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Quantum Physics and the New Paradigm Shift

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posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:50 PM
The fundamental truth of unity. We are subatomically One. Therefore the potential power within us is infinite. The only thing stopping us from realizing our true potential is ourselves. Science is now opening the door to our realizing our true natures as co-creators of the universe. Below are some youtubes that give a fascinating view of the subject.

Quantum Hologram

The Holographic Nature of The Universe

Quantum physics and Consciousness ... Connected?

spelling in title

[edit on 11-7-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:01 PM
You think that's something, check out the infamous double slit experiment. Found in this thread, sixth post down.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:10 PM
Just wanted to star and flag this thread, sounds as if science meets consciousness and that is the best direction I see for our next step in both.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:28 PM
cant stand when people bring up the double slit experiment as proof for conscience change reality; yes the double slit experiment is real but a conscious observer is not necessary to create reality. That double slit experiment is from a movie called what the bleep do we know made by new agers trying to push their agenda visit here

"Unfortunately the theory of quantum mechanics does not say this. The film makers are confusing the theory of quantum mechanics with an interpretation of quantum mechanics. This is an explanation to help understand what might be going on, but it is not part of the theory because it is not falsifiable: it cannot be tested in such a way that, if it were false, it would fail the test (without falsifying the whole of quantum mechanics, and therefore all the other interpretations too)."

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
cant stand when people bring up the double slit experiment as proof for conscience change reality

I really don't see where anyone gave any proof for anything. Just a few links with some information that you can either accept or deny.

BTW nowhere in this thread did anyone ask for opinions about how people 'can't stand' when other people post information.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
yes the double slit experiment is real but a conscious observer is not necessary to create reality.

Well now. That depends on how one defines "consciousness," n'est pas?

If consciousness is the vibratory foundation of reality, with, say, a rock having an "expectation" of being Rock, but little else in the consciousness field, and so on, then reality is observing itself, thereby creating itself...

[shrug] Could be.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by antar
Just wanted to star and flag this thread, sounds as if science meets consciousness and that is the best direction I see for our next step in both.

I agree. Religion (or spirituality) needs to come up to date with Science. And in some cases, vice versa. (Science needs to catch up with various aspects of Taoism, Buddhism, Kundalini...)

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
That double slit experiment is from a movie called what the bleep do we know made by new agers trying to push their agenda visit here

Thanks Anonymous. Funny critique and good info. I didn't know of Bleeps connection to the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. It doesn't bother me though. Most of today's world religions started off as cult. What I'm interested in is knowledge that helps fix our world problems. So far all the orthodoxical religions (fundamentalism) and sciences have a history of rejecting new truths/ideas/paradigms. Obviously they have a vested interest to reject "competitors" to the "truth."

I like to keep an open mind. The bizarre and unconventional is fertile ground for ideas that stimulate other ideas that eventually lead to even better ideas. I love knowledge for its entertainment value as much as for its ability to solve social ills. Unfortunately there are few workable remedies for our social ills. Part of the problem is the elitist arrogance that predominates any field of endeavor. Rather than embrace experimentation and creativity, the status quo loves to preserve their assumed domain. History shows over and over again how hard it is for scientists, inventors, artists, etc. to have their ideas accepted right off from the start.

So, though I appreciate your information, my intuitive gut feeling is that there's something important in this new view of Quantum Physics. And because I don't have any prejudice against the new age, I'll continue to explore all possibilities until the world becomes the heaven on earth that it is capable of becoming. I've had enough "new age" experiences and confirmations through synchronicity to know its not all wacko stuff.

Again, thanks for the link and comment.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by EvaDavE

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
cant stand when people bring up the double slit experiment as proof for conscience change reality

I really don't see where anyone gave any proof for anything. Just a few links with some information that you can either accept or deny.

BTW nowhere in this thread did anyone ask for opinions about how people 'can't stand' when other people post information.

True. No proof of anything. Just some stimulating ideas that can be appreciated or not, depending on our past experiences with new age spirituality.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
yes the double slit experiment is real but a conscious observer is not necessary to create reality.

Well now. That depends on how one defines "consciousness," n'est pas?

If consciousness is the vibratory foundation of reality, with, say, a rock having an "expectation" of being Rock, but little else in the consciousness field, and so on, then reality is observing itself, thereby creating itself...

[shrug] Could be.

Everything has feelings. Even a rock. I talk to rocks, trees, animals all the time. They like me. On my regular walks in nature I've come to know deer "personally." I wave to them and they recognize me and don't run away. I've had the experience of when I didn't see them on one walk I mentally called out and asked where they were and within a minute they appeared on the road 50 yards ahead and stood there looking at me as if to say, "Here we are."

Native indians and the Japanese (Shinto) have similar connection to creation, so I'm not alone in my "craziness." Now there's scientific theory that explains how this is possible? I find it exciting.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:17 PM
It seems that quantum physics changes every so often in that many do not agree with each other on this. Fred Allen Wolf and others change their mind quite often and admit it. I think quantum physics will turn out to be whatever the majority believe it to be or not to be.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:46 PM
And I will say it again, a conscious observer may not necessary to create reality if that were true I would try change reality right now as i see fit

heck visit this thread What The Bleep Are They On About

What you can do though is change your perception on reality.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Danelle
I think quantum physics will turn out to be whatever the majority believe it to be or not to be.

If we create our own reality by what we think, then what you say is true. Quantum physics is just a stepping stone to higher levels of awareness, connectedness, and consciousness. When we realize how far-reaching our emotions are and the affects they have on the world and cosmos, and then decide to begin to control our emotions for the benefit of humanity, then our minds will become clearer resonators of collective consciousness and tap into the wisdom of the universe to greater and greater degree, accordingly. Emotions are the key to the higher levels of consciousness. (Chakras)

Here's my recommended youtube for today. It discusses these ideas more fully...

Illusion and Reality 2012

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Thanks for posting the videos Matrix and I will watch them later when I have more time. I am an 1111 synchronicity person also and 'The Matrix' is still my favorite scifi.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Danelle
Thanks for posting the videos Matrix and I will watch them later when I have more time. I am an 1111 synchronicity person also and 'The Matrix' is still my favorite scifi.

Mine too. So you know what I mean. Cool.

Eleveners unite!!


posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
cant stand when people bring up the double slit experiment as proof for conscience change reality; yes the double slit experiment is real but a conscious observer is not necessary to create reality. That double slit experiment is from a movie called what the bleep do we know made by new agers trying to push their agenda visit here

That is completely untrue. You should check your sources before you make concrete claims based on them.

The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot, discussed the double slit experiment and how it relates to human consciousness and perception in 1992. What the Bleep was released in 2004, more than a decade later.

While I did find What the Bleep interesting, I'm well aware that much of the science in it was fudged for the sake of presentation. The double slit, however, far predates this film and it is completely false to say that it was 'from the movie'.

EDIT: After reading your link in its entirety, it doesn't even touch on the double slit. I also object to the differentiation in their terminology between the 'theory of quantum mechanics', and what they call one 'interpretation' of quantum mechanics. After all, everything in QM is theory so far. And what is theory but one 'interpretation' of the data?

Although I personally don't feel double slit is a good example of consciousness affecting outcome. It's a great example of the wave particle duality of everything, which is a great start, but tangled pairs prove the function of the observer far better.

[edit on 10-7-2008 by TheStev]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
And I will say it again, a conscious observer may not necessary to create reality if that were true I would try change reality right now as i see fit

heck visit this thread What The Bleep Are They On About

What you can do though is change your perception on reality.

The way I see it, the metaphysical interpretations of quantum physics offer a good explanation as to why the atomic universe doesn't collapse upon itself, considering the laws of entropy. The energy of a Consciousness is necessary to fill in the vacuum space... and hold the "ether" together.

Here's a good summation of the Quantum mess we're debating here...

"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are...part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." ~Max Planck, quantum physicist

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:34 PM
"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are...part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." ~Max Planck, quantum physicist

I was just going to say something like this.

Great video's!

I wanted to clear something up. I didn't say or mean that we create with our thoughts. Maybe we do, but if so, I have not had much success with it.
What I meant was that our beliefs appear to create our reality, but then I have no idea how to change beliefs except for a little at a time like we are doing now with quantum physics.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:57 AM
all the nonbelievers...
on one level of truth you are absolutely correct.
This level of truth that you narrowly define as ''reality'' is governed by a mere fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum known as visible light.
Emotions have frequencies and so do your thoughts.
The fact is, is that while what the bleep do we know may have some misinformation or perhaps disinformation, the point is, is that we are all connected.
It doesn't matter if you don't believe in it....your governors know whats up and so do an increasingly large amount of people waking up to the larger reality.

I would go so far as to say that you are skeptical because you do not see or you do not directly experience other dimensions or supernatural events(Timespace as opposed to the reality of spacetime in which we live in) in your life. You are limited to what you know.

say you were born in madagascar. Your reality would be bugs, large spiders and beetles, trees, and now I want to find out what else. Thats your reality and it is real to you. You can touch it and you can live it and you don't feel the need to prove its real. You live it and it works for you.

Quantum reality is real, and if you exercise your mind enough you can manipulate sub atomic particles with the power of your mind. Im sure you can imagine the gravity of this fact.
You may or may not believe that to be fact. That belief alone is what will cause you to either open or close the door to an understanding of being connected with EVERYTHING in the universe.

Stepping outside of the duality...

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 06:50 AM
Don't take this the wrong way. I'm aware everything is entangled at some level of reality and our reality could be described as holographic and synchronous.

This is simply a critique of some of the concepts raised within this thread.

Personally I am highly critical and skeptical of information from "What the Bleep do we know" and "The Secret". Simply put, people arn't going to find the answers to the meaning of life in the bottom of a cereal box. Thats pretty much how I view them, mass marketed, oversimplified and distorted for the masses for the overall purpose of monetary gain.

From my understanding the concepts so far covered in the thread deal with the idea that somehow all of our consciousnesses are one, that our individual consciousness can affect reality, and all of this is somehow connected to synchronous events.

I try to be more objective of anomalous phenomena like synchronicity. From my point of view the source of synchronicity isn't us. We may through our unconsciouness somehow interact in some manner with this source, but more often than not it acts independently. In a way we may provide unconscious input to it. One thing I should clarify is that from my understanding our unconscious/subconscious is in a sense our "higher self" or what I prefer to call our objective or true selves. It operates and functions on or in a different "level" of reality than the one we consciously observe, which is subjective and the "level" of our subjective or pseudo selves. I should also mention I don't like to use the terms "higher" as in selves or planes, etc. The reason being is those concepts are associated with our subjective reality of three dimensions, like up, down, left, right, etc. The "level" of reality that I'm mentioning has nothing to do with up or down. In a sense our subjective concepts of 3 dimensional space do not apply. Heck I'm not even sure if time applies.

This objective level of reality should be synonomous with Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious, Plato's realm of Forms and the Daimonic Reality of Patrick Harpur. At this level information is networked, input, output, memory, and in a sense functions like a massive inFormation system. The ancient Greeks called it the Nous(Mind, Intellect) or Logos(Reason, Logic).
This concept could be seen as analogous to some ideas in Digital Physics and Digital Philosophy. One thing I have been looking at is Cellular Automata and how it may relate to Form Constants, Platonic Solids and the processing of information. I think that is key to figuring out how information is processed on an objective level and the overall concept of a synchronous reality.

In our everyday life, I think we unconsciously provide input into this system. We are all apart of it. In a sense everything is. I think it is possible to tap into it as well. This could be in the form of simple intuition or inspiration. It could also be more extra sensory in nature. I think the less anchored we are in subjective reality and the more we focus on objective reality, may allow us to get deeper into the system. I think foci and altered states are likely fundamental to this process.

There is also a dark side to this whole concept. One aspect is that not everyone is the same. Each person has their own individual will and this can be expressed in ways that not only differentiate from others, but conflict with others and at the expense of others. Everyone doesn't always have the best intentions at heart either. Some are driven by the subjective self or what is known in esoteric circles as Left Handed Paths. At the same time there are darker and dangerous "things" that manipulate, disinform, traumatize and corrupt. The subjective self is also an obstacle. One can easily find themselves in what is known as a hyperreality, where fantasy and reality overlap. It would be where the subjective self fails to comprehend objective reality or is manipulated into a faulty understanding of it. I would say that things like "What the Bleep do we know" and "The Secret" are examples of faulty subjective understandings. The whole point of actual intiation into mysteries in ancient times was to help overcome some of these obstacles. Most people simply don't have the aptitude to avoid many of these obastacles and often fall victim to them.

The main reason I criticize ideas like this is the subjective basis it has. There is too much importance ascribed to the subjective and finite. There is too much focus on subjective emotions and feelings. It borderlines on the concept of the left hand path at times, appearing as a Cult of the Self or Ego.

Sadly as far as I know there arn't any Real Orders or Schools left to initiate and help guide the uninitiate. The modern cults and groups that proliferate today are mostly driven by profit margins and/or narcissism.

Basically people need to be real careful. People claiming to know all and see all, are likely to be more blind and ignornat than the average person. One example would condescending messages of supposed absolute truths, e.g., " nonbelievers my quantum mystical babble is fact, resistance is futile." A more agnostic approach with alot of critical thought is much much safer. Question everything.

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