posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by hawaiigurl
In reading this thread a number of questions entered my head that I would have asked in a series...leading questions of family background, blood type,
personal and spiritual belief systems, psychological beliefs, medical "trend" opinions, etc.
You answered quite a few of them on the third page before I had the chance to ask them. From your screen name I will go out on a limb and say that you
may have some native Hawaiian in your or your child's background, that you have some family members on both sides that either are or simply are not
what some may call parapsycholocially enhanced.
To the readers that understand where I am coming from, those comments may some sense. Other may read and think I am off my nut a bit. So I will
explain a bit. In my research in trying to understand things of this nature I have found that there is increased predisposition in those of Native
American backgrounds, that seems to be a somewhat recessive trait in families and that the extensive range of abilities vary to the individual but the
common thread of those that have and have not is prophetic dreams or visions (or whatever the person may describe them as).
My interest in this is of course personal as I have some Cherokee and this runs on both sides of my family but was more noticed on my mother's side
since there was a larger base (she is one of eight children and it ran on both her mother's and father's side). Yes, I do experience visions and
other things.
My oldest nephew was diagnosed as mildly Autistic/developmentally disabled for speech and is undergoing speech therapy to correct it and to bring him
out of his shell a bit. Living 5 hours away I don’t get to spend as much time with him as I would like but when I first met him, my sister and
brother-in-law came down to Grandma’s when he was a few months old comments were made about how he “knew” I was his uncle because he was fussy
around all the other “strangers”. The reality was, I was the only “stranger” in the house that he could talk with and after being explained
to about who all these other people were he wasn’t quite so fussy about being held. Unfortunately since he can communicate ideas with my Mom (who
is his babysitter) with minimal spoken words, his vocabulary became rather limited to clarifying words.
As for your son enjoying solitude and being comfortable in the dark. Not a lot to be worried about there. But I do recommend gradually forcing him to
express thoughts and communication by increasing his spoken vocabulary by acting like you are unsure exactly what he is wanting. Otherwise he will try
to be efficient by using “cookie” to mean anything from crackers to chips or even cookies for a snack and “juice” for water, milk or what have
you. Yeah, expect him to throw a fit because he just might know that you are faking it or because you are not playing the guessing game of what
“juice, please” means this time.
Of course children have an ungodly memory when they want to have one and your little torture sessions of expanded vocabulary will one day make you
long for the days of peace and quiet when you have had to answer the 50th question in the past hour because I think they secretly make a blood oath to
get you back for it that way.