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US general warns Russia on nuclear bombers in Cuba

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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by jetxnet
Well said Argentus and I agree with that as well .. noone wants the worst unless you are a radical religious extremist who thinks chaos must happen before the second coming of the IMAM.

Bottom line, the one who blinks first loses. Sometimes its good to blink first, but if you're dealing with opposition that is hellbent on your destuction, you certainly have to defend yourself as well.

As for the missile shield, it is for the US's protection and the US only, park the dammed thing in your backyard, not in Europes.

Tell that to Poland or even Japan then.

[edit on 22-7-2008 by jetxnet]

Sorry but if your arrogance threatens my family, Id like to see the bombs hit you first. And Im not religous. That was completely out of context.
You sound like a serious Bush supporter. I rather the people get attacked that caused this mess, instead of me and my family.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by West Coast
This is not aimed toward Russia, it never was. Russia permitting their crappy bombers to fly to Cuba, would be directed at the US. So the two are not comparable.

Crappy bombers? Hmm...

The B52 crashed as it was on it's way to a parade.

Thank god there wasn't a war or anything on at the time.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

I owe you an apology. I'm very sorry. I got riled up by a post from Memysabu, and then you said, "Don't take that post the wrong way." I responded to you about the post that Memysabu made. Again, my apologies. You conducted yourself very fairly, particulary for being verbally whacked on.

Memysabu did not respond to my response to them, and perhaps that's for the best. Memysabu,,,,,, "I can't wait to see the crying when the missiles fly." I could never imagine putting someone on a "respected foe" list, and I still can't, but that comment just cuts under my skin like sharp little shards of glistening glass. And you know what? I've actually felt that. That's why I recognize it. PAH!

Sorry for the rant, sorry for the derailment. Terse memo to follow.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:29 PM
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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
Don't worry until you start hearing about nuclear fuel enrichment plants in Cuba.

The truth is, this is another elite power game of 'distract the humans' Cuba is not our soil, it can make and execute whatever policy it finds convenient. The same applies to any 'sovereign' nation, including those who will allow the 'missile defense shield'.

The rest is diplomatic noise.

Bush and company have made a target out of our nation, is it any wonder people are lining up to 'defend' themselves?

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Maxmars]

yeah. worry if halliburton goes there and starts "helping" cuba do this. wait...they're not there already, are they?

nah...cuba wouldn't fall for this like iran and n. korea did. they're in too deep with NAM.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Cuba is also too dependent upon American visitors making furtive unstamped vacations to their country. The US dollar is still strong in Cuba. Lately, with some of the reported and implied humanities sorta-kinda afforded the populace by their new ruler, I think Cuba is vying for lifting of some of the travel sanctions, and if this happens..... woooooooo dogies..... it's gonna be a party town for the shiny people in Havanna.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:55 PM
I hope people don't forget we simply offered to host this shield.We didn't jam it down anyones throat.Poland wanted did the other.What we get out of it?Blah stupid military responses like this from Russia.Whats the point of having this when its suppose to be the very thing to stop a nuclear warhead...when its the very samething that could lead to one being sent???None of this makes sense.........Sorry its not Russia just exercising its military might either.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 10:04 PM
Missle defense is really for "rogue" missles.

For example, if Hamas or another terrorist group bought Nuclear tipped missles that can be launched from mobile missle launchers, the defense shield can take these down.

Another example, a real-life scenerio, was NK shooting a missle toward the US last year (or the year before). It failed in the early flight path, but was launched at Hawaii.

Had it not failed, it would be left up to the defense network to take it out at the flight's apex or highest point in flight-path (preferrably in Space).

The US doesn't only have to worry about Communist Juggarnauts like Russia and China, but radical Islam with Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda etc.

[edit on 22-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:40 AM
This is utterly ridiculous. When we had the Cuban Missile Crisis, they moved the missiles out. When the furor died down, back they went. End of story. They have been there for years, only now supplemented with bombers. And I might add that the Bible says that the most powerful and richest 'city' on Earth will be burned by fire in one hour, while the traders of the sea stand far off for fear of her torment. Most probably going to occur in December 2012.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:56 AM
It's a good sign that we are playing the old game with Russia again... thankfully our enemies are falling for it...

we do well selling weapons around the world and scaring every other nation into buying machines they almost never use in rl scenarios...

I thik us and russia know some of these nations are getting out of control and we have pushed a bit too far in actual take overs... so now we switch back to protectorate states and the old sides thing...

The third world is the third world because alot of the people are stupid... so long as these upstart nations keep falling for good cop bad cop America and Russia and Western Europe and now China will keep playing the game...

One day a country like Iran won't just jump into the othersides arms though like they seem to be doing with Russia right now... One day maybe one of these countries will really just set those few nukes off or realize the pinch they are in between the superpowers and simply blast a few off...

might happen tomorrow might happen in 50 years, but my guess is sooner or later "The Delphi-ish" game that the worlds leading powers play with the rest of the world will actually backfire and that will suck for a few cities at the least...

[edit on 23-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by jetxnet
The US doesn't only have to worry about Communist Juggarnauts like Russia and China, but radical Islam with Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda etc.

Russia is not Communist anymore... if you didn't know!

I think Russia has every right to station bombers in Cuba but officials had no comments about it yet... so believing everything you read in news is just childish.

Russia should implement "Defensive Shield" in Cuba from "rogue" states and groups like Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda to protect its friends in South America... Would that be better than these bombers? Do you think US would stay silent if Russia installed in South America a Radar site that would monitor activity around North and South America? I think not...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Russia should implement "Defensive Shield" in Cuba from "rogue" states and groups like Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda to protect its friends in South America... Would that be better than these bombers? Do you think US would stay silent if Russia installed in South America a Radar site that would monitor activity around North and South America? I think not...

Fact is, Russia can't. They tried before to keep up with the Star Wars system initiative by starting their own. Between all the money placed towards their shield and Afghanistan, their empire crumbled.

You obviously don't live here in the US. We don't want Nukes or any type thereof so close to home that is not our own. I'm sure Russia feels the same.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by jetxnet

I guess you already forgot the Cuban crises... Fact is, Russia has capability... just had no reason to do so until now... trying to put Nukes in Cuba was a wrong move on USSR part. They should have created couple “Terrorist” groups in S. America and used words like “Defense Shield” for allies and friends! Now that would justify putting “Defense Shield” in Cuba… according to US policies. Oh by the way I live in US...

[edit on 23-7-2008 by CTPAX]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:27 AM
Putting these in Cuba wouldn't be fair considering the fact that Poland rejected the US missile shields. Russia is just flexing it's muscles but at the wrong people. They may have another agenda in mind. It could be used for the future in case a war erupts between the two nations.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Equinox99

Poland was asking too much from US... US rejected the proposal from Poland... there are other countries that want to host this program... Russia can't do anything about these countries. That is why Russia is trying to pressure US to abandon "Defense" program... that is how I see it. Then again this whole topic is about speculation which weren't backed by Russian government.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by CTPAX]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:41 AM


posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by greenfruit
Would be a lot easier to get a fighter through than a bomber.

Not if your bomber can fly faster than most of your enemy's fighters.
Behold! The White Swan...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by CTPAX
reply to post by Equinox99

Poland was asking too much from US... US rejected the proposal from Poland... there are other countries that want to host this program... Russia can't do anything about these countries. That is why Russia is trying to pressure US to abandon "Defense" program... that is how I see it. Then again this whole topic is about speculation which weren't backed by Russian government.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by CTPAX]

Come to think of it, it's really stupid to put a missile shield in just one country. Iran could simply let the missile fly through North Africa.
Something's amiss here...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by homo_borg
Come to think of it, it's really stupid to put a missile shield in just one country. Iran could simply let the missile fly through North Africa.
Something's amiss here...

Through North Africa? Iran doesn't even have a missile that can REACH North Africa. Poland is about twice as far as Iran's maximum range, and who in their right mind believes Iran is going to want to launch a missile at eastern Europe when their enemies are right on their own borders?

Israel attacks Iran's nuclear reactors and Ahmedinajhad fires off a missile at Poland because ...he got a bad Kielbasa?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:44 AM
Did any of you ever wonder IF perhaps the U.S Russia China and all countrys were actually allies?

Face the Facts the world gets overpopulated and eventually we have to devise ways to control the population. What better way than war and racism. I mean seriously its like school.. There are masses of people grouped together only the lowly are racist and bias. When they all work together the task is amazing, which has caused me to speculate. What if this whole thing is a setup to depopulate the world... What better way to involve other countrys

That said... Russia has nothing to worry about from American Missile defense systems. Besides... I think Alaska is a better bet for us... they apparently want to END LIVES.

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