vids...(there are MORE than one and you should see what he shows)
..and so that Caitlin might check out Debris other threads where is is claiming the Jinn/Fairey folks are the creatures who killed the Black Daliah and Jon Benet Ramsey, yes he lives with these Jinn every day of his life. He claims they are the creatures of MANY unexplained mutilations.
I am on the fence as to the tales being told by Debris, but when I am reading his threads I have the darkest knot in my stomech and 'something' is making me pay attention leading me to believe there are REAL things to be learned from Debris.......things to be avoided if at all possible.
I am worried for Caitlin and her youthful desires for the Fae to be kind and just.....I am sure if she was doing proper protection of her spiritual self she would not be able to have contact with such creatures.......please look at Debris few threads Cait......they are confusing AND scary in what he presents.

I am not some devot'e of Dan as a spiritual leader......but there ARE many truths in what he is saying from my POV......the fact alone that the sound of the sun file is so CLOSE to the SAME SOUND I hear that is my doorway for OOBE is astonishing to me.........and that ALONE screams at me to pay VERY CLOSE attention to the things he is sharing here on this thread......
I am in tune enough with my own spirituality that I am given body signals to lead me to TRUE things...and to keep me aware of things 'not of the light' signals from Spirit lead me to avoid the wee folks and not to be fooled by there 'adorable appearance'

My signals from Spirit are telling me Dan is speaking truths the best way he can....when he said:
"The rich are the easiest to punish, and the poor are easiest to reward"

This shows everybody the pure light of his intentions, for that is such a PURE statement of truth it gives me chills down my spine to the bone....and THAT is my body signal leading me to truth & light....
I have NEVER gotten a 'positive signal' in any readings about wee ones, and that leads me to my personal belief they are NOT in the light.

I feel really Bsd that Dan is being accused of 'bragging' about his experience...for I am someone who avidly encouraged him on to make this SHARE with people who may be seeking give others a chance to hear about what has been happening to him on such a deep and personal level.
He did NOT make this thread to brag I can attest to that fact.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:00 PM
River Goddess...

thank you very much for your sweet concern, and for your interest in my safety. Thank you too for calling me youthful...I'm 43!!

I promise you, as I said in my last post, I have been very well trained in protection, and of course there are light and dark Fae, as there are light and dark gods and angels. Both MUST exist for the Universe to be balanced.

I will follow up on the threads you mentioned...thank you.



posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:08 PM
WOW Cait your photo looks like someone who is barley 20.....thats so great!
I am 45 and look younger.. but not THAT young.....low I known to behave less mature (just ask my son)

I am getting a real kick out of the fact that both you and Dan are Scottish, and yet are at such odds with one another....

[edit on 2-9-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:15 PM
River Goddess...

Thank you again...I promise you it's a recent photo too.

Tis a Scottish thing to fight and keeps us warm, I think. I'm not really at odds with Dan...but I do worry about what he has been shown. I know it looks and feels good, but maybe it's not...that's all I'm really trying to say here, but I will not let an attack on me of this kind go without a response.

Dan, you know you're only a hundred miles from me if that...maybe we should meet up somewhere neutral and talk about this...are you up for that? I'm happy to...and I'm soooo not scary...!


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

I think it is pointless for these people to argue the validity of a personal experience of this nature from any of the myriad people on the planet who have already had them.. Those kind of experiences are had by individuals and shown to them in a way that is beyond our current understanding of the possibilities of the higher powers.

Scientist can't explain ghosts... much less do I expect them to be able to explain people's experiences in the Akashic Records. Who knows why it's shown to us so differently... anybody can say they saw or experienced anything here on ATS, and we will never know nor be able to prove if it's true or not... so if you didn't see exquisite Polaroid shots and high tech CSI documented materials in an adobe file in the first post, that you seem to be expecting ... then stop trying to argue with the OP about it now.

And the to pretty girl with the blue eyes... well, I understand you love the Fae because they told you , you are descended from them... I promise not to be a skeptic arse and tell you your visions are false... I'm just curious what they have shown you. Maybe you can re-direct me to one of your posted experiences.

And to the skeptic arse... go analyze some alleged UFOs pictures man, and keep with the modus operandi of skeptic hard-heads... and don't get in a brawl with the people with the OBEs... cause even though you knew there was no Polaroid shots... I will tell you 100 percent, your always gonna be right that there is no proof... so you already get to win the argument before you ever read the posts... but on the plus side, go reply to my threads... because your traffic earns me points!

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Pocky]

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Pocky]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by h3akalee
Now some people who beleive every word Dan say's might stand up to defend him well that's a good thing a noble thing.
But just realise aswell that it's possible you are being told a lie !

Well I see no one here that is 'believing every word' nor starting a cult, except Pocky maybe
but then there are other motivations at play

What I DO see is people openly and honestly sharing experiences...

If those experiences happen to touch on common points, well then perhaps they have merit...

I suppose it has not occurred to you.. that perhaps YOU have been lied to?

Originally posted by LuciferSatan
I think Glowing Aliens are Fake...

Lucifer Bringer of Light... Not of this Earth..
Hence "Glowing Alien"

Satan created by Dante under paid contract to scare children...

Yup you sure have your act together...

Page 16 not bad.... not bad at all

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Pocky

Your confused Pocky.

Dan IS the don't go off telling him to stop arguing with himself as your not making any sense. You should back up and take a few breaths and read what you are writing.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

After my reply HERE(this very post)....... Pocky did MASSIVE editing of their post as to make me look rather the 'unedited version' of their post they were using the REPLY TO DAN function..... and then did a short little ramble CLEARLY pointed right at Dan telling him to stop arguing with the OP
Pocky THEN did the below post immediately AFTER the editing work, if not before in the hope of seeming not confused.
I feel forced into editing this, in able to add in this information since pocky went back and changed the post to MAKE sense after I pointed out the confusion... some odd attempt to make ME look bad.
..I am really wondering what exactly ARE the motives behind this poster

something is not jibing here......
....its odd IMO to go to so much TROUBLE to make themselves appear to be something and were 'caught in the act' yet refuse to admit it to be so....thats pure dishonesty.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
and used a weird 'dark beam' to rob the sky of light as a warning.

Really? Hmmmm now that is fascinating...

1966 Antarctica...

You can see the beam coming from the glowing cloud... it stirs up snow on the ice and you can see it reflecting off the ice to the right. The green box looked out of place to me so I marked it but the beam is very clear

Here is a larger version without the box...

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
Thank you for voicing my feelings too...I tried as gently as I could to challenge what was being said here yesterday, but it didn't work, I guess. I think there is deception going on here, although maybe not from Dan.

May I humbly ask what makes YOU so positive that your path is correct?

Consider all the vast number of religions and other spiritual paths in the world today... Are they ALL wrong? Is just ONE TRUTH the right one? And if so... please enlighten me on which one that is... and why?

In the end when we leave this realm... we will instantly know the truth... of that there is no doubt. For an Atheist that believes we will be worm food, it is my opinion that that person will have a shock on transition

If one is meant to go to New York City... there are many ways to reach there... planes, trains, car, bus, bicycle, walking etc.

Which is the correct path? And you is to say so?

Dan is answering questions on a personal experience and adding his point of view to those answers... I am sure you and Lee do the same when asked about your beliefs, n'est pas?

No cult is being formed here

And I wouldn't be so sure about the Fae... they are very tricky... that is why we have words like imp and pixie

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Your misunderstanding... I just find it pointless to argue at personal spiritual experiences... you really can't expect anybody to prove them, but it's quite annoying to see an interesting thread be ridden with the same thing over and over... If I think it's total doodoo then I just don't reply or I give my take and disagree... but I don't go judging the OP's mental health...come on this is ATS.I think the questions I have asked have kept this thread fresh.

Now the thread on " Aliens Love Us" I really think that is a general statement, so I didn't even bother looking at that.

To the Fae lady, I can agree with you that...I don't think the Fae are bad... I just can't imagine that they all would be, collectively... but I think the mischief of some of those gnomes can cause quite a headache for some people, and those ridiculous little dances they do.

Like this

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Pocky]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by caitlinfae
Thank you for voicing my feelings too...I tried as gently as I could to challenge what was being said here yesterday, but it didn't work, I guess. I think there is deception going on here, although maybe not from Dan.

May I humbly ask what makes YOU so positive that your path is correct?

Consider all the vast number of religions and other spiritual paths in the world today... Are they ALL wrong? Is just ONE TRUTH the right one? And if so... please enlighten me on which one that is... and why?

In the end when we leave this realm... we will instantly know the truth... of that there is no doubt. For an Atheist that believes we will be worm food, it is my opinion that that person will have a shock on transition

If one is meant to go to New York City... there are many ways to reach there... planes, trains, car, bus, bicycle, walking etc.

Which is the correct path? And you is to say so?

Dan is answering questions on a personal experience and adding his point of view to those answers... I am sure you and Lee do the same when asked about your beliefs, n'est pas?

No cult is being formed here

And I wouldn't be so sure about the Fae... they are very tricky... that is why we have words like imp and pixie

Zorgon, I have never claimed that my path is the only correct one...not here or in any other thread. All paths are correct for the individual...the whole point of my posting in this thread is simply to highlight the need for careful challenging and protection, which I know isn't taught enough, and is usually vastly underestimated in it's importance.

I'm not here to defend the Fae...they can do that for themselves with no help from me. I will however repeat my point that entities of all kinds have dark and light aspects...and it has to be so. We cannot dimiss the Fae for having dark members of their community without doing the same for angels and gods...they all have a dark side, which doesn't necessarily mean bad or dangerous...we could have a whole other thread on the concept of "good dark" and "bad light".

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

I agree with that point. Many things have a good and bad side to them. But I imagine only a select few of the Shukra beings that Dan mentions are allowed to come to earth. I imagine our military was the first contact they had. They could have been shot down and then forced to work for our government, in exchange of something useful to them. It's possible that they have warm families waiting for them at home too. They're just here doing research , like astronauts of their respective planets.

But then again, they look like Grasshoppers and could live in little caves in the grounds... and the notion of families to come home to, is probably alien to them. They could be living the lives of communist ants or bees. Everybody has a post, and they carry their duties forth militantly.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Pocky]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna


I have politely asked you questions concerning your experience for a while now. A whole lot of it has made perfect sense, is believable in the sense that it connects so many of the dots that have seemed, at times, unconnectable. I have been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your responses to both Lee and Caitlin are way out of line.

I thought that you learned something from the streamers, vishnu, angellers, and your own akashic record but it seems that you did not. When no one was challenging your beliefs most of what you spoke of was love and understanding. When confronted, even in the most civil of manners, you lash out. I don't really think that the streamers watching you, jesus, god, or vishnu particularly appreciate the snide, arrogant, and overtly rude manner in which you responded to caitlin or lee.

You watched your Akashic record. You yourself said that you felt guilt for much you have done in your lifetime. Well, feel guilty for what you have just done.

I, on my own, have learned that part of the correct path in life is kindness, humility, and humbleness, and I didn't need any supreme being to give me a tour of the universe to realize that that is the correct way to treat others. You have had a unique experience that should have bettered you as an individual, instead you put down and verbally bash anyone that dares to disagree with you.

You want people to believe what you believe. Lead by example.

If I had the experience you had, sure I'd still be human, and I still wouldn't be perfect, but I would be damn sure that I treat others with respect and teach them the correct path through kindness and understanding. Take a lesson from Jesus and turn the other cheek if it really irritates you that much.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by craic.n.up

Haha, I was not able to go to that link, But I'll check it out. I'm already foretelling that it has something to do with her mal-prediction of the 11 miners being dead. I recall it very well, that night I sat in my bed, listening with attentiveness to Sylvia Brown on Coast2Coast.

Some of what she has said, has become true, or been somewhat accurate. I think she has some ability, but I don't think she is accurate 100 percent of the time. I have not seen her on Montel for a while. I wonder if they had a rift.

OK, I checked out that link. Wow, I kind of already felt that she seemed like she had a nasty character. But wow, the stuff these people have said about her, she seems like not only a con artist, but a really mean person. I think it is a very interesting link. She should know better, she's gonna only hurt herself, because she's been such a nasty person to so many people.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Pocky]

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