posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:52 PM
So I took a close look at the wave for today and the recent past.The line is stochastic which means very bumpy.The events of Oct and Dec were more
clearly seen because the trend was smoother while the deviations stood out.This time is not clear at all.The past resonance is June 21 1760.So the
real,cut-to-the-chase question is what were the Illuminati and Rothchilds doing then?
If as you correctly pointed out,killing is not so novel,then what big picture events are we looking for/at?And are we influencing things simply by
focusing attention specifically at them?Is this the reason for the conflict stirring,the Hamas vs.IDF/ZOG yelling match here at ATS?To prevent
To my eyes the conflict is obviously one sided and there is a greater(by far)antagonist role played by one and not the other,yet the ability to call
it seems not possible without a cascade of ad hominim flack,and has ever been thus,only moreso now.Seems orchestrated.
See the wave for yourself,I can't interpret it better than anyone tho I have been at it longer than most.The wave is like a stoplight signal.When
green,you may go forward or turn either way.Or stop.You have a choice.But when red,if you chose to go,you may die or if it's the dead of night,no cop
no stop,no prob.A time of incursion of novelty means little if no actions are undertaken.So it's not a prediction device like the I CHING.I liken it
to a dashboard GPS while driving through a fog,very helpful right when it's needed to show turns and such as they're happening even if you can't
see so well through the windshield,but not so much for miles down the road.But ya hafta look at the road ahead and not only at the screen.Hope that