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The real conspiracy of 9/11

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

agreed, 100%.

But its also the problem with EVERY conspiracy out there.

Case in point

Occams Razor?

yeah i thought so

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:43 AM
So Andrew, now that you have responded to everyones post but mine, why are you avoiding the issues I pointed out? I believe I see why you believe the way you do. It seems you just ignore the tough questions and just generalize everything else. Your inability to respond to any of the points I challenged you on, shows a lack of knowledge and a willingness to just believe what you want to believe and ignore anything to the contrary. If you can't respond to people when they ask you questions or point out things of which you're not aware, then you shouldn't start threads.

If you seriously try to answer the questions I posed, you will start to see that something isn't right. After that, if you seek to find the real truth, you will be forced to "fill in the blanks." Then maybe you will be a little more reluctant in belittling other peoples ideas.

If you are fine with not knowing or not caring about these questions that were raised, then why are you here?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Retikx
Im also sick of this sniveling BS that is constantly being peddled that the entire US GOVT is responsible for 9/11.. that is by far the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

At this point in the game if you dont realize that it wasn't the USA that was responsible for 9/11 then you should just pack it up and take up stamp collecting.

A few VERY well placed individuals with lots of power within all levels of the US GOVT were responsible not the entire country.

You are actually correct. Perhaps as few as 20 or 30, with Rumsfeld and Cheney leading the pack. But if the rest of the government doesn't bravely stand up and start pushing for the truth, history won't be kind to the U.S. or it's citizens. Some government officials have come forward, but not enough. Just as many people blamed the Germans for Hitler and the Nazis, Americans will be blamed for not doing anything about their Neocon Nazis. Will you tell your grandchildren that you were one of the "good Americans" who stood by and did nothing?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:23 AM
for some like the OP there can be nothing but denial ,for many people Denial
is their safety net.
and thats ok we all have our own speed at witch we adjust to the truth as shocking as this is.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by solo1

Well, i guess, in the end, the truth will reveal its self.

But back to occams razor

It's time tested, proven true in more cases that not.

Since you point this finger in my direction - ill hold up a mirror in yours:
Why are you so unwilling to admit that YOU could be wrong?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by solo1

I agree solo. Denial is the safety net, and what can't be simply brushed away, just act like you never even heard it or concentrate on the more outlandish claims. This thread is telling in how the people who think everyone who questions is a "tin foil" or a "kook." Andrew is under the impression that there are only 2 possibilities: 1) Al-Quaeda or 2) US Government. So he starts out with a false premise, then begins to label everyone based upon his own misunderstandings. Then when someone tries to point out why some others feel the way they do, with very rational and serious questions, he just acts like he never saw it. Just ignore it and it will go away. Denial.

He also uses the logic of, "No one can keep a secret. Something would have leaked." This view is very self righteous and self centered. A person who thinks like this believes they are so important, they must be told everything. As if the perpetrators of 9/11 care so much about him, they will eventually be eaten up guilt and confess. They have the nuts to kill 3,000 Americans, but they just can't keep a secret about it. According to this logic, we should already know who was behind the anthrax attacks. I'm pretty sure that was more than one person involved there, making it a conspiracy, and everyone knows in a conspiracy, someone will leak the info because Andrew Wiggin must know about it. I guess Andrew feels like he knows every illegal action by everyone throughout history because no one was able to keep a secret. How comforting that must be.

This thread has gotten the smack down, and Andrew you're reluctance to respond to questions raised in a thread you started = owned.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
Occams Razor?

Just too bad Occams Razor is NOT evidence.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by solo1
for some like the OP there can be nothing but denial ,for many people Denial is their safety net.

Kind of like people that still beleive the official story want to live in a safe fantasy world and not accept anything that does not go along with what they were told happened.

They are afraid of the truth and the reallity that something may have happened other then what they ahve bene told.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by solo1
for some like the OP there can be nothing but denial ,for many people Denial is their safety net.

Kind of like people that still beleive the official story want to live in a safe fantasy world and not accept anything that does not go along with what they were told happened.

They are afraid of the truth and the reallity that something may have happened other then what they ahve bene told.

The same could be said for people that still believe in conspiracy theories, and want to live in a safe fantasy world. They will not accept anything that does not go along with what they believe happened, even if they have zero evidence to back up those claims....or have to "quote mine" pieces of data, to try and support them.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by gavron]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

exactly, occams razor is nto a form of evidence

and neither is a scientific method

they are not "forms" of evidence in and of themselves

they are techniques used to gather evidence. Big difference

But thanks for pointing that out

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by gavron
They will not accept anything that does not go along with what they believe happened, even if they have zero evidence to back up those claims....

Oh but we do have facts and evidence. Its just the people that believe the official story do not want to accept it, they are living in a safe fantasy world and do not want to accept the reallity of things that happen in the real world.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
they are not "forms" of evidence in and of themselves

Seems strange i can psot facts and evidence to support what i post but the people that believe the official story still cannot manage to come up with anything to support the official story.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Oh but we do have facts and evidence. Its just the people that believe the official story do not want to accept it, they are living in a safe fantasy world and do not want to accept the reallity of things that happen in the real world.

So, you were lying then when you said you were not on any side, just looking for the truth? Your last statement clearly shows that you have chosen a a side.

Seems like we are the only ones living in the real world, accepting the real facts and data, and realizing what is really going on. But, if you feel that everyone is out to get you, that is your right. However, just realize that you can stand on your soapbox all you want and scream that the sky is green all day long. All we have to do is look up and see the truth.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:55 PM
What we do know
will not be accepted by those in denial

1) The govt version is a lie ! This is accepted or you are in denial.

2 ) explosives and or thermite was used as per prof Jones this is accepted or you are in denial.

3 ) Modern skyscrapers Do not collapse from fire and the odds of 3 on the same falling from low heat fires are nil .this is accepted or you are in denial.

if you faill to agree on these basics you are in denial
I have learned it is like talking to the wall when you are talking to a person in denial.
end of transmission................

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

conjectures are not evidence.

Theories are not concrete fact.

And all your theories are ----- are conjectures....

the "official story" remains official unless you can prove it otherwise.

Since you can't, haven't, and 'probably' won't.... get my point.

The real conspiracy is the terrorists playing on the imaginations of the people of our country - ULTIMA1 is a perfect example of that.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by RomanMaroni
reply to post by solo1

I I guess Andrew feels like he knows every illegal action by everyone throughout history because no one was able to keep a secret. How comforting that must be.

very important Message here

I wonder how he must feel about the USS Liberty and the web of lies that so many people have kept secret that long .

must be scary for you Andrew to realize that secrets are kept from you like this.

We need another pearl Harbor event to enable us to go to war for a caspian
oil basin pipeline Mr President
No problem fellas Americans are all Andrews !

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
the "official story" remains official unless you can prove it otherwise.

But there is no real evidence to support the official story. How can people beleive the official story with no facts and evidence to back it up?

I can post lots of facts and evidence that questions the official story.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:10 PM
The only thing 'Hollywood' about 9/11 is the official story. I would put it in the same fiction category as the 'Wizard of Oz'.

You seriously underestimate the capabilities of your government and the lengths it is prpeared to go to achieve its ambitions. In fact, your government has organised 'false flag' operations before (read up also on what they knew about Pearl Harbor prior to the attack), so it is more than willing and capable of such deception.

You also underestimate modern technology. Where the towers hit my remote controlled planes, low-radiation nukes, beams? The secret technology available today makes 1980 technology look like it was from the dark ages. I'm sure when it comes out it will take peoples breath away when they realise such technology exists.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by solo1
I wonder how he must feel about the USS Liberty and the web of lies that so many people have kept secret that long .

Oh and do not forget some of the following.

1. The thousands of people that workd on the Manhatten Project and kept it quiet.

2. The hundreds of people and the dozens of contractors that worked on the U-2 and SR-71 Spyplanes and kept it quiet.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:19 PM
good points there for sure

But the bottom line is there will always be skeptics living in denial.Even when the truth stares them square in the face.

With 911 there is no bullet proof evidence of what exactly happened
but there is a mountain of proof of what did not happen.
The official story that changed quite a few times, makes no sense ,seems to have been formulated by uneducated gangsters ,not stand tall Americans.

those that are in denial cannot even see this as factual

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