posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:40 PM
I met Terrance first in Bif Sur in 1973 and again when I was visiting the Islands in 1997, he was no "Nut Job" but was always far too much of a
optimistic humanist for my cut of cloth, as I am not a fan of man and he was. I also knew Tim Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert who later became Baba Ram
Das; I could list many famous people I have know including LBJ and Fredrick (Fritz) Pearl a student of Freud who wrote amongst other things "Gestalt
Therapy Verbatim and Lucille Ball who once told me that A"If You Want To Get Something Done, Give It To A Busy Person". My list of dead friends in
very long, a list of dead people and when I go to make a list of interesting and outstanding human beings that are alive, the list is very very short.
Sure, Art Bell is interesting but he turned tail and ran when the CIA put the screws to him and yes Shawn Connery and O'Toole are still alive but
are like me, waiting for the last days.
I mention all of these for a number of reasons. Yes, I miss these men, miss Terrance's simple sweetness, Lucy's hardball toughness, LBJ's Texan
Personna...these and others were outstanding humans but, what is sad, most sad is that when I look around the world I find myself surrounded by
"Bugs"..take a look in the mirror and look deep and you will know if you are one of them.
T.M's Timeline Wave and Novelty Theory and use of the Book Of Changes (I Ching) were strokes of genius and insight but unlike him, I have little
faith in mankind, I believe this planet is ready for a serious house cleaning and that Mankind Knows It and is playing its role in helping make it
happen. We have elected liars, cheats and thieves, put actors who have sold their souls for their carreers become of world of corrupted, immoral,
fat, lazy bugs. I will fight but only because I am a father whois compelled to do so for my children's "Play The Hand I Have Been
Dealt" as Art said but here on ATS I vent quietly my loathing and contempt for you and how much I wish the worst to be all true and to begin soon,
because out of the ashes, maybe a clean-brighter world will emerge.
I get Censored a lot, withdrew from active membership because I could not veil my contempt or apologize for it and there is no way I am going to give
the time of day to some "Hall Monitor" who has less character and life experience than a pair of my socks but, I am still here and my words are
nothing compared to my deeds, so do as you like..Ya Dweebs, it will change nothing or save anyone.