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The tri-lobed Egyptian bowl

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

It is an Ionic impeller and its function is to direct and control the flow of ionised air as it is produced or generated.It doesnt carry the structural workload capacity requirement of conventional impellers as we think of their application in pumps and things useing liquids.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by Hanslune

It is an Ionic impeller and its function is to direct and control the flow of ionised air as it is produced or generated.It doesnt carry the structural workload capacity requirement of conventional impellers as we think of their application in pumps and things useing liquids.

It's a lope sided bowl made out of soft stone, not exactly the material I'd use for such a device, nor does it have the precision you'd need to prevent a wobble. Here is a question for you. Take a look where and with what it was found with - then please comment.

Now how do you 'know' its an 'Ionic impeller'?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by Hanslune

It is an Ionic impeller and its function is to direct and control the flow of ionised air as it is produced or generated.It doesnt carry the structural workload capacity requirement of conventional impellers as we think of their application in pumps and things useing liquids.

It's a lope sided bowl made out of soft stone, not exactly the material I'd use for such a device, nor does it have the precision you'd need to prevent a wobble. Here is a question for you. Take a look where and with what it was found with - then please comment.

Howdy Hans,

The raised central hub/bose solves .....the precision and wobble issues.....that's why we use the method to-day to attach thin items to spinning blades.
I've had my model spinning at 1,800 rpm and had no problems with precision or wobble issues....

The centrafugal band is another method used by modern manufacturers to strengthen/stiffen a revolving The multi blade rural windmills..

I hope this helps

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by Hanslune

It is an Ionic impeller and its function is to direct and control the flow of ionised air as it is produced or generated.It doesnt carry the structural workload capacity requirement of conventional impellers as we think of their application in pumps and things useing liquids.

It's a lope sided bowl made out of soft stone, not exactly the material I'd use for such a device, nor does it have the precision you'd need to prevent a wobble. Here is a question for you. Take a look where and with what it was found with - then please comment.

Now how do you 'know' its an 'Ionic impeller'?


Would you think that the placement of the bowl beside the coffin to infer .....a personal like a favorite dog...or weapon...????? as found in other burials.....

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

it reminds me of a torque converter out of a automatic gear box . ( just a thought ) .
and the artifact is only a model of the actual thing .

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

The placement matters not,it is who it was historicly placed with in terms if the individuals that is important,who were they and what did they represent?

And yes i have researched the Impeller and believe it or not i was lead to the impeller in the first place by lookng into who it was buried with.And i was investigating that fellow because of a man named David hamel,how exactly were you led to the bowl???And how would you have any idea of its function??I have a chronological path to my interest ,what is your path?

The item was placed there because someone who was dead valued it greatly,that values catalyst is unknown.But we can extrapolate from the history of those buried and connected to each other that it is possibly a piece of a craft or tech from one.This all leads us to where I started,a technology that was described and known by the egyptians,and also known by a Canadian named David Hamel,and others as well.

When you read hamels work and learn how he interprets the egyptian heiroglyphs correctly and then learn how he developed his craft and its tech,you then see how the impeller woks and its form and function.I was LOOKING for tech like the bowl when i found it,I was LED to it by David hamels work.

Please tell me how you were led to it?That is how I know what it is and what it does.
edit on 29-4-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

Oh so you made it exactly like the stone version or did you correct the mistakes in the original?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

The placement matters not,it is who it was historicly placed with in terms if the individuals that is important,who were they and what did they represent?

Actually it does, the man it is buried with was an Egyptian and he was prepared for his journey to the afterlife, with much food and those things that would help him on his way

Why would he need a stone 'ionic impeller'?

And yes i have researched the Impeller and believe it or not i was lead to the impeller in the first place by lookng into who it was buried with.And i was investigating that fellow because of a man named David hamel,how exactly were you led to the bowl???And how would you have any idea of its function??I have a chronological path to my interest ,what is your path?

By comparing it to other similar bowls, many of which don't look particularly impellerish

The item was placed there because someone who was dead valued it greatly,that values catalyst is unknown.But we can extrapolate from the history of those buried and connected to each other that it is possibly a piece of a craft or tech from one.This all leads us to where I started,a technology that was described and known by the egyptians,and also known by a Canadian named David Hamel,and others as well.

Again what would they do with an 'ionic impeller'? How would they spin it at the rpm you can reach?

When you read hamels work and learn how he interprets the egyptian heiroglyphs correctly and then learn how he developed his craft and its tech,you then see how the impeller woks and its form and function.I was LOOKING for tech like the bowl when i found it,I was LED to it by David hamels work.

How does he 'interpret the AE heiroglyphs' correctly? Have Egyptologist got it wrong?

Please tell me how you were led to it?That is how I know what it is and what it does.

You don't know what it is you are simply believing what another told you. Now you could say the same for my position but I have have an advantage I know that there are a number of these similar bowls, I know something of the AE religion and their practices, I can also see that the bowl, although a nice piece of work, is flawed.

Led to it? By fringe claims in the 1990's

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:10 PM
For grins and giggles, here is another interesting piece of Metasiltstone

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

If you needed to create a volkswagon or a craft like hamels you would have a much easier time createing the Hamel craft,because the parts are few and simple to manufacture,the materials are all easily obtained,in fact you could have built one in egyptian times if you knew how to build it,the materials were all there,you wouldnt have a chance at building a volkswagon though,not a chance.

For all we know this was a critical part of a craft that was being reproduced or built,or maybe part of one that simply crashed,or may have even been captured.

I see your point and perspective,you require that i produce a working Hamel craft that has been altered to accept the transmission or tri-lobed bowl,right?I understand but can not do that.

This doesnt mean that all discussion on the ideas must stop because you cannot have your empirical proof.

Until you can show me a picture of someone takeing a nut out of that "bowl"I dont believe it is a bowl.In fact ,what was found inside this special bowl??Or beside it??If is was ceremonial it would be depicted in one place or another,so i doubt it is that.

And really it looks more like an impeller than it does a bowl,and to add to that i wasnt looking for either an impeller or a bowl when i found the Impeller,i was traceing hamels egyptian data path and found the fellow who had spaceman connections ,and then found the artifacts buried with or associated indirectly with or to him and as we all obviously know the tri-lobed bowl or impeller stands out absolutely as being out of place,this is how i first noticed it,and because the catalyst of my search was a Canadian named Hamel who had developed anti-grav technology based on knowledge the egyptians had,it was a natural path to where we are right now,and it was very easy to see where the impeller fit in to hamels craft,and to me this just shows that hamels tech or a similar version was being used back then and I just went to the internet for spaceman in egyptian history and wha-la there it was,the ionic impeller,in perfect form.

Your bowl story sounds a little weak to me.

if you are implying that someone like hamel or myself or Mr.or Mrs.Everyman or Everywoman couldnt discover things as important of significant as Egyptologists find you are sadly mistaken,and yes David hamel will show you how to read egyptian heiroglyphs in an easy to understand way.So I am afraid to say that i put much less faith in Egyptologists than I do in Everyone else out there,I have watched six year old savant children do incredible things on TV many times,and i have researched a Canadian man who brought the world an incredible opportunity to embrace an old but new technology,much like the savant children.I am sorry but i prefer to see the world as the savants do not as regular people do,you might be restricted by an inability to mentally image your thoughts and as a result your rely mainly on empirical evidence to support your reality--I dont choose to function that way,empirical evidence is a by=product to me not a building block..

A savant will take a regular thinker in huge leaps and bounds that disorientate them and confuse them,a regular person cannot absorb and assimilate the volume of data that is thrown at them without relying on mental visualisation.

Savants cannot wait around to explain details,they are accurate and confident and intuative by nature,you cannot waste time trying to feel out every single step of your way with them,because they are takeing surefooted leaps and bounds from mountain top to mountain top,you need to just follow and keep your eyes and ears open and remember to visualise.

And dont waste time trying to compare intellects with savants,it makes no sense to them,its like picking on someone to ask them to think down to you if you are in a dynamic favouring their skill or area.These are special thinkers who far eclipse normal peoples skills and abilitys.And for the record i personally dont care how that makes regular people feel,hopefully defensive so they take a look at themselves.

And for goodness sakes NO ONE LIKED the little kid who kept spouting off"why dont you proooovvvve it!!!You have to Prooooove it!!"no one liked the little contrarian when we were all kids and we dont usually appreciate it as adults,contrarians are people who want to learn slowly at their own pace to make sure they dont MISS anything,they are just insecure and refuse to keep pace,hence the constant demands for PROOF and the constant stall tactics.

I am saying i think like these savants,and I understand why the need for constant provision of physical proof exists,but I am trying to show you that it is just as important for you yourself to let go of that need as it is for me to be faced with it,however insecurity requires that your demands are so constant and manic that you never step out of your comfort zone and risk the integration of new data.

As long as you feel in control of the dynamic by constantly controlling it through constant demands for physical proof you SLOW DOWN THE LEARNING PROCESS,we didnt get to where we are as a species by doing things that way and we wont get far into the future by relying on it so much today,we need visionaries to manifest our future.

Amd yes,savants use their imaginations,they visualise every thought they ever have,it is what it is,its like seeing in color when everyone else sees in black and white.

so,no they dont think like you,and yes they will humble you in mnay areas beyond recovery,so your ego better be in check,and if you get to defensive you will in actuality be abusive because this is how they and you think and attacking them will not empower you or dis-empower them.i guess i am trying to make some people feel better and not get so defensive because they will NEVER see the world another way unless they surrender their current perspective and that is nearly impossible for many people.

David hamel was one of these savants,there are MANY OF THEM,And yes,we can easily see who they are because they out think us all the time with ease and regularity,of we spend a lifetime focusing on ONE topic we will get near a savants abilitys when we are 90 yrs old ,the ability they had at ten yrs old,so you see it is what it is.Why not celebrate it??if someone can take you on an incredible leap of learning ,why not take it??its not like you cant un-learn things if they seem wrong??Right??

edit on 29-4-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 05:27 PM
I agree,ha ha ha,that some of the things in there were supposed to help them on their way,ha ha ha.

The ionic impeller only directs airflow,or rather plasma or whatever ionised or excited air is called.And it looks like this might be a man friday reproduction,useing what materials were available at the time.makeing a one-time reproduction of something that was originally cretaed in larger numbers.

I mean this could be anything,but barring a better explanation than mine,considering where it was found and the history of the people it was found with it is not a stretch to say it is what I claim.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by Hanslune

For all we know this was a critical part of a craft that was being reproduced or built,or maybe part of one that simply crashed,or may have even been captured.

It would seem odd that any technology would use such a material for a rapidly moving piece of machinery

I see your point and perspective,you require that i produce a working Hamel craft that has been altered to accept the transmission or tri-lobed bowl,right?I understand but can not do that.

Not at all

Until you can show me a picture of someone takeing a nut out of that "bowl"I dont believe it is a bowl.In fact ,what was found inside this special bowl??Or beside it??If is was ceremonial it would be depicted in one place or another, so i doubt it is that.

There are a number of surviving metasiltstone bowls of similar and different construction. Lots of bowls are shown in AE art. I don’t known if this particular type of bowl is shown anywhere. Perhaps you can show in the art the 'impeller' doing whateveritisyouthinkit does?

And really it looks more like an impeller than it does a bowl,and to add to that i wasnt looking for either an impeller or a bowl when i found the Impeller,i was traceing hamels egyptian data path and found the fellow who had spaceman connections ,and then found the artifacts buried with or associated indirectly with or to him and as we all obviously know the tri-lobed bowl or impeller stands out absolutely as being out of place,

No its most probably just a bowl and bowls are rather common amongst burials – note the hi-tech flint tools in this burial. To prove that it is ‘out of place’ you have to show that nothing like it has ever been found, similar bowls have been found but this is the most extreme example-and much loved by the fringe

if you are implying that someone like hamel or myself or Mr.or Mrs.Everyman or Everywoman couldnt discover things as important of significant as Egyptologists find you are sadly mistaken,and yes David hamel will show you how to read egyptian heiroglyphs in an easy to understand way.

Nope, anybody can make a discovery – as long as they have the basic knowledge to know what they are looking at isn’t something else. You seem to think highly of DH are you him by chance?

I'll take it you cannot provide an example of DH 'correct' translation vs a good old Egyptologist one?

So I am afraid to say that i put much less faith in Egyptologists than I do in Everyone else out there,I have watched six year old savant children do incredible things on TV many times,and i have researched a Canadian man who brought the world an incredible opportunity to embrace an old but new technology,much like the savant children.I am sorry but i prefer to see the world as the savants do not as regular people do,you might be restricted by an inability to mentally image your thoughts and as a result your rely mainly on empirical evidence to support your reality--I dont choose to function that way,empirical evidence is a by=product to me not a building block….snip….

Oh my another human who thinks he has the market cornered on knowing stuff and everybody else is wrong, lol

edit on 29/4/12 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by one4all

The ionic impeller only directs airflow,or rather plasma or whatever ionised or excited air is called.And it looks like this might be a man friday reproduction,useing what materials were available at the time.makeing a one-time reproduction of something that was originally cretaed in larger numbers.[

I mean this could be anything,but barring a better explanation than mine,considering where it was found and the history of the people it was found with it is not a stretch to say it is what I claim.

No not really this bowl fits the technological level of the AE very well, an impellers, lacks any context, technological support or utility

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

Hello Hans,

There have been a number of explanations for this curious artifact but still no one really knows its true use. I don't either but a thought occurred to me as to a possible use for such an object.

Ancient Weights and Measures?

Dividing something - for example, a sack of grain - into two equal parts is simple enough - you use a simple balance scale.

Dividing a sack of grain into THREE equal parts is a bit more tricky. This metasiltstone bowl might represent a means by which such could have been achieved.

Imagine the artifact suspended at its centre with a cord. Now imagine the bowl filled with water. The water will create a level (like a spirit level). Mark the water level on the inside of the bowl. Finally, imagine three cloth sacks with a strap placed inside and looped around each of the three lobes, being suspended under the bowl. Even if the three sacks are all of different weights these can be equalised by adding small pebbles to the appropriate sack until the water in the bowl is again level. Now fill each of the three sacks with the grain, ensuring the water in the bowl remains level. When you have finished, each of the three sacks will have the same quantity (weight) of grain.

Such a weights and measure scale would be 50% more efficient than a simple balance scale. Just a thought.


Scott Creighton

edit on 30/4/2012 by Scott Creighton because: Fix Typo.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Well that might work, inventive, well done

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Not to be pointing out the obvious since you seem to have the market cornered on it,but why dont you apply your analytical acumen to visualising the seperation of the plasma airflow useing the same divison yet balance principals that the poster just before you illustrated to you,he described core values of the impellers function for you clearly .And sorry for your luck,but if you find the episode of TED talks that featured Temple Grandin you will find out there are alot of people who are know it alls and you havent got a chance so just stop the chuckles already and accept there are many who best your hard work just by being themselves with eyes wide open,and dont take it so personally,it doesnt look good on you.

And jeepers alread there are NO bowls anywhere near like that tri-lobed impeller,forgetta bout it man,you can spout that till you are blue in the face but untill you can show them--- and the other one of similar material is laughable,in terms of form and function,it looks like a mould for makeing a component but who knows I see nothing at this point .Nowhere near the same items though.I already told you that hamel brought me to the tomb before this thread,and my path makes sense and is chronologically and historicly paralell.

You need to learn about visual thinking my friend,because you need to relax and let yourself be led by the hand,ha ha ha,or not,but its you missing the movie by your own choice.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

Oh so you made it exactly like the stone version or did you correct the mistakes in the original?

Howdy Hans,..

Is this close enough??.....

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

Oh so you made it exactly like the stone version or did you correct the mistakes in the original?


Can you enlighten me ...Mistakes in the original..??????

Are you referring to the item in the Cairo Museum.....being restorded,glued back together?????

So what mistakes where in the original.... When it was found in pieces by Walter Emery..?????

Have you ever seen this item with your own eyes???

If you've not been to the Cairo Museum...not seen this item first hand....not made a model and played with it.....

How can you profess expertise in this have no first hand experiance...

In the eyes of Archea Solenhofen......a unique artefact....via the hall of maat... his page is quoted many times on this thread....

I ask you to present any other ceremonial bowl, ritual dish, loving cup, quacking duck pictures shown on this thread are the same as the item in the Cairo Museum....

Show me one item the same as the tri-lobe.....just one...
ie...raised hub in the center......circumferential band .....true roundness in shape....

I've see'n all the photo's that your self and others have posted in reguards to this suject......and the're all lacking...

hit me with your paint brush and trowel and your well worn library card....

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 10:02 PM
It's would seem that the OP is derailing his own thread in order to keep it within his own sense of reality, supporting only ideas that may support his, forgetting this is an open forum, not listening to researchers, attacking them for their ideas, while denying the visually obvious.

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Well that might work, inventive, well done

Anyway, back on topic.

Us researchers know that this device creates an implosive field. The 3 lobes allow it also to create a perfect helical vortex when spun. To understand this device fully, one has to understand music and resonance. 'Sound' waves are produced when it is spun.

Two important videos.

In this video you will see research on acoustic levitation through the use of sound. The balls levitate within the nodes of the standing wave which is created from the reflective surface. The dry ice shows these standing wave nodes. The ancient teacher in my past posts explained how they did this. By using this disc to create a sound wave, reflecting it back onto itself by a plate of metal. Here they use a concave aluminium reflector to create the standing wave.

In the second video, if you have not seen it yet, Boyd Bushman explains high and low pressure areas within the nodes of standing waves, which create levitating effects.

edit on 6-5-2012 by reddpill because: Fixed youtube links

edit on 6-5-2012 by reddpill because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2012 by reddpill because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by tri-lobe-1

Very nice but did you correct the bowls mistakes or leave them in?

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