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There will be no uprising in America.

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:34 AM
I think you are right about that it will not happen, but the reasons for continuing business as usual is the lack of motivation and fear for changes adn fear form government bodies

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by durk2000
Thanks and please don't confuse "new" with "stupid"

I will assume you are addressing me here..
I never called you or assumed you were...stupid.
What I said is don't fall into the trap, meaning you callled me out on something incorrectly.

You said that I "keep asking for proof". I did no such thing. You are doing what many seem to do on ATS which is infer meaning or substitute your own to make your argument work.

For someone brandie new to ATS you sure have a good grasp on how to turn something on it's head and argue a point that isn't part of the original thread.

I asked for a plausible scenario that would cause Americans to revolt against the government or for the government to "crack down" on the populace. This is my thread.. I started it, I am allowed to put forth whatever I want and if no one cares it dissapears into obscurity...

But people DO care.

Originally posted by durk2000
I agree with your original statement that there won't be an uprising, at least not a violent one.

You agree with me, but then say I may be the "crazy" one. Which is it?

Argue YOUR side, if you think it will happen give me a plausible scenario, if not stop contributing to the noise, or at the very least stop twisting it.

Originally posted by durk2000
I guess my issue is with the tone of your post that seems to me to say that the crisis we are in now is just another bump on the road of America's prosperity like the savings and loan and commercial real estate crises.

You don't like my "tone" so you are going to argue with me when you mostly agree with me? Seriously?

As far as the S&N crisis, gas crisis and other "crisis" we have had in this country in the last 50 years or so.. yea, I am comparing. Many here (you seem to be included) have short memories or no recolection at all of how "bad" it was during each of those times...

(That wouln't be a "tone" it would be an "opinion" or "conclusion")

This IS a bump in the road. America will recover.
This point is going to continue to be made until I am blue in the face or my fingers bleed...

It is different today. 100% different. Today is not comparable to the "Fall of Rome" America is not an "Empire" that will "Fall", it is different now.

When someone says "yes, that's what they thought back then", I think how ridiculous that is.. you mean back when they didn't have plumbing? TV's, Radios? Motorized Farm Equipment.. When trade with other nations included pelts? When they went from enclave to enclave killing each other over religion, conquer "nations" for spices... you mean back THEN?

Cause the last 100 years or so.. we've had some rough times and sailed on through.. I can cite them for you if you want.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

That is the most intelligent thing I have ever heard on this board. I couldn't agree more. I wonder how many of these anti government, world is going to end,nazi america believers are actually happy with their work and family life, or their over all satisfaction of their life in general. The USA gives everyone the opportunity to succeed more than any other country. I feel bad for the people who can't take advantage of it, but it has worked out well for me and millions of others. I have a feeling alot of the NWO, Government's going to round of americans and put them in camps are having a hard time financially and believe nothing seems to go right in their lives. So they need to deflect and blame our government.

I guess I don't fit that mold. I am relativly happy-with the exception I have been sick for two weeks. I make good money, im not in debt other than the house, I do not blame the government for my issues-if anything I chose to work rather than finish college. I believe in being "Prepared" maybe its because I am an Eagle Scout... even when I was young my family always kept supplies onhand. Today I keep Mres, water, guns and ammo on hand. More so after Katrina. However, I am a Freedom Loving American- and I will be damned if I would allow anyone to take my gun or my way of life.

I hope that it won't ever happen- but at least I won't be unprepared and neither will my friends.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by magicmushroom

As the saying goes "those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.."

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by gormly

You're right I shouldn't have responded to the tone of the post. I'll try to keep my replies on the exact wording from now on. I just got the feeling from it that you are one of those unswayable polyanna types, which was proved right by the bleeding fingers remark. Perhaps we can discuss your denial of historical precedent and unchanging human nature in another thread. I'll stay out of this one from now on. Thanks

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness

"And this is what happens when you rely on wikipedia to do your research."

The data shows your wrong, so you run - how surprising. Science Daily was in my saved links but apparently the page has changed, I've now updated to go directly to the University of Michigan source. I guess the University of Michigan - a well known and respected top research university - is lying to us as well? And the "random ranking" is one of the most well known prosperity rankings in the world, right up there with the UN development index - which, by the way - ALSO has the US at the top:

I normally wouldn't use wikipedia, but it uses data directly from the UN, it just displays it better and all at once. but it uses data directly from the UN, it just displays it better and all at once.

Only when it suits YOU I'm sure!

[edit on 16-7-2008 by KMFNWO]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by durk2000

You're right I shouldn't have responded to the tone of the post. I'll try to keep my replies on the exact wording from now on. I just got the feeling from it that you are one of those unswayable polyanna types, which was proved right by the bleeding fingers remark. Perhaps we can discuss your denial of historical precedent and unchanging human nature in another thread. I'll stay out of this one from now on. Thanks

sigh.. still missing the point I see.

It is not that I cannot be swayed, it is that I have yet to be swayed with any form of logic.

Quotes and generalities do not make for a convincing argument. Note the original post threw down a challenge, I never said I couldn't be convinced otherwise. So far no one has offered squat. That includes you.

What have you offered to the discussion?

Saying "history repeats itself" is not something tangible one can hold up to me and say.. see.. proof?

Where is the historical precedent exactly? I see this alot on this thread.. saying one thing and not backing it up makes you a troll.. not a good way to start out your membership.

"unchanging human nature in another thread."

I suppose we still burn witches and se if they float after we kill them?
Things change, peole change, we progress. This time we live in... it isn't Rome, it isn't 1940's Germany.....

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:16 PM
When Words Fail

It is possible to offer and accept a challenge without resorting personal insults, but that is simply not happening here.

I don't like closing threads purely on the basis of member misconduct, but when the member who started the thread joins in and exacerbates the problem despite repeated staff requests to desist, there's nothing left to discuss.

Some suggested reading:

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Civility and Decorum are Required

Your attention is needed please...

Please Stay On Topic

I realize this is "Summer Silly Season" (a seasonal variant of Endless September), but this is nothing new.

The site owners have been calling for civility in a myriad of ways for years, and it is not optional.

Thread closed.

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