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US general warns Russia on nuclear bombers in Cuba

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Rook1545
reply to post by alienstar

I don't know, if the US thinks putting missiles and other junk on Russia's doorstep is a great idea, why shouldn't Russia be able to return the favour? They are after all "just protecting themselves".

Another one that just doesn't get it. Thinks that somehow the U.S. missile defense system and russian offensive nuclear capable bombers are the same thing, or somehow equal.

If the US insists on putting a missile shield right on Russia's doorstep, it's understandable that Russia aren't just going to sit back and watch the US undermine their offensive capabilities.

Improve your foreign affairs and you won't need to be so paranoid about being attacked.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by mc1km]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by mc1km

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Rook1545
reply to post by alienstar

I don't know, if the US thinks putting missiles and other junk on Russia's doorstep is a great idea, why shouldn't Russia be able to return the favour? They are after all "just protecting themselves".

Another one that just doesn't get it. Thinks that somehow the U.S. missile defense system and russian offensive nuclear capable bombers are the same thing, or somehow equal.

If the US insists on putting a missile shield right on Russia's doorstep, it's understandable that Russia aren't just going to sit back and watch the US negate their offensive capabilities.

Why is it the US wants total immunity from everything? improve your foreign affairs and you won't need to be so paranoid about being attacked.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by mc1km]

Because the US can do no wrong,didn't you know? One set of rules for America another for the rest of the world.Anyway enough pointless USA bashing
...I dont know...Nuclear bombers? that sounds a tad iffy..i wouldn't see any problem with defence shields as its for defence...but bombers are for bombing stuff hmmkay? I think this is just postering...Russia is starting to get back on its a feet a *bit*,maybe a bit of we aint out the picture yet...especially now China has taken over its role..And i can see Gazprom raking in the cash for the Russian economy in the next few years aswell,plus upcoming nations wanting to buy military equipment..

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Lethil

See that's the thing... there is a grey line between the "Defensive" and "Offensive" capability... US using words like "Defensive" to justify this operation... these missiles could be used in both ways... they are positioned so close to Russian borders that after detecting them it would be just to late to do anything on Russian side... 10 missiles is not enough to take down Russia but it could cripple one part of the border where invasion could be implemented... not saying that will ever happen but that is how they might think defending country with so many borders... Today’s friend’s tomorrow’s enemies...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by CTPAX


HOWEVER... Our missile defense system is not nuclear... point taken? GOOD.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by rjmelter

Nuclear or not is not the point... they are still weapons!
I have asked earlier this question... Do you think US would stay silent if Russia proposed plans for installing same type missile systems in Cuba or S. America? point taken? GOOD.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 08:06 AM
The nuclear defense shield in eastern Europe is a bad idea. We (US) should just walk away from it. Trying to push Russia around will result in all kinds of problems. Russia can use Iran for a "proxy" war with the US by resupplying them if they are attacked. If you have seen any fallout maps in case nuclear weapons are used in Iran you would be shocked. The fallout carries all the way to India. Possibly millions of dead people.
This is unthinkable. Where are the diplomats. Doesn't the US have a diplomatic core anymore.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Comparing what the US is putting in place to what the Russians are threatening is apples and oranges, the only ones that will fight this fact are the same folks that like to mix legal and illegal immigration issues, play the race card any chance they get, defend terrorist nations and the like. Its in no way shape or form the same type of action, so your best bet is to admit this and go with a new method of defending an obvious wrong and stupid move on the Russians part, now Im not sayin Russia cant or wont do something to respond to our shields, but this is NOT the answer and they are the ones leading the path to a fight, and its a fight they cannot win, if its conventional they lose, period, if its nuclear we all lose especially them but not like that would matter at that point.

Russia is basically a borderline forgotten nation, they are not a superpower anymore, they are a shadow to the US and now China and they resent this and now and again they do something like this to put their name in the hat as a desperate gesture of , we are still here.

I hope for all involved they come up with a solution that does not involve military action first and foremost.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 08:42 AM
im not worried some ufo will just shut down any nukes anyway

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:22 AM
Bombers in Cuba???? Like we wouldnt shoot them down before they got off the airstip! If we have the technology to shoot down orbiting satellites from the sea, we can hit an antiquated bomber 30 miles away.

Anyways, what would you expect. I do not blame Russia, if they didnt talk about it they would lose credibility in the world.

Truth is, America and Russia do not have beef with each other. This is just a powerplay, Russia does not want the world to think they are weak. Russia is a proud country.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Wiz4769

Russia is basically a borderline forgotten nation, they are not a superpower anymore, they are a shadow to the US and now China and they resent this and now and again they do something like this to put their name in the hat as a desperate gesture of , we are still here.

Your kidding right? Forgotten nation??? That is the craziest thing I have heard today! Russia is a huge country, no other country in the world could occupy Russia in a conventional war. The only way to destroy Russia is by Nukes, same as the US. Russia's economy is on the upswing. People are living better lives there. Russia has more natural resources than the US. More proven oil, more lumber, more land.

When communism crashed in the late 80's, everyone knew it would take some time for Russia to come back, but we all knew they would. Do some reading on Russia, they are very proud, very hard workers. They have technologies that rival the United States. While China is still catching up, stealing, begging, and borrowing technologies, Russia has almost the same capabilities as the US. Remember, we were engaged in a Cold War for 30 years. Just because we out spent them, doesnt mean they didnt have very good spies and very good scientist.

Russia and US have no major issues, we basically work together. The media makes Russia out to be the bad guys still because of the Cold war. Truth be told, the Russian and US governments what good relations between the two countries. Russia still needs to flex its muscles globally once in a while.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:47 AM
US: I can blow up your country 47 times!

Russia: I can blow up your country 48 times!

US: my dad is tougher than your dad!

do you see where this is going? It seems just a bit juvinal. Wars shoud be faught with sticks and only the ones who really want to be in them should have to be there. Why kill innocent civilans to prove you have bigger balls. How did we get to the point that our government if a group of people whe voted for because the other guy was an idiot? Now nobody in power has a frikin brain and we just have to sit here and watch. It gets to the point where there is no point.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Think i posted this on wrong thread sorry.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:24 AM
Regarding the U.S missile "defence" system that the U.S are negotiating to have installed in Europe. Anyone who thinks that such an installation would not have "any" attack functionality is clearly completely incapable of rational thought. After all, last time I checked the U.S doesn't have a "Department Of Attack", but regularly launches offensive missions around the globe. WTF did you really expect? Russia is beginning to stand proud again on a global level and obviously feels it is a match for the U.S and is, therefore, ready to stand and be counted.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:42 AM
Mmm. If 9/11 wasn't an inside job, then I would state that the U.S may have an issue regarding air safety. After all, if Men In Sandals can infiltrate U.S airspace, then I'd have a great level of respect for the Soviet threat. It is significant. This poster feels there may be interesting times ahead.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by CTPAX

Arguments... WOOT.

The U.S. is part of an Alliance with European Countrys... European Allies can use our missiles against a crazy group of terrorists if need be. However the U.S. Does not attack people with missiles from the get go. The U.S Defense system is not a threat unless Russian knows it is a threat... Sounds like the fear factor. THE US DOES NOT ATTACK PEOPLE WITH MISSILES... sure it has USED THEM in the WAR ON TERROR.... but every time they use them minimal lives were taken but amongst them were leaders of alquadia etc... So please dont start this.. There is no need for Russian Missiles in cuba... seriously... have we ever faught cuba on a large scale for anything? Maybe they should choose mexico yes? There is no purpose in it... besides nuclear warheads are devastating... regular precision missles have a small blast area... nukes are a whole other story.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by CTPAX
reply to post by Lethil

See that's the thing... there is a grey line between the "Defensive" and "Offensive" capability... US using words like "Defensive" to justify this operation... these missiles could be used in both ways... they are positioned so close to Russian borders that after detecting them it would be just to late to do anything on Russian side... 10 missiles is not enough to take down Russia but it could cripple one part of the border where invasion could be implemented... not saying that will ever happen but that is how they might think defending country with so many borders... Today’s friend’s tomorrow’s enemies...

Please do some research on the capabilities of a U.S. defensive missile. For example, most use what are called kinetic warheads. They have no explosives, they destroy a missile by ramming it. How, in God's name, anyone could take such a giant leap as to think 10 (or any number of) missiles like that could be used to "cripple one part of the border where invasion could be implemented" is beyond all reason and logic.

Ten defensive missiles are simply to guard against a rogue nation (like iran or their proxies) shooting off 1 or 2 WMD missiles - nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Nemesys
Regarding the U.S missile "defence" system that the U.S are negotiating to have installed in Europe. Anyone who thinks that such an installation would not have "any" attack functionality is clearly completely incapable of rational thought.

As I stated in the post above, quite the reverse is true.

SM-3 Info

Warhead: Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP) kinetic warhead

Sorry if the truth on this subject doesn't fit your "big, bad U.S." agenda ...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Iran doesn`t have anything that can reach europe - so who are these missiles `guarding` against?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

If I may attempt to answer, the defense system is meant to guard against a re-emergence of old soviet era doctrine in Russia, the hard line communists, headed back to a new cold war, assurance that Russia will not try to reconstitute the former "soviet union"

Plus defense spending has proven quite lucrative for the elite and powerful.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by centurion1211

Iran doesn`t have anything that can reach europe - so who are these missiles `guarding` against?

Even if what you say is true - and who but the iranians know for sure - iran continues to try and upgrade their ballistic missile capabilities, so your assessment would only be temporary at best. We need to be ready to defend before the iranians can field a missile that could reach Europe or the U.S.

And what would you have the U.S. do? Sit back and wait for iran to develop the capability to hit the U.S. and Europe before doing anything about it? Can you not see how doing it your way would leave the West open to blackmail by radicals in iran and their proxies? Maybe that's your true agenda ...

BTW, heres another component (THAAD) of the U.S. missile defense systems that uses a kinetic, rather than explosive warhead making it unsuitable for an "attack" on russia.


A separation motor is installed at the interstage at the forward end of the booster section. The separation motor assists in the separation of the Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) and the spent boost motor.

The shroud separates from the KV before impact. The KV is equipped with a liquid-fuelled Divert and Attitude Control System (DACS), developed by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, for the terminal maneuvering towards the target intercept point.

Can we stop this nonsense about the U.S. missile defense system being a "secret attack system" now ...

[edit on 7/23/2008 by centurion1211]

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