posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:33 PM
“Focus on the family” groups
You know them, religiously driven groups who tell you the government is evil and wants to teach your children things you don’t want them to learn
from teachers, such as sex and evolution. Each family should be able to decide what is best for their children to be learning right?
Then the same groups pressure different forms of media into no longer playing commercial ads or into censoring shows those certain groups do not deem
appropriate for their own family, therefore it is not appropriate for everyone’s family?
On one hand they want the government to stay out of their children’s education when it comes to certain classes, yet on the other hand they want to
involve themselves in censoring things and deeming what is appropriate for others and others families.
These people are opportunistic hypocrites who should focus on their own families.
Do you think these people are really invested in protecting people from others trying to impose on their parental rights? Do you think they are
misguided? I doubt either, I think they use religion as a means to have the kind of power they want, otherwise they’d use all that energy on
something more constructive and that warrants more attention then creating a school system that deliberately makes our children ignorant.
Now if you are apart of or defend these groups please do not get upset with my view point, please counter it logically and show me why I am wrong
about these groups. And please do not confuse my opinion of “Focus on the family” groups with my opinion of people who do not wish their children
to be taught sex-ed or who do not wish for their children to be taught evolution. I’m focusing on the groups that as stated above say they want
people to have control of their own family, yet try to decide what the best decisions are for that person’s family.
***EDIT: Let me apologize for poor grammar. The debate that sprung from this thread went on late in the night my time and I began to get tired and
wrote some scarcely coherent sentences.
[edit on 25-7-2008 by rapinbatsisaltherage]