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September of '08 -- Just Listen.

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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:08 AM
ooh its kind of scary the way t mckenna died in 2000, before all this theory of 2012... or was the 2012 doomsday theory big then too?

how far back does the timewave sequencething go back, mushroom?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:12 AM
Long thread, so I haven't read it all, but the number of pages I have read have not offered this thought...

Since so many are (seemingly) aghast and in disbelief that 9/11 was not listed in the initial post, I might offer that, though it was alarming to a great number, novel, overall, it was not. The Reichstag, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin (and many other incidents) were all false flag operations (or just plain false) geared to drive people into a particular behavior - usually war.

So if the timeline stuff is registering novelty, 9/11 would make a lesser impact than another event that was well known yet more novel.

My take.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:29 AM
Amaterasu... I don't think you're interpreting the meaning of 'novelty' correctly. It doesn't mean 'something new' as the word is generally used. What it means is a change from the prevailing status quo. In other words, 'things' move along taking a certain path with the usual ups-and-downs and then something happens to drastically alter that 'norm'. We then move into a state of 'novelty' or change from the way things were. Eventually that novelty becomes the 'norm' and the cycle repeats.

As an example, harken back to the nineties and try and remember how everything 'was'. It remained more-or-less consistent for quite awhile. Now think of things today. Consistent, more-or-less, but very much different than the nineties. The change would have been the tipping point to novelty.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by DisgustedOne

The dips just mean "more novel" not necessarily catastrophic. He chose a catastrophic event, but it doesnt necessarily mean that the event the trend is showing has to be the same type of novel event. It could be "good" and novel too.

Agreed. I obviously made an assumption, which I know better than to do, but it was a "speedy" post. I have read a few more of the postings and I think I have a grasp of the concept the OP is presenting. I am hoping for more time to join the discussion, but right now duty calls.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
Here is one of many other images I am working on currently:

First - In that pic above - you do know that August comes before September, right?

Second - I've read the Timewave info and I'm still not convinced. You're telling people who don't understand to think outside the box. How much more outside the box do I have to think before you start telling me it's all controlled by "magic dust"?

Again, as I said on page 7, Chaos Theory says that there is no mathematical way to predict any future happening with any reliable precision due to the staggering number (infinite almost) of variables that you must take into account for all interacting components of all interacting systems.

All you're doing is taking bad news that happens each and every day, that the media reports to us and hand-picking one or two of the worst things that coincide with the sharp spike/dips in your graph. That's all this is.

Summarized: Every day is a bad day for someone!

[edit on 22-7-2008 by sos37]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by sos37

Although you are correct that we currently have no way to predict the future, this statement is a little vague about what future we are trying to predict.

(Bear with me)

We CAN, to some degree, make fairly good predictions about the cycles of spring, summer, winter, fall, for instance. I cannot tell you for certain what the exact temperature will be in Jan of 2009 in Minnesota, but, I can make a pretty good guess what it will be because we have some understanding that "as the earth circles the sun, it changes the seasons here on earth.

It seems to me this graph and theory is an attempt to measure fluctuations and changes that are not unlike the meteorological ones we use to attempt to predict el nino, or the seasonal ones we use fairly accurately to predict when winter will come, etc.

We still dont entirely understand the fluctuations that produce weather effects, but that doesnt mean the whole project to understand them and use them predictively should be scrapped. We just keep plugging away, and attempt to gain a better understanding of the variables and the patterns.

This is similar in that a pattern has been identified, its correlation has been proposed, (novelty/habit) and work is being done to see if we can correlate data points in order that we can draw meaningful conclusions about what type of events those fluctuations might predict. It COULD all be absolutely wrong. We might be, for instance, quite wrong about a number of things, such as where on the graph we actually are, (if the initial line up was incorrect) what kinds of events the graph is aligned with, etc. It is scientific to make a prediction, see if the prediction occurs, and then based on the results of the experiment, refine or throw out the hypothesis.

Most people who use "science" as their weapon in the argument against metaphysics dont seem to realize that virtually everything we know, or think we know, went through a stage where it was voodoo too. It is actually quite fun to read back through all the hypothesis' made by science that didnt pan out, and read the criticisms of things that we now accept as obvious. We get used to seeing and working with the proven theories and we forget that they were hard won.

None of this means you have to change your opinion on whether or not this is utter crap. It is just a reminder that lots of what very intelligent people have called "utter crap" in the past now forms our base of scientific "knowledge." It seems a bit early in the game to call it a waste of time and throw it out the window entirely. Not that I am saying we here on ATS will be the ones to figure it all out, but whats the harm of experimenting?

Edit to add;

In terms of Chaos theory, (which you seem fond of) there is a school of thought that says that what appears to be Chaos is actually a more complex form of order that we simply do not have the ability to predict. The variables for instance may be so numerous and sensitive to the precise conditions that we are unable to quantify them and thus make the prediction. If you do not KNOW the variables, and lack the computing power to track them, you cannot predict the outcome, regardless whether or not the outcome is objectively orderly and predictable.

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Interesting stuff. I was watching a vidoe on the History channel investigating predictions by numerous famous persons throughout history. In cluded in that special was a software program used to predict changes affecting the economy. Now the inventers , or rather the designers, of this software state it was developed for businessmen and investors. One of the most interesting projections it made was a limited nuclear exchange predicted to occur in late 2009. I was unimpressed until i discovered a couple others who made the same prediction. I cant say anything further about how credible this is but in the process discovered several reports studying the consequence of a limited nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran. Whaddya think?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 11:46 AM
The Timewave purports to say when NOVEL events ought to occur.It won't predict actual events.To track human or other events and compare to the charted fluctuations is imprecise at best.One never knows the whole picture,for example.9-11.At a time of predicted novelty,obviously,someone somewhere is having a very non novel experience,in the main,yet within this habitual pattern can be found novelty.That is part of the scale aspect.A large pattern possibly contains elements of opposites.To hold two mutually opposite thoughts simultaneously is required to understand this and other Koans.So one might ask what good it it if you can't predict events?I find progress to be enhanced in my field of invention when novelty is charted to be probable to a higher degree.(when the line dips)I don't think it matters what is done,planting tulips or killing flies,if there is novelty in the technique and the time is of more novelty,you'll do well.Is it only change for change's sake?It would be if not for the fact that the new is based upon the pre-existing patterns.Ya don't just give tradition the old heave ho.This is a lifetime study,hope to have helped.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Thanks for the OP. This theory has resonated with me for several years now. I honestly don't understand how it is difficult for members to comprehend.

Q: Doesn't McKenna also say that there is more frequent novelty as we draw closer to 2012?

My hope is that the chart indicates something great like a new energy technology, disclosure or a rise global consciousness.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Contact me at [email protected] and explain more of your findings. I'm very interested. I may have some things to share with you.


posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Ok well when I was a kid around 10 years old I'm 44 now, I seen a beam of light come down from the stars - and so did the people i was with, that did 0, 0, 0 then within the exact same place went into the 8, 8, 8, - white paste type light that did not give color off like the grass or ground color like a flashlight would - now my whole life i wondered what 08 meant. I thought it was just the year 08 but 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, to me now is 08/08/08

I had no clue until the year 2001 or 2002 that 08 could be the year. This happen when i was putting the date down 01 or 02 - then I remembered it.

then I remember the way it did the 0, 3 times and then 8, 3 times could this be 08/08/08? I really thought the end of my life or GOD is coming to get us - or something the UFO did to let me know the pickup date.

we or I will see

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Migxp

then I remember the way it did the 0, 3 times and then 8, 3 times could this be 08/08/08? I really thought the end of my life or GOD is coming to get us - or something the UFO did to let me know the pickup date.

There are simply too many signs that August and September of this year are going to be possibly the most important of our history. Good or bad or neutral, things are probably going to be completely and utterly different from the world of the past.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
Amaterasu... I don't think you're interpreting the meaning of 'novelty' correctly. It doesn't mean 'something new' as the word is generally used. What it means is a change from the prevailing status quo.

Thank you for this. [smile] So I misinterpreted the meaning, despite having read a fair amount of the information. LOL!

If this is correct, what you say, then yes, 9/11 should stand out starkly.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Migxp

The Summer Olympics in Beijing are scheduled to start on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08pm.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by jtma508
Amaterasu... I don't think you're interpreting the meaning of 'novelty' correctly. It doesn't mean 'something new' as the word is generally used. What it means is a change from the prevailing status quo.

Thank you for this. [smile] So I misinterpreted the meaning, despite having read a fair amount of the information. LOL!

If this is correct, what you say, then yes, 9/11 should stand out starkly.

Actually when you look at the last post of the graph iself 9/11 does stand out - its at the peak of an upward spike and then immediately there is huge downward
trough into novelty...if I am reading it correctly....Mystic is that correct? If so it makes total sense according to the theory - as the deaths of three thousand people isn't particularly novel in itself but in this case touched off a series of events that have had global impact....

[edit on 23-7-2008 by realshanti]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:17 AM
I am wondering if the dip predicted in Sept could be the findings of the LHC? It should be fired up soon and that could be when the get to analyze the first bits of data. You would think that with a project of such magnatude that it would certainly be possible for it to change the world.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Migxp

The Summer Olympics in Beijing are scheduled to start on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08pm.

interesting and then there is this resonance:

In the Greek mysteries, the number 888 represented the "Higher Mind." The Greek variation of "Jesus," "Iesous," equals 888.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:10 AM
I have know for some time what some know, many suspect and most deny or are simply too swelf obsorbed in their day to day lives, this country and the American Dream has been subverted from within by Traitors to our Constitution and the American People. If you want to know who these traitors are, start at the top, work your way through the federal and state government.

There is nothing to be done, it is too late and those of us who try to do something, will be jailed or murdered by your fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and all those serve them people and suckle at the public trough. Odds are 'Them Is You" or someone who is connected to you and if not, you had better be a good little bond slave or you will be herded into the mob that "They" intended to destroy...US..the real Americans who worked, fought, died and shed blood to build the American Dream that has been subverted by the traitors and their Minions.

I am an old man or getting close to it; I have done what I can for me and mine but I see there is no escape the inevitable. Maybe at least one of my children will survive the coming days, weeksm months and years and stand in the bright sunlight of the country and world that lays on the other side of the death and destruction that is akmost begun.

It does not matter if you "Get It", relaity does not require your belief or cooperation. just like a tree falling in the woods does not need you to hear it for it to have happened. You have been led, bred and fed to serve...and soon you will all know what I mean.

There are a lot of us ex-military out here and we ain't no David Koresh or a bunch of Mormon Women or Lettice Pickers or Dweeb Clerks.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by realshanti

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Migxp

The Summer Olympics in Beijing are scheduled to start on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08pm.

interesting and then there is this resonance:

In the Greek mysteries, the number 888 represented the "Higher Mind." The Greek variation of "Jesus," "Iesous," equals 888.

Interesting. I have a recording that was made when I was a few years old (we used to record alot of junk on cassette) where my father asked me, "Would you like to say something?"

After a pause I replied, "Eight Eighty-Eight"

He said, "Eight Eighty-Eight? That's it huh? Eight Eighty-Eight? Ok."



[edit on 7/23/2008 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

This is a kind of fun thing. Mapping out the harmonics of intuition and super-imposing it over chance creating harmonics then fleshing it over with words to create meaning and symbols.

Terrence was it, who put all this together, is certainly a genius at the level of some of the highest astrologers and hypnotists, and certainly a force for good in the universe.

I have a couple questions: where do you get the computer program to run this thing on a windows 2000 system?

And, the King Wen situation wasn't explained, other than suggesting it's an artificial manipulation of hexagrams.

Since the hexagrams are each composed of two trigrams, and each trigram is created by dropping three coins (or anciently, sticks) and as I recall three heads is a straight line and three tails in a broken line and different combos of heads and tails are different dotted lines.

Therefore the hexagrams are like rolling dice and created by chance.

That given, to what extent does mathematical probability reflect itself in the science of "meaning" and the nature of reality and thought? Probably 100% and probably 0%, at the same time.

Never-the-less the I-Ching was an oracle, a system of divination, that works very well. However, I don't see when the King Wen artificial manipulation is much less the mathematical formula derived from it in having any relevance, other than dividing the number of days in the 13th moon lunar calendar ... which is apparently an astronomical calculation of the earths orbit around the sun, which is then projected to spiral in on itself and create the end of time ... which, unfortunately, is man's attempt to replace God ... and the earth is not spiraling in.

It would have been good for Terrence to select meaningful good events not just the bad ones, to map on what appears to be a mathematical formual of a spiral dictated by advanced math based on Pythagoras in the Greek era.

Just as the Jehovah's Witnesses calculate the end of the world as do all christians in the apocolypse, it (the end of the world) is primarily horsesh*t, since human consciousness in our present materialized states of consciousness last maybe 60-100 years and we have all of eternity before and after this earthly life span in flesh and desire and orgasm and victory and pain and sorrow -- to contemplate the end of mortality ... which is, unfortunately, our own -- not that of God's nor that of God's universe.

As much as we'd like to try to know what the f*ck is going on, we don't. Nevertheless, good theories are very entertaining and distracting from the pain of the world, and less expensive than drugs.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by counterterrorist]

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