posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:04 PM
I talked with Dr. Kaku before on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell back in the late 90's (1997?..check for the program with "William in Fort
..anyway,...Dr. Jack Sarfatti has some new "interview videos" on YouTube
and..he usually is more interested in the "DOD aspects" of exotic physics
that Kaku has been. I was into all the "warp drive research groups" at that
time..and asked Dr. Kaku if he had seen one of the "warp drive papers" at related wormhole theory stuff)..almost upset Art Bell,
yada..yada..yada..ahem "no but I will check it later..thank you for calling".
Kaku is NOT who ATS needs to talk to.
They need to find some "old Grumman Apollo era physicist" who wants to
"shoot off their mouth" about this new "quantum drive project"..that was
supposedly tested at Area 51 per Dr. Richart Boylan*. Sarfatti has NOT
been briefed..but IF that "disk contains Element 115 and ancient Martian
technologies" (per the conspiracy crowd)..then trekkies:
..pls tell John McCain and Barack Obama..and give Wesley Clark a big
round of applause for the best stupid answer to a "ultra-classified project"
question. 2003 Clark volunteered "..gee there does seem to be more going
on than just E= MC^2".