posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:48 AM
Dr. Kaku,
I am most pleased to have this opportunity to ask you a question that has bothered me for some time.
We live in a very interesting universe, and it's even speculated that it may be a multiverse. With this "M-Theory", we're looking at a
conglomeration of universes, all touching each other. The thing that's interesting here is that they are separated by a membrane of some kind, hence
the M in M-Theory.
If we couple this with the map of the known universe, patterns seem to emerge that suggest not only divine inspiration, but innate intelligence. My
question stems from these two realizations.
How likely is it that we are merely components of a much larger creature?
We're in a universe, that when looked at from the outside, looks very similar to a nerve cell in the human brain. It has filaments and bright flashes
that appear, to the trained eye, just like synapses firing. If that wasn't inspiring enough, we hear of M-Theory, and then we wonder about cellular
universes, which begs the above question. It seems as though we might simply be a smaller component of something much MUCH larger.
What are your thoughts on creationism? Can there be BOTH creationism and evolution?
Edited to add bold tags.
[edit on 8-7-2008 by TheBorg]