posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I cannot help but believe that most of the publicly discussed Quantum Mechanics is disinformation to hopelessly muddle the uninitiated. And make
"enemys" waste their efforts. The logic of almost all the double slit experiment interpretations is incoherant babble. And yet it is cited over and
over, but the questions is raises are never answered. The definitive tests, apparently are never performed, although they require only a laser and
some mirrors, and such, not an LHC.
It is sad but true that science is the religion of the technological world. Unfortunately it is also true that most of it is propriatary. Members
only, keep out! With any subject there are always those who reserve the truth for the inner circle, and keep the outer circles ignorant for their own
I promise you that they did not pony up 600 Billion dollars for the LCH out of general curiosity. There are very real applicaitons waiting in the
wings for the day some very specific questions are answered. I wonder if they will let us know when they power up those babys! Probably not.
Maybe they will just leave the planet with it, never to return.