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UK UFO Wave - Mass Sightings Of Orange Orbs

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Aldolas

I found a site full of picutes of ufo orbs,,,this site has them in all shapes in sizes. I truly believe this will get to the bottom of these mass sitings....
you have to check it out

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by The Lizard King
This isnt a joke. These orange orbs are real as you and I, I have had first hand experience with them more than once. Im glad to see they are going global.

No one doubts people see orange orbs/lights in the sky but most sightings don't show anything interesting happening, if like i said we see controlled movement or great speeds out of these things then lanterns or other earthbound answers are all we can reasonable conclude with.

Can anyone show us even one video of these orange orbs moving in a controlled way?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Some more local newspaper reports of Saturday night. These reports contain multiple accounts:

Daily Mail, Devon Report

Birmingham News Report

Crawley News Report, this one has video.

Another Devon News Report

Yorkshire News Report

To the guy who said only The Sun is reporting UFO's: I've seen UFO reports fairly often in all the National Papers this year. The Sun does have a bit of a campaign going on though.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Nusku]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:00 AM
In BBC's radio interview of Timothy Good, the interviewer said the ufos were making front page news in many of UK's papers. I certainly think either disclosure is beginning to trickle in, or they are about to get serious of creating Star Wars agenda. Yesterday our radio station in Penticton, BC just told of CBC radio and the Vernon Light story, and asked "was it a ufo?" Hadn't heard such a thing on the radio. A major change has just taken place with our medias.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:13 AM
from my experiance i think the sun is one of the worst reliable sources in the whole of the uk

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:20 AM
I live in Vancouver BC, on July 22nd at 6:10pm while driving home I saw a very bright silver orb that seemed to have manifested itself in the sky. I watched it for about 3 seconds before I had to watch the road. When I looked back it was gone. this is my first post and elected not to post anything on my sighting since I don't have any substance or proof to back it up, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:40 AM
if people are seeing these orbs moving fast, i dont understand how othersr are trying to say that they are lanterns,
in my laymen terms, that dont jive. how does a lantern get in the sky so high, and move fast? " This being a true story"

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
I saw an orb at very close range in 1997 it was more gold than orange. clearly looked metallic without any seems and hovered above the ground past our vehicle before shooting into the sky very fast at a 45 degree angle.

I was not alone there were 6 other people there that night that saw it.

Was not a lantern the size of a VW bug. I promise you that.

People see what they want to see.. apparently NO ONE see's anything but lanterns. Even when someone states quite clearly that it is not.


I give up.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to add that I live 10 min from Wakefield, West Yorkshire in pontefract, and I also saw these orbs. I also saw something more significant and clear today. at 10:30 ish am, my co worker picked me up to go see a client in Sheffield (i don't know the exact area because I've never been out there) at about 11:25 I was in the Sheffield area in what my co worker described as a "rough council estate" I don't know the exact area again, but I was next to a LIDL supermarket which was on my left as I was in the passenger seat. I looked up at the nice blue sky, which had one big cloud in it. All of a sudden something caught my eye. I said to my co worker, "hey you see that mate" he says "what is it?" I thought it was a plane at first at around 15,000 feet. I say this because, there was a plane about twice as high above it and you could see the contrails from the plane, but this craft didn't have any. It was typical cigar shaped but was just sat there in the sky and was really reflective like a mirror. After 2 or 3 mins, the craft slowly hovered into the clouds and did not re-emerge. I thought this was really weird, as I have spotted many in the past few days...Regards


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:53 AM
hi guys
i live in northern ireland and i caught a glimpse of one these orbs on sunday night aroung 2am.
i live in a built up area and dont have much of a view but i was going through the back door when this very orange orb was floating past (fast) and very low but i only seen it for less than a second.
i actually thought i was seeing things but maybe not..
as for the people who say "chinese lanturns" this orb was way to orange to be lit by a candle, it was a solid colour. i would guess the size was a large medicine ball...

damn, i have seen my first orb
party tonight

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:23 PM
Last night around 9:45 pm near Lincoln a Jet flew over my house with full afterburners on (unusual). To its right there was a golden orb going from west to east , it could have been a satellite or debris but it was still fairly light inj the sky and more golden in colour than satellites normally appear and much brighter than average satellite. Then as it dissapeared a Red/Green glowing orb appeared about a mile north of where the jet was a minute ago moving towards me. as i grabbed my camera it faded and appeared to move upwards and to the right. Where it was there appeared to be smoke/cloud/white tube serpent ufo lingering but was hard to make out through the light cloud cover. Im fairly convinced the red green orb was a UFO not so sure about the golden orb as it had satellite movement.

I get the feeling theyres a lot of alien craft here at the moment maybe something to do with crop circle time approaching?

[edit on 29-7-2008 by redzi0n]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by DARKJEDIG

Please don't doubt your sanity, and it's not weird at all to see ufo orbs of the amber/orange variety. Infact it's becoming very normal. From the sightings in the Bible, to those at Nuremberg, and on to those classed as the Foo Fighters in the Second World War, to the numerous ones I've encountered (icluding reds, yellows, whites, sparkling whites morphing into angel lights, greens, blues), then Hasseldon and the Phoenix Lights, it is becoming apparent that these ufo orbs have been with us since the dawn of time. Nothing weird or unusual here Darkjedig.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

To whoever this anonymous poster was, I'm sure I'm not the only person who would like to see this extremly good footage you have taken. Could you please upload it to the web and link it here? Thanks for your time...

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Just want to add my 2p worth. I am a member here at ATS but I posted a pic in another topic about 16 months and had some strange and quite frightening experiences afterwards so have not logged in or posted since. I live just outside Manchester UK and on saturday night me and my whole family were in the back garden (nice weather) At exactly 23:40 me and my family watched as a HUGE red LIGHT flew very slowly over our house, only about 10 - 20 meters above the roof. All ive done since then is try to convince them and myself that it was a flare because i have used flares lots of times and know what they look like and how the behave and hey i'll be honest IT LOOKED AND BEHAVED LIKE A FLARE but like i said IT WAS HUGE. As it flew over the house we all ran through to the front and when we opend the door it was hovering about 40 - 50 meters away. As we watched in awe and argued over what it was, I could not determin any momentum or movment but as i looked at it, my perception of it changed dramaticly and now it looked miles away. Like I said it didnt look like it was moving and it didnt just disapear and then re-apear further away IT JUST WAS FURTHER AWAY (hard to explain). I am compleatly disapointed with myself because i didnt even think to get my camera so I know i'll be branded a HOAX or ATTENTION SEEKER but all i can say is "im a firm beliver in UFO's and am one of those people who always reads post and thinks YEA RIGHT, NO PICS.....HE's BLAGGIN but getting pics was not even close to being on my mind" all i will say is it was the best, most exciting thing ive ever seen

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Another local newspaper report from Saturday night (North Devon):

BOB and Christine Bird were enjoying a lazy summer evening in their garden when they claim a UFO swooped low over their bungalow. The astonished South Molton grandparents, their daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren, had been sitting in the back garden for about an hour before they spotted the "orange blob" slowly moving towards them at around 10pm on Saturday night.

"It started to slow down above us and it wasn't that high up, at least it didn't seem like it," Christine, 57, told the Gazette. "As it began to move over the house, my husband went indoors to get his camera. My daughter and I went to the front door and suddenly this 'thing' started to move. "It went up at about a 40-degree angle and shot straight into the sky so fast. It was still quite light and you could actually see the orange colour getting smaller before it disappeared among the stars. "Even now, what we all witnessed is so hard to believe that we can't stop thinking and talking about it. "It was absolutely amazing, something I will never forget. "If anyone had told me the same thing, I probably wouldn't have believed them. " But because there were four adults - perfectly sober, may I add - and two teenage grandsons who saw the tail end of it, we can't stop going on about it."

Husband Bob, 62, said that the object made no noise whatsoever. "My dogs bark like mad at anything that flies over the house but they didn't make a sound," he said. "I'm not a person who believes in aliens, but I am absolutely flabbergasted by what I saw. "The colour was unbelievable - it had an orange glow around it like the flame of an electric fire. I've never seen anything like it." He said he took three pictures of the object from the front steps of his house but mysteriously, when he got the pictures developed on Monday, there were no pictures - or even negatives -of the strange sighting. "It's an old camera but it's never let me down before," he said. "We had taken pictures on the camera during the day and used up the rest of the film afterwards so that we could take it in to be developed. "We couldn't wait to pick up the pictures and are so disappointed. People may call me mad or whatever but I know what I saw."

UFO website reported a sighting of two round objects above the sky above St George's Road in Barnstaple last Wednesday evening. n Have you see any strange objects in the sky lately? If so, contact the Gazette news desk on (01271) 345056. n VISITORS from the stars? South Molton grandparents Bob and Christine Bird point to the spot where the UFO hovered above their bungalow.


posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:35 PM
Story about a local couple around Coventry who claim one of the little orange buggers nearly made them crash their car;

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:53 PM
On Friday night (25th) in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, we saw a single orange light (incredibly bright) move from the horizon, up through the clouds and vanish.

This is actually quite interesting that others saw the same!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:59 PM
So does anyone know of any orange orb ufo's that show any interesting movements or speeds?

Heck any ufo's showing that would be good!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I have a friend who thinks these Orange Orbs are RC flares. That explains their ability to group/make shapes and fly against the wind. He believes they are the type of flare capable of varying amount of illumination below them. He of course is trying to come up with conventional explanation. Maybe he is right. I have seen them a few times and don't believe this is the case.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:19 PM
i saw 3 red and white lights last night at around 9:50 moving away from each other in different directions,they were too slow for a plane,there was no noise like when a plane goes over and you hear it a couple of seconds later,they seemed quite odd going that slow,there was no dark body of a plane or glider around the lights ,this was around the manchester area anyone see these ?there culd of been more but from where i was lokng could only see 3 of them ,they disapered when i noticed them about 2 minutes later all around the same time,be on the lookout tonight aswell.

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