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UK UFO Wave - Mass Sightings Of Orange Orbs

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by candyfloss

Cheers for the story. Here it is because your link didn't come out right.

STRANGE sightings of a spinning orange object shooting from the sky have been reported by a shocked Warwickshire couple.

Terrified Cliff and Carol Sheldon say the flashing orange mass nearly smashed into their car in Bubbenhall on Monday night. They say it was cylindrical in shape, and about half the size of their Vauxhall Corsa. The down-to-earth couple from Stretton-on-Dunsmore say they have always been sceptical about UFOs. But the grandparents of-five are in no doubt about what they saw.

Their claims have been backed by a Warwick University professor with an interest in UFOs. He said they may have seen a meteorite, also known as a shooting star. Cliff, aged 63, who has recently retired from his garage business, Manhattan Motors in Earlsdon, Coventry, said: "I just saw a great big thing spinning round with lights on. "Carol was panicking saying: 'That might explode - go, go, go'. "It was a clear night and I thought 'blinkin' 'eck, what's that?' It could have been something burning. There is no doubt that it was real, and we are genuine."

Carol, aged 58, described a flat round structure 'like a giant dinner plate' that was flashing orange. She said: "I put my fingers in my ear and thought it was going to explode. We were both terrified and shocked."It was moving very fast and we thought it was going to hit the car. It looked like it must have come down in the fields nearby.

"We reported it to the police although I don't suppose they believed us. But there is no way you could make something up like that."

Their UFO sighting was at 9pm on Stoneleigh Road in Bubbenhall, though nearby Coventry Airport reported "nothing untoward" on the night in question.

But Dr Jack Cohen, a professor and scientist from Warwick University who researches UFOs, said: "It's more likely to be a meteorite than a flying saucer. My guess is there are two or three a day coming down in England.

"It's not unreasonable that one could have come down close to someone."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said: "We do from time to time get people reporting this kind of thing to us, particularly if they want to check military aircraft movement.

"But we're not aware of anything reported to us that would corroborate that claim from Monday night."


posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Thanks for sorting that out,damn tech probs,thought it was astory with a different angle people might like to read.Bubbenhall is a tiny village in the West Midlands ,hardly ufo central,sounds scary though.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:54 AM
Another local news report of Saturday night, this one's from Reading, there's video on the papers site:

Unidentified flying objects have been spotted above the skies of Woodley.

Amazed onlookers in the town have told the Evening Post how they witnessed up to 30 strange “bright, orange, globes” in the night sky on Saturday, shortly after 10pm.

Steve Dyke, of Malvern Close, caught the mysterious objects on his camcorder after a night out with wife Karen and children, Jade, 11, and Shannon, aged eight, and a couple of their friends.

He said: “As we pulled up the road we could see these strange orange lights.

“We went out into the back garden and the kids were shouting with excitement.

“They were big, circular and even, but I couldn’t see any detail as they were quite far away.

“They kept appearing on the horizon and travelling in the same direction from east to west until they vanished.”

Rachel Gormley, 52, and husband Martin also spotted the objects as they headed across the sky from the direction of Woodford Park in groups of two or three over their home in Corbett Gardens.

She said: “They were coming towards us. There were about 20 of them. It was difficult to tell how high or how fast they were going but it was a steady pace.

“I’d seen nothing like it before. I thought, ‘What is it? A UFO?’ and then common sense kicked in.

“I don’t think either of us believe it was a UFO and somebody must have been setting them off.

“There must be a rational explanation for it all.”

Three more people have posted similar sightings in Woodley on the Anomalous Phenomena Research Agency (APRA) website which is run by paranormal enthusiasts.

One UFO spotter said: “My adrenaline was going through the roof.

“I was so interested to read the other reports of people seeing what must have been the same thing.

“Wow… I still feel shaky. I seem to have a real sense of urgency and interest to understand what these were.”

Another added: “We have just watched in amazement as at least 20 maybe 30 orange lights silently but purposefully drifted across the sky.

“Our guesses as to what they were included hot air balloons, hang-gliders and microlights but they just seemed a bit too high up and too fast for these.”

“The first five were in a V formation and the lights on one of the back pairs went out and we could not see it all no matter how much we strained our eyes.”

Researchers from APRA state it is 99 per cent sure the sightings were fire lanterns but has had no confirmation of an event or party which may have launched them.

Fire lanterns are readily available to buy from a number of online dealers and are also referred to as a UFO balloon or Chinese lantern and are often used as an alternative to fireworks.

The Ministry of Defence said it had not received any reports of UFO sightings in the Reading area on Saturday but would investigate further if there was evidence of a potential threat from hostile activity in UK airspace.


[edit on 31-7-2008 by Nusku]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:57 AM
Another Saturday night report, this one from Worthing, video is on the papers site:

WORTHING residents were left baffled by dozens of mysterious lights which "invaded" the seafront.
Click on the green play button to see amazing video footage of the lights.

Emails and phone calls flooded in to the Herald newsdesk from confused residents who watched in amazement as up to 21 orange ball-like lights moved across the night sky over the area below cloud level from around 10.30pm on Saturday, July 25.

Worthing Cricket Club star Danny Barton watched stunned from his Petworth Avenue home as the lights flew by, before rushing down to the seafront with a camera.

Never seen anything like it

"I've never seen anything like it in all my life," said Mr Barton.

"They were so bright and so close to the house.

"That's why I was so convinced there was something weird going on.

"When I drove down the beach, I got just past the line of trees and one had come along about six foot off the ground.

"As soon as it got near the trees, it was like it was controlled, it lifted over the trees and carried on up."

Mr Barton then filmed some of the lights with his camera phone before discussing the phenomenon with some passing, and equally confused, police officers.

Speeding light

Marc Baldwin, 27, from Goring Road, filmed the lights from the front window of his lounge.

His footage clearly shows a number of the lights drifting across the Goring area.

But he admitted he was staggered to catch on film the amazing sight of one light speeding across the sky, stopping suddenly, moving slightly, then darting away.

"You try to think of any explanation for it," said Mr Baldwin.

"After I saw the one dart across the sky, I thought there's nothing that can do that.

"No plane could do that. No helicopter could do that.

"I would like to see if there is an explanation. I haven't a clue what it is."

Suggested explanations for the lights include Chinese lanterns, slow moving aircraft or some kind of light display from the Worthing Festival.

David Crossley, 58, from Nutley Crescent, said: "It was actually incredible.

"It's not a little green man, I know that, I just don't know what it is.

"I've relatively got my own marbles and don't drink that much."

UFO experts said record numbers of people nationwide reported sightings over the weekend.


posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:58 AM
So there were no pictures taken? It was still much witnesses, if the source was reliable.

Im interested, if this is true, were there any sound effects? And how fast they moved, how high and what size?

EDT: Never mind, Im analyzing the video.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Cedric]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:22 AM

I live in stevenage and a white orb has been crusing through my garden since the 23rd of july - 30th july last night. It's there every night with out fail. I first saw it on the 23rd at 11:40pm it has been getting more earlier. last night it came at 10:30pm and the night before it arrived at 10:15pm.
I got some video footage last night and some camera pics the night before. It is very strange it's just a bright white light quite large in diameter and glows all the way round and is totally silient in flight. On the 26th july me and a friend saw two of these 1 hour apart. traveling west to east. If you live in Stevenage and see this message get outdoors between 10pm and 11:30 you will definately see it. You can't miss it it is so big and bright. But don't mistake it for Jupiter as that is in the skies at the moment in the south direction.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 04:06 PM
At 11.00 pm last Saturday night (26th July 2008), I sighted 3 red/orange stationary lights hovering in the sky above Stevenage.

The lights stayed there for about 2 minutes, and were perfectly arranged in a diagonal straight line, with equidistant spacing.

At the time, an aircraft was coming in to land at Luton Airport, so someone may have seen them if they were looking out of the port windows.

I do not believe these three lights were chinese lanterns.

My wife witnessed the three lights, so I no I wasn't seeing things.

All very strange!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Well my boss last week was sure he saw 3 glowing balls in a triangle formation but once I looked at his photo in depth they were quite clearly lanterns you could see the glow from the flame in the middle of the balls and then a ring around the outside that was the spacer ring of the paper envelope being illuminated by the flame.

Don't forget that if launched closely together these things could easily stay in formation as they travel in the same current of wind.

If any of you have seen a mass launch of hot air balloons you will notice that when they take off at different times they hit different currents and move in different directions and that some that launch in a pack will all move in the same current and stick closely to each other.

You can see it happening in this timelapse video:

You should also take into account that the effect is a lot stronger with sky lanterns because they are a LOT closer together usually than a hot air balloon due to their smaller size.

And with regards to altitude and speed, some of these lanterns that you can buy very cheaply can burn for over 20 minutes and that will give you a pretty high altitude and also they can travel just as fast as the wind is blowing.

Going by shape and appearance alone I'm convinced that the video with the uk police helicopter is just a sky lantern, a lot of people comment on it's speed but I think that is exaggerated by the fact that the chopper and the lantern are moving in opposite directions and that the camera is panning after it making all the background scenery appear to rush by at an alarming rate.

I was sceptical of these lanterns at first but after realising how easy and cheap they are to buy from places such as ebay and how many people I have seen using them this summer I have no reason to doubt that this mass of sightings is more to do with the fact that it was a saturday and one of the only decent days for weather the uk has had all year meaning a lot of people launched their lanterns while the weather was suitable.

I bet you that day had a record amount of bbq's, garden parties and other get togethers too!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:01 AM
Here's what I mean with the police helicopter video:

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Aldolas

Sorry mate but I know who was letting the lanterns off. An 18th birthday party in stevenage!

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 04:51 AM
I live in Torquay, S.Devon. On Sunday August 3rd at about 23:25 I saw two orange lights moving low in the eastern sky. They were travelling close together in the same northerly direction at the sort of speed that a satellite would appear to, and were of a similar colour and brightness to that of the planet Mars on a clear night. No smoke or haze, just two bright, clear points of light...

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:00 AM
This guy has some orb reports and some short but fairly good quality video footage, from Yorkshire, on his website: Here



They don't seem like Chinese lanterns to me.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:38 PM

I live in Waltham Mass. Earlier I saw a something looking like a ball travelling through the sky. I though it was a ballon but there was hardly any wind. It was an incredible sight. I'm partially color blind but the size of the objext was comparitable to how the moon looks at at night. I beleive it was browninsh in color. It went from one side of the horizon to the other in a matter of 30 seconds.

I thought I check if there was any sightings and found this site so i'm entering this info.


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:33 PM
i had to join this site when i read the sory of the orange orbs... ive seen one myself and was starting to think that i may have imagined it.. until now.. about 6 months ago i was on my way home.. i was talking to my girlfriend on my mobile.. and for some strange reason i happened to look up at the sky.. it was night time.. and in the sky was a orange orb... it looked to be really really high up.. it shot across the sky at a great speed.. then turned at a 90 degree angle in one fluid movement.. then disapeared!... this happened all in the space of a second or two.. i told my girlfriend and she tryed explaining it off as a aeroplane.. i knew it wasnt!.. very strange indeed.. im glad im not the only person who has seen one of these!

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 12:55 PM
Saw a bright orange light at about 2145 last night travelling across the sky- totally weirded me out I was driving at the time with two other people and stopped the car to watch it everyone remarked at its strangeness but we sort of dismissed it after e while because there has been a lot of talk in the local press of chinese lantern hoaxes... It didn't look like a lantern to me as the light was vetry intense and did not flicker- who knows.
Sighting was at Urmston, Manchester England 24th August 2008.....

I Believe.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Hello, my name is Sam, nice to meet you all!
This is my first post here, but I've been reading these boards quite a lot lately, but never thought I'd have anything of my own experience to post here, until about 15 minutes ago!

I live in Greenwich, London of the UK. Although my interest of Aliens/UFO has risen recently, I don't believe this has effected this account in anyway at all.

Anyway, so I'm sitting in my front room, with my mum in her arm chair, watching the TV and surfing the internet on my laptop. To look up out the window (opposite one of our sofas we have a largish window, mum has always chosen not to have nets up like the rest of the street, just open drapes, so it's a clear view outside. It was heading into darkness around 8:45 PM) so I just casually glance over to see this large Orange glow. I look again, at first I thought it was plane, as we live not far from city airport and its a common sight, the sky was clear in the area it I could see it also, and it appeared to be coming over into our direction across the sky and over the houses.

So I jumped out of my seat to get a closer look, telling my mum to look as I needed a second opinion! She thought it was a plane....then it made a sudden move end changed direction, it started heading in a (from where i was standing) north west position. It was also pulsating brightly and then dimming down to points where I thought it was going to fade out completely, only to brighten up all of a sudden. From what I know of the planes and helicopters around here the lights tend to blink or stay on...this "orb" also had a slight bob to it as it started moving in a different direction, and quickly headed towards the clouds. I wish I hadn't have been so in awe and grabbed my camera
. Although it is next to me now in case I get lucky enough to see it again.

Another interesting note is that my neighbor a Falklands war veteran, also peered his head out, obviously wondering what me and my mum was making commotion about. My mum asked him what it was, for him to reply that he didn't know, and I'd say he has a good knowledge of aircraft after his experiences!

All I know myself is that it deffo wasn't a plane or a helicopter as I've seen my fair share in life (even though I'm only 22, I've got some common sense!)

One thing I thought was it could have -possibly- been a lantern only because the millennium dome is nearby to me (about 15 minutes walk) and that's where they have taken the Olympic flag passed on for the 2012 London Olympics...but this isn't China. I'm going to rule out those things.

Just wanted to share my experience. Hope it comes by again I'll snap up some pics this time!! Thanks for your time!

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by BlackProjects

Had my first sighting on saturday, as for the flashing i didnt see any of that, just a large orange sphere slowly moving through the clouds. If it was baloons or some crap like that why are there reports of them going in different directions when its obvious they'd be goin the same way with the wind...
The majority of sightings were over stretford, 3 of us saw one of the orbs goiung towards the place.. NEVER have i seen anything like this before!!

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by candyfloss

This is an amber/orange type I filmed in 2006. They are

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 04:45 PM
The above footage was our last sighting of the ufo orbs that night. Earlier on in the night we saw loads more, here's 29 minutes of real footage of ufo orbs. At 28.08 you will see a very real 'cluster' of white ufo orbs, you will see a shadow beneath them showing that they are above the ground. The triangle seen on the right throughout the recording of three orbs always gets me too, like they are often seen elsewhere. Please bear in mind these were seen after we were surrounded by an arc of similar coloured pairs, a big sparkling white one and a white mothership five days earlier.

[edit on 11-9-2008 by ufoorbhunter]

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 04:56 PM


Sky lanterns

[edit on 11-9-2008 by monkeybus]

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