posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:04 PM
I came acrooss this site, someone told be about it and it's so facinating..
I couldn't help but to join the conversation...
Have you tried sitting in the tent beside him? act like him and see if he responds in any way... just you and him, maybe there is something
"paranormal" going on or he is just simply enjoying himself or he could be doing it just because he wants attention.
But one thing that really matters is that you are there for him and show him that you care... because to me, going away like that is a little... I
don't know, there must be a reason.
(He could also.. (like someone else I saw wrote) be talking to someone who's past away. I do believe in those things, but never experienced anything
of it myself. But he could have a rare gift right there
I've read that children are very sensetive and emotional to dreams aswell, so it's not impossible that he can do this aswell..
(I have watched too much Lisa Williams on tv.. )
... well I have to say the end..
Katrine (17)