posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by billybob
I'm honestly not offended by much of anything, I just pointed it out as being very hypocritical. Correction, hypocrisy offends me. It is something
which has permeated every part of our society today and people seriously need to slow down and reassess themselves. We've devolved into "whatever I
say is fine because it agrees with me, but you better tread lightly and not offend MY sensibillities or else you're being insulting." It really
reeks of a kindergartener poking another kid in the back of the head and laughing until the other kid turns around and returns the gesture at which
time the first kid jumps up and runs to the teacher crying about being abused.
My other issue with the "sheeple" thing is that you don't know me nor do you know anyone else on here who's viewpoint regarding 9/11 disagrees
with yours. You have no idea how much or how little educating myself I've done on the topic. Just because I haven't embraced the same conclusions
some one else made a youtube video about which you latched onto doesn't mean I have a herd mentallity. If anything, here on ATS and particularly in
the 9/11 forum, you're in the herd and you're playing the role of the sheep. In case you haven't noticed, the majority of the posters in there
believe like you do.
It is one of the reason I avoid that part of ATS like the plague. I made the mistake of replying to a handfull of "out there" (IMHO) 9/11 theories
shortly after I first registered here. I also made the mistake of believing that EVERY part of ATS was open to good old fashioned debate and
exchanging of ideas. How wrong I was! I offered what I believed to be a well worded, fairly well researched, and not overly confrontational rebuttal
to someone's thread and immediately saw a handfull of "you have been added to so-and-so's foe list" U2Us appear on my screen alongside several
very short replies which didn't even take a whiff towards disproving what I had written, instead merely calling me a "sheeple." It was then that I
had my first epiphany on ATS: The 9/11 conspiracy theorists in the 9/11 forum have no desire whatsoever to debate, discuss, or defend their position
with any dissenters... instead they seem to merely repeat the same things over and over in between patting each other on the back and starring and
flagging each other's parrotting viewpoints.
If anything should be "outlawed" here at ATS, it is ignorance, and being repititious and insulting in the face of a legitimate debate or merited
differing viewpoint is the epitome of ignorance.