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Akashic 'Hall of records'.

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
This is very interesting thread, Dan, and there are some intriguing issues being raised here.

One point I would like to go back to from page 9 when someone asked you about the Fae, and you said that they were raised up, vibrationally, about 20 000 years ago, with disasterous consequences to every subsequent attempt at contact.

I work extremely closely with the some respects, I'm their child too...their words, not mine. Although contact has been limited for their safety, there are still very much here and in our world, although inhabiting a different and unseen dimension, simply because as humans we can't be trusted. Other races will admit that the Fae are held in high regard, and are to be treated with immense respect.

Thought it might interest some people.


I'll say hi, then I'll say this.

The fae folk would love to get their hands on this vibrational field. They cannot, and its not that humans cannot be trusted. The Streamers will and do kill them on sight here in this vibration, as they do the Shukra. I'll not dispute they look and sound beautiful, because they do, extremely beautiful. I'll not dispute that they have massive amounts of power and knowledge, because they do. However they are riddled with jealousy and despise us as a race. The tried to be top dog and got slapped down for it, and they hate that, just as they hate the Streamers and Vishnu.

If they are against the Streamers, then i know who I will trust.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:31 PM
Then we shall have to agree to disagree, Daniel, as my knowledge and experience are completely at odds with yours. I do not believe that the Universe and the energy in it behaves this way. That's fine though, as we all have our own missions to accomplish, some of us more publically than others. Some of us are makers and creators, some of us are intellectuals, or storytellers, and some of other stuff.

Here's wishing you a long and busy thread....


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
I do not believe that the Universe and the energy in it behaves this way.

I don't have to believe, because I saw it, experienced it, and travelled it. I thank you for your thoughts though, and wish your thread on meditation great success because I find it wonderful.

very calming and joyful at the same time.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Thank you for the kind words. I didn't want to say "know" instead of "believe"...I see you understand that already. If I had said that I know, it would have been too challenging, to confrontational, and I don't usually work like that. But I will challenge you when I have an issue with what you are saying, as all spiritual work MUST be challenged to see if it fits, and is good enough. Even the most advanced ascended masters will insist on this.

Acceptance of everything, even when it feel this good, is not a healthy option. How do you trust what you are seeing?

Don't feel you have to reply to this...I'm just putting ideas out there for people to consider.



posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

oh yes we need to question and get answers to things, because to not do so would be dangerous to our continued life span.

However, the experience I went through, the Sun, the Streamers in the halls, the whole 'book of my life' event has left me in no doubt at all.

There are three things in that book that only one being in all of creation could of added and allowed me to see.

Thats why i trust it, 100%.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

It's possible that there are some good and bad Fae too. Maybe the fairies are nicer, and the elves, the ones that look like gnomes and leperchauns, maybe those guys are mischief, as others have described them to be.

My cousin's dad told us a few strange happenings from playing with the Ouija board,from when he was a teenager, one of the odd things was, him and his friend had once asked the board if leperchauns exist. He said that the board told them they did exist. Well, then later on that night, he was sleeping on the couch, where he would sleep every night, and something started to pull his blanket, he didn't know what it was but it scared him and he yanked the blanket and then let it go, and whatever the hell it was went crashing into the mirror across from the couch, that was into the hall way. In the morning they found a big crack on the mirror. Then he went to school with his friend, and they saw this leperchaun poke it's head out from the corner of a wall and it had a big smile planted on it's face. And it scared them real bad. They also told me another incident where , they had decided to sleep on the truck bed, with the cover over it, and something started jumping on the truck bed cover, and they got scared, and they got out and found a big mushroom outside, and they touched this thing and it disintegrated in one of their hands.

I believe this leperchaun still resides in that particular closet of their home. My cousin's had told me this sliding closet door/mirror opens and closes without anybody doing it. Well, one day I went to their house and having remembered this, I kept eyeing the mirror and noticed it had originally been closed all the way, then opened a little, then more, then remarkably more open than before. It was strange, and I'm sure none of the kids did it because they were outside.

On another occasion, my cousin told me she was talking to her other cousin in the living room, and she saw some red hair sticking out from the side arm of one of the couches and it freaked her out, and she pointed it at it and they ran out of the living room.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:29 PM
The ouiji board.

Well you know my thoughts about that - its a manifestation from what your thoughts passed to the spirits through the energise..

Scary as account Pocky, and thanks for sharing.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Dan, do people choose what they want to look like before they are born? Were you shown this is the case? Silvia Brown says so, but I wonder how or from where you'd be able to pick out your features. Do they have a book of unused physical versions of your chosen parents offspring or what? I mean what if people were to turn out looking exactly identical to somebody else on planet earth at the same time?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 11:23 PM
Dan, if you get a chance .....
perhaps you can try and figure out why the sky went black as per your other post. I would love to hear what you find out.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 11:57 PM
Dan can you tell me how the universe was created?

Can you tell me why you are so special?

Dan, do these streamers make love to each other, sex?

Do the streamers make love to humans?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Dan, do people choose what they want to look like before they are born? Were you shown this is the case? Silvia Brown says so, but I wonder how or from where you'd be able to pick out your features.

pocky you have mentioned sylvia browne a couple of times please check out this wesite the woman is a con artist imho.

dan this thread is very uplifting thank you.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Dan, do people choose what they want to look like before they are born? Were you shown this is the case? Silvia Brown says so, but I wonder how or from where you'd be able to pick out your features. Do they have a book of unused physical versions of your chosen parents offspring or what? I mean what if people were to turn out looking exactly identical to somebody else on planet earth at the same time?

No we do not choose what we look like. Thats partial 'genetic imprint and partial energetic imprint'. in short, our genes and our ancestors shape what we look like. This is an absolute - I saw the page in my life book where my daughter was created and its like a gift - you don't know what you get till its open and sat in your lap.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
Dan, if you get a chance .....
perhaps you can try and figure out why the sky went black as per your other post. I would love to hear what you find out.


hey deuce, I do know why it went black, and its not some thing I will place in the other thread because of the nature of it. I was going to go a different route until I saw that in the sky - I hid instead. That was the intention of the ####, as a group of shukra were in the next valley i would of travelled down. The #### (I post #### because i swore that i would never reveal their true name to any one) weer overhead and heading down, and used a weird 'dark beam' to rob the sky of light as a warning.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
Dan can you tell me how the universe was created?

Can you tell me why you are so special?

Dan, do these streamers make love to each other, sex?

Do the streamers make love to humans?

I already covered the universe, gigaverse and creation ingreat detail - i even drew pictures.
Streamers are energetic beings, and re-create through mutual desire to do so. They then have offspring which is born from them both, as they both use large amounts of their own being in a self sacrificial way to form a child. They lose around 15% of their net energy each.
They cannot mate with humans. never have, never will, never could.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:41 PM
I think Glowing Aliens are Fake...

Sounds like tha Facist Neo-Christian United States is up to something..

The Technology which you discribed, sounds like technology that they
have had for a very long time.. So I dont think its aliens..
Go Tell Pat Brown, that the Govenment is faking Aliens, just to bring people
back too Christianty..

Why Are So Many Christians Evil Anyway???
If the aliens had anything to do with Christianity,, then theres your answer..
Its an alien invasion.. Buy a gun.. Kill Jesus...

Call me marked for treason.. But I dont think its tha aliens...
Boo HOO!!! God damn born again Church Faqs!!!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by LuciferSatan

Well thats fine. You can think and have any opinion you like, and voice it. Thats the beauty of the boards.

However, with that name and your comments, your never going to get me taking you seriously.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Dan Tanna]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Dan i just want to make my feeling's clear without being rude or anything like that.

I think you are a lier and i dont beleive you.

Now i am far from being a skeptic.

And i have had my own fair share of experiance's but i want to make it clear to you that my personal opinion is that your not telling the truth.

If you are telling the truth then fair enough but if your not then you need to realise what you are doing. You are manipulating a lot of people and that is wrong.

Now some people who beleive every word Dan say's might stand up to defend him well that's a good thing a noble thing.

But just realise aswell that it's possible you are being told a lie !

That's all i ask.

Take care.


[edit on 2-9-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by h3akalee

Thank you for voicing my feelings too...I tried as gently as I could to challenge what was being said here yesterday, but it didn't work, I guess. I think there is deception going on here, although maybe not from Dan. Maybe he is the one being deceived by whoever he is talking to. Dan, they may sound like love and light and all that's holy, but demons are liars too and know fine well how to make you think what *they* want you to think, and will show you anything to make it *real*. There are too many things here that make me uncomfortable about what is being said, but I still don't want this to turn in to a Dan-roast. I've chipped in because I think what Lee has pointed out is really important.

Then again, maybe the deception is coming from you, Dan, and you've made all this up...I've known many "spiritual" people to do this.


[edit on 2-9-2008 by caitlinfae]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:24 PM
ooohhhhhh.... seems like I rattled some 'experiencers' and 'fae folks' cages... I wonder why that could be? could it be that your scared? afraid that now the truth is out, your going to have to look at your own experiences again and try to back away from them? scared because a search light of truth has been shone into the night and its showing your 'friends' and 'guides' to be evil self obsessed beings with little or no regard for humanity or its welfare?

If your guides were so good and powerful and able, they would of taken you into the sun to meet vishnu, touched the edge of the universe and passed through, and then taken you to a place so beautiful it takes the breath away.

Oh and lets see... how did your experience of the Akashic records go? how was the second and third visit?

Ohhh you mean you cannot get in there with your guides? I wonder why that is??? hmmmmm ? could it just be that they would get slapped stupid into the next life if they even peeked around the doorway? hmmm?

Let me be very clear on this - your guides are evil dark folks. I call it out. You acting on their behalf are puppets and what ever you say or do will not make me ever think any other way.

Reply, flame, what ever you like, but I know your measure, and its found to be dark and decietful.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

You have problem's Dan problem's that i for shure nor anyone else on this forum for that matter can help you with.

That is very obvious in the reply you just made.

Take care.


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