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There will be no uprising in America.

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:56 AM
There will be no “uprising” in America. There will be no mass riots in the streets, no “revolt” against the government. There will no martial law, no crackdown on ATS’ers and other groups the government is “watching”.

Not today, not tomorrow, not next year and not ever.

The Conspiracy is US, right here, right now, on ATS. We are making crap up by the boatload everyday, throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks. I believe many of the posters perpetuating this kind of things are hoaxers.

On any given day there are a half dozen on going “anarchy” type posts on this board with many telling us that the people will soon “rise up in arms” and “take back the country” by any means, they will shut down Government offices, run over the military, restore the constitution blah blah blah… The others that say the Government will declare martial law, institute camps and interrogations, cause panic and chaos (to what end?)

The signs are everywhere they say…

They continue with tall tales about how they grow their own food, have supplies stacked up in the basement, looking out the window at every little noise, are waiting for the moment “it” happens. We have guys buying duck tape by the case, guys who are stocking MRE’s by the pallet.

We also have a really large assortment of the “Internet Tough Guys” on this board. You know, the guy who will kill anyone for just about anything, the guy who’ll be able to “defend” himself and his family against “the military” (yea.. one guy) We have guys who are “locking and loading” and others who cheer this as a good thing. We have the master gardeners, the master providers, defenders and all in between. You’re all so ready…

For nothing.

Granted the economy is going in the crapper, but that is cyclic and it will recover. Food and gas are up but again, we have seen this before. Many of you are too young to remember and too opinionated to open a history book. (Savings and Loan ring any bells?)

I challenge anyone to come up with a plausible real world and not ridiculously far-fetched scenario (other than something nuclear) that would cause the US Government to collapse or the US Government to “crack down” as described on this board. (round ‘em up, bread lines, interrogations)

One rule.. you can’t ignore reality, meaning you cannot ignore bailouts (for financial theories), Government responses to emergency, cause and effect, the ingenuity of Americans, or most important of all human nature, compassion and reason. No conjecture based on false assumptions, if you post a theory please put some facts and reality into it, which would include HISTORICAL data.

(Note: I am not saying it can’t happen, only that it won’t)

So why do I feel this way? Why do I believe many of you are so very misguided? It's simple really, many here ignore reality in some shape or form so circular theories can fit into a square hole, I am occasionally guilty of it myself, until I look outside the box. Most of these collapse theories lack one ingredient… people.

In the case of the Government against "us"...

This country is made up of people just like you and me (ok, well not exactly, they are mostly fairly normal) The Police, Firemen, National Guard and 4 branches of the Military, Congressmen and city council men are people, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, uncles aunts, sons and daughters.

They are the “THEY” many of you speak poorly of…

The government isn’t some separate entity, the military isn’t somehow detached from the rest of us, they ARE us. Why is this so hard for many of you to grasp? For all the evil predictions to come true, this meltdown and “fall of America” to come to pass, those same Police, Firemen, national Guard and 4 branches of the Military, Congressmen and city council men would have to somehow forget or not care that they.. are us.

And that isn’t going to happen.

There aren’t enough people like us on ATS in America to cause this kind of disharmony.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by gormly

and any given day there are 2 dozen posts like this going on.

this site is for alternitave topice. if you dont like it leave. and dont let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out, because i dont want a$$ prints on my door.

why join a conspricy site if you dont want to read this "crap", as you put it.

or is this thread just a sad attempt for you to get points?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
and any given day there are 2 dozen posts like this going on.

this site is for alternitave topice. if you dont like it leave. and dont let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out, because i dont want a$$ prints on my door.
why join a conspricy site if you dont want to read this "crap", as you put it.
or is this thread just a sad attempt for you to get points?

1. You totally ignored the point of the post, congrats for being the first...

2. I love(d) ATS for other reasons besides the America Sucks rant site it has slowly become.

3. In case you haven't noticed, points mean as much as a peso in Switzerland

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by gormly

The government isn’t some separate entity

I disagree. Look at all the laws they have enacted & rights they have repealled without approval of the people. The current administration is a basket case run by multinationals. They couldnt care less about you or me. If they could they would send us all off to war. If you believe otherwise you have serious issues. Dont lump the govt in the same basket as the military. Most of the military are simply doing what their told.

Originally posted by gormlyThe military isn’t somehow detached from the rest of us, they ARE us. Why is this so hard for many of you to grasp? For all the evil predictions to come true, this meltdown and “fall of America” to come to pass, those same Police, Firemen, national Guard and 4 branches of the Military, Congressmen and city council men would have to somehow forget or not care that they.. are us.

And that isn’t going to happen.

And herein lies the problem for the neo-cons.

Im sure most of of the people in these positions will ultimately take the side of the people & the govt will be overthrown. The question is how many peons will choose to die for the cause first..

[edit on 15-7-2008 by Nonchalant]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:07 AM
I also find it hard to believe that the US government will 'crack down' on its general population.

But i do see the the capabilities, institutions and degradation of rights (which shows that this this COULD happen AND be easily controlled) slowly becoming evident. If riots do begin, ye are all pretty screwed because the precautions have been taken to deal with such problems.

Also, yez will just have to wait and see how deep the hole goes for the economic breakdown this time because the ridiculous level of corporate capitalism that the US now runs at has built it to the top of a shaky and corrupt house of cards.
IF (big if) it does completely collapse (with the help of China, Iran and the corporate elites who will profit from it), who's to say that in a city of a couple million paranoid, broke, angry and hungry individuals - a lot of people wont start rioting and killing each other off.

TBH - it doesn't really worry me that much because my government isn't capable of such flamboyant forward thinking... And the fact of the matter being that i live nowhere near the US

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:11 AM
I would assume that you are one that lives well. If you're someone who has to struggle from day to day to make ends meets, I doubt that you would be making some of the claims you are.

Seriously, gormly, have you taken a good, hard, clean, unfiltered look at what is taking place around ya? Huh? Have you taken a look at how the price of everything has jumped 8% over the last year? Have you taken notice that people are having to choose between food and gasoline in their car? Either choice they make leads to the same one basically. You either eat now and don't put gas in your car and lose your job and everything else, starve. Or, alternately, you don't don't eat now put gas in your car and starve. Yeah, that's some choice.

If you honestly think that people are going to abide this without some reaction, you are living in the world of naivete.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
Dont lump the govt in the same basket as the military. Most of the military are simply doing what their told.
[edit on 15-7-2008 by Nonchalant]

Really now?
You missed the point completely.

You say I can't lump them in and yet, you believe they would carry out orders to detain, contain, and do other nasty stuff to their own country men based on "orders" from BushCo?

"simply doing what their told"?

You do not know human nature, at least in the American sense...
Our military will NOT stand against our own citizen, it will not happen.
Going to Iraq based on misleading info is not the same as taking arms up against their own.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by gormly
1. You totally ignored the point of the post, congrats for being the first...

thanks for the congrats, you have no idea how fast i typed so i could be the first.

the point i saw from your post is you being sick of reading the bs on here and insulting some of the expert posters we have here.

if it wasent an atempt at an ATS hate thread you should have made it more clear. if you didnt want to catch any flack for a thread like this you should have not posted it..

im sorry i misunderstood though

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:14 AM
They said the Roman Empire would not fall, it did.

They said the English Empire would not fall, it did.

They said the Cubs would win the world series again, uh ok my bad

They said the polar caps would never melt, they are.

They said we would find WMD in Iraq, we didn't!

They said tasers are non lethal weapons, they very much are.

and so on and so on.

*Edit to add* We already had both a rebellion and a civil war and you say it will never happen again. It's not lightening were speaking about.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by LDragonFire]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by LDragonFire]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I would assume that you are one that lives well. If you're someone who has to struggle from day to day to make ends meets, I doubt that you would be making some of the claims you are.

Seriously, gormly, have you taken a good, hard, clean, unfiltered look at what is taking place around ya? Huh?

If you honestly think that people are going to abide this without some reaction, you are living in the world of naivete.

You shoudn't assume. I am lower middle class.
I feel the effects of higher gas prices.. a lot.
I also have made changes in what I purchase across the board.

It will not make me pick up a gun, rush to capital hill and start shooting.
I leave that for the nutballs.

What is your point, because times are tough we are all going to revolt?
That is the idea behnd my post, how ridiculous you are all becoming.
Zero reality in your theories, just fear mongering.

Do you know ANYTHING about American history? Why are so many people in denial about our past? This is a rough patch no doubt, but it isn't so bad that were all starving and soon gonna start a shootin at the market..

When I was a boy we ate rice, beans and mac n cheese and drank water.
I had three shirts and two pairs of pants, and holey shoes, we were dirt poor and didn't have a pot to piss in. 1000 times worse off than most of the peole you are referring to and if you knew any history, you'd stop pretending that times are tougher now.

My father did not instill in me the need to blame JFK and storm government offices killing and pillaging. He told me to get an education, work hard and take responsibility.
Get a grip.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by gormly

Do you know ANYTHING about American history? Why are so many people in denial about our past? This is a rough patch no doubt, but it isn't so bad that were all starving and soon gonna start a shootin at the market..

When I was a boy we ate rice, beans and mac n cheese and drank water.
I had three shirts and two pairs of pants, and holey shoes, we were dirt poor and didn't have a pot to piss in. 1000 times worse off than most of the peole you are referring to and if you knew any history, you'd stop pretending that times are tougher now.

My father did not instill in me the need to blame JFK and storm government offices killing and pillaging. He told me to get an education, work hard and take responsibility.
Get a grip.

Yeah, I know a lot about history. I also know that people aren't as strong as they were fifty years ago, neither physically or mentally. I honestly think that if another depression were to hit, it would be devastating. I don't think seventy percent of the people would make it. I really don't. They have had it too easy for too long.

You are trying to compare apples to oranges if you are trying to compare your father's generation with this on. I am afraid.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
thanks for the congrats, you have no idea how fast i typed so i could be the first.

I mean you were first to not "get it", not first to post.
Are you misunderstanding on purpose?

Originally posted by DaleGribble
the point i saw from your post is you being sick of reading the bs on here and insulting some of the expert posters we have here.

First part is spot on, second part, I have issue with.

1. "Experts" are not guys who post the sky is falling at the drop of a hat for 4 years straight.

2. I wasn't insulting anyone directly, any more than someone telling me my country sucks and will implode is insulting me directly.

Originally posted by DaleGribble
if it wasent an atempt at an ATS hate thread you should have made it more clear. if you didnt want to catch any flack for a thread like this you should have not posted it..

Not every post has a rosy ATS is awesome feel to it, deal with it, it goes back on ye.. you don't like it, don't participate in the thread.

As far a flack, you haven't given me "flack", you have not given me anything. I proposed a challenge and no one yet has even attempted to respond to it.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
You are trying to compare apples to oranges if you are trying to compare your father's generation with this on. I am afraid.

I am a better man than my father in many ways..
Even so, I am not the norm I know.. but still I believe you are 100% wrong.

That's the crux of it, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by gormly

I am a better man than my father in many ways..
Even so, I am not the norm I know.. but still I believe you are 100% wrong.

That's the crux of it, isn't it?

Yeah, that is the crux. People in this day and time are weak and not willing to endure that which people had no choice but to endure 50-100 years ago. That is why there will be an uprising.. Wait for it, it's coming. You'll only be able to put your head in the sand and deny it for so long. You'll see.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by gormly

Their carrying out his orders to kill & maim innocent Iraqis? It may not be deliberate, but if the order comes down from the top to bomb Baghdad, you know innocent civilians will likely be killed, yet you still do it. So whats more chivalrous, refusing to do that or refusing to kill Americans for 'the cause'?

[edit on 15-7-2008 by Nonchalant]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:40 AM
Well i don't live in America but i do live in this world and I can see the Sh** is on it's way to hit the fan If you don't think people will start to push back you are so wrong and need to wake up

When you have a box and that box can hold 200kg and you try and put 300 kg in the same box Some thing is going to give

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by duffster

Exactly, duffster. Yet, there are people who naively think things are going to continue along the path they are. Nope...

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Oh trust me i know many people who are in for a rude shock
I have found friends and Family members to be the hardest of all
Most think i have lost the plot when i try and tell them what's going on
But you can only try In the end They will wake up when it's too late

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:50 AM
I guess I''ll continue to post on this board and prove you all wrong.
Shall I write names down and call you all out in 2009?..

Nah, in 2009 they'll be a new crisis situation that'll call for it.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:56 AM
I suggest you laugh while you can, gormly... What happens after the laughter stops?? Hmmmm??

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