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UK UFO Wave - Mass Sightings Of Orange Orbs

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posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by monkeybus

The footage above clearly shows ufo orbs. Chinese lanterns lol are just the weather balloon excuse of modern times, the blind leading the blind.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

ok...If you have seen them, you will realise that they match 90% of the decriptions on this thread. Alot of Ufo sightings have actually just been somone realising them down the road.

Many ats'ers realise this, that they are probably just these.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by monkeybus

UFO orbs? Chinese manufactured lanterns? Watch the footage.............

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

Someone investigating, UFO's and UFO footage has to take into account every possibility, and the simplest explination is often correct.

Unless we can positivley rule out every other possibility,as planes,helicoptors etc.. then it is absolutly of no significance in the UFO community.

Like the millions of useless Ufo "evidence" on youtube, it makes it very difficult to weed out actual Phenomenon. This is why i disregard such, videos so easily.

The Ats team did it pretty good, out at the ranch and didnt come to any unfounded conculsions, by trying to rule out other possibilitys before claming anything.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by monkeybus

Have you seen the evidence? Watch the footage, the short clip is when we were leaving, that's an amber/orange type ufo orb and we were legging it because we were stunned after what we had seen, the major 29 minute footage shows a ufo orb cluster of the white type and a triangle formation,
also lots of ufo orbs that surrounded us. This footage was taken in the region known as the apex (of the pyramid) of the ley line system (the apex being Arbor Low an ancient stone circle second only to stone henge) that has been lain over England.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:03 AM
I observed an orange "orb" if you want to call it that last night, but it doesn't fit the criteria of the above sightings because it was stationary.

I saw it between a couple of trees, not moving, got out the binoculars and watched it for a minute, it would have looked like a star, the way it just sat there, only it seemed lower in the sky and of course was definitely orange.

As I watched for a few minutes I saw a "tail" or mabye what would be considered and energy source for movement appear at the back of the object. Kind of like when race cars use nitrous, then suddenly it was gone.

It didn't move, fly off, or anything. It simply was gone.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Never told anyone this! but, me and my buddy saw 5 red lights shoot across the sky REALLY fast, seeing as I'm always looking for UFO's I didn't want to jump to that conclusion, so I feigned them off as 'birds with red flashlights' hahaha...The next day I saw some birds flying in formation, although the lights moved in a similar fashion, the birds were WAY TOO SLOW and low in the sky... hmmm....very strange...was the coolest $%&T i've ever seen, that was around the same time as these mass orb sightings.... but i'm in the south of UK nearer to london

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:07 AM
I saw a pair of orange glowing orbs flying over Louisville Ky. I though I was crazy until I saw pictures and videos of the same thing. It was about 9:30 pm on Dec 6,08.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by violet

No, I don't think they were lantens - I saw something similar and it certainly was self-propelled, not blowing about on the breeze, and we could clearly see it disappearing into cloud as opposed to "flickering out" - that, and the fact that there's no-one within miles of my house, and none of them are the type of people who would launch chinese lanterns (i.e. Dales hill farmers) at 1:30am.

Have a look here - Orange Orb UFO - for more.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:21 AM
Hi okay now i have read various web sites about these orange orb/glowing objects i now know i am not going mental or seeing things, so i am going to tell you what my storey.

It was 30th December last year, i live in a samll town called Birstall, just outside wakefield and leeds to the other side, it was icey on the roads but clear skies, icoul'nt remember the exact time, but i do know it was between 8-9pm, i had just bein to the spar shop and was walking back up the hill that leads to my estate where i live, as i was half way up the hill, something caught my eye and made me want to look upwards,and what i saw was what looked like a fireball,it is hard to explain and to put it into words,the way i saw it was it was roundish, which was bright orange and was fuzzy which made it hard to get a clear vision, it was low,but still higher than a average tree, it was moving at a steady speed , no sound was coming from it,i stood and watched it for about 2mins,it seemed to be just hovering,i decided to carry on walking home, as i was stunned and did'nt know what to make of it, new year eve saw the same thing but higher up in the sky. After looking on other websites i now know they were many people who saw the same thing as i did. Surley if this many people are seeing the same objects over the same time/areas then they is something/things out there? I can honestly say what i saw was not a aircraft/lantern/hot air ballon/satalite. These sightings are getting more frequent and more people are seeing them,how can that many people be wrong?. BYE

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

Why would you leg it when watching orbs? If they were coming your way why not hang around for better pictures? Or would that mean your mates would be in shot too.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
I know people who swear they have intelligence and have signaled them. I have heard they responded to lights shined at them.

Now you got me out of the closet. In december I stepped out of the house to look for the alignment of the two planets and the crescent moon. I had my headlamp with a RED vision saving light turned on. I looked up to the sky and these two red lights seem to swoop down towards me. I turned away instictively and tore the light off my head switching it off at the same time. The two red lights flew over my house and beyond the trees on my horizon. I looked for them again several times but nothing again, yet. The red lights were solid and seemingly connected by a stiff invisible teather so that the two lights would always move in relation to one another. I never saw a connector but I looked as it flew by stars to see if a connector would block out the stars.

Maybe they were orbs? I wrote a post about it at the time but don't remember which thread.

edit: BTW I am in New England, USA. Just a hop across the pond.

[edit on 1/14/09 by stikkinikki]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by cropmuncher
Why did we leg it? Well the last clip (the short two min one) was filmed after the 29 minute footage, by then it was like 5ish in the morning and we were tired out. I can't deny also that we were rather concerned about be abducted, especially because 5 days earlier when we saw them, they were over our heads and surrounded us and a big white radiant mothership buzzed us four times, while an angle grinder type white (jesus light) ufo orb almost touched us. The filmed footage was not on such an amzingly colse encounter night as before, but they are there, those orbs are very real and communicate back to you as you communicate with them using your communicator.

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