Hey Dr. Kaku,
Thanks for not knowing when it's better to run for the hills
My question basically has to do with one of my all time favorite theories and that is the Copenhagen Collapse.
I know Copenhagen Collapse has fallen out of favor with some scientists but I hope you'll indulge me.
For argument sake lets say that the Multiverse consists of 12 stable and complete universe/realities. A stable and healthy multiverse would call for
some sort of defense mechanism to ensure the status quo that is the 12 healthy universes.
Could Copenhagen Collapse be a sort of immune system for lack of a better term.
In a multiverse of 12 realities let's say that an overwhelming number drops the bomb. Say 10 out of 12 of the realities go nuclear. The 2 that did
not are now the minority and may be significantly weakened. Like the lame animal in a herd.
The significance of dropping the bomb in 10 of the realities could send out ripples causing turmoil within the immune system by creating new realities
that spring up due to the event.
So, the multiverse goes instantly from containing 12 universes to say 24 or 40 or 100. All this energy must be contained and redistributed. If it
can't be it would put the entire multiverse system in jeopardy by overloading it.
Lets say this event creates 30 universes in a system created to hold 12. Out of those 30 universes 28 are weaker than the 2 realities that didn't
drop the bomb.
The energy of these weaker universes are distributed as equally as possible and as efficiently as possible as the mutliverse goes critical.
Catastrophe barely avoided the multiverses immune system must now decide what to do with the final 2(out of 30 realities) that seem to be stronger and
now more whole than the 2(out of the original 12) realities that did not drop the bomb.
The system then takes these two stronger realities and integrates them into the system. They take the place of the now weaker original hold out
realities(non bomb droppin' hippie realities).
The energy created and lost fromt the death of the two original realities is now and instanteously compensated by the replacement of the weaker ones
with the now stronger realities that came into existence because of the 10 that dropped the bomb.
So the multiverse goes from its stable/pre-determined 12 realities to 30 and then back to 12. While the multiverse has changed as a whole and the 12
realities within it are significantly different the status quo of the 12 stable universes remains.
So my questions really is, couldn't copenhagen collapse be an intergral part of keeping the machinery of the multi-verse from overloading by it's
creation and distribution of new universes/realities...which could basically be seen as energy distribution.
[edit on 7/7/2008 by Spiderj]