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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Alright, so this whole incident is just bizarre. I have never heard of an alien being similar to this one... and everything about this story is bizarre and would normally scream hoax to me. I don't have much to add to the conversation beyond this:

This "story" is chok full of sincerity you normally don't find in a hoax situation.... which for a decent wordsmith it should be relatively easy to make something convincing up, however in the end something about it rings true. To me the original post has a manic, almost panicked quality about it, similar to someone recounting what happened to them after they were held up at a bank. It has that feeling of excitement, confusion, anger, accomplishment, and adrenaline all wrapped into one. Though not impossible since their are many accomplished authors in the world that can do this, I really don't believe this is made up. Considering you seem to be in full control of yourself when speaking I can somewhat rule out hallucination. I don't know for certain, and none of us ever will, but something just strikes me as very honest about you and your post. Only time will tell I suppose.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
[To me the original post has a manic, almost panicked quality about it, similar to someone recounting what happened to them after they were held up at a bank. It has that feeling of excitement, confusion, anger, accomplishment, and adrenaline all wrapped into one.

So....why don't the posts Dan Tanna made between the event and his revelation in RATS, exhibit any kind of a "manic, almost panicked quality"? How was he able to do that you suppose?

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by Osiris1953
[To me the original post has a manic, almost panicked quality about it, similar to someone recounting what happened to them after they were held up at a bank. It has that feeling of excitement, confusion, anger, accomplishment, and adrenaline all wrapped into one.

So....why don't the posts Dan Tanna made between the event and his revelation in RATS, exhibit any kind of a "manic, almost panicked quality"? How was he able to do that you suppose?

Its clear to me that most of you (you should thank God for it actually) have never had a truly violent encounter in which you felt your life was at stake....One of the results of this is something called Post Traumatic Stress ... one of the hallmarks of PTS is the ability to compartmentalize - in other words the memory is carefully shut up in its own bubble so to speak and when it is spoken of one may seem "manic", the heart rate increases and sometimes the body shakes as if one has the chills - I expect Dan has experienced this - however because the memory is so overwhelming, when not recalling the experience directly, one shuts it out of one's mind so that the person can function and it seems as if the person is unnaturally detached - because he is. This is protective function of the mind....

When remembering said event, the mind remembers certain details with striking clarity yet other details are lost completely - this is called shock...
Dan has exhibited all the traits of what I just described...I have followed the entire thread, read every one of Dan's posts and the farther he gets away from the actual event the more you can see this process taking place...

What he is left with because of the extraordinary nature of the event is an uneasy anxiety, a sense of loss of control over ones life and this has been evident in his posts as well...talking about it (even with you bunch of ignorant gits - and I mean that in the nicest way possible) is a very healthy thing to do....

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
reply to post by argentus

But, I am going to go through family history and ask some bare bones questions from family members.

Some thing is not right, and it is bugging me.


Perhaps some of these questions might be useful to you to ask family members:

1. Was anyone ever involved in any chosen occultic activity--seances, witchcraft, water dowsing, horoscopes, palm reading, tea leaves reading . . .

2. Was anyone ever involved in any Eastern mysticism, religion, secret societies, meditation, . . .

3. Was anyone ever involved in any prolonged perverse sexual sins, tenacious-perverse-addictions--particularly drugs and/or alcohol . . .

4. Was anyone ever chronically, fiercely angry, stubborn, idolatrous, rebellious, super arrogant, . . .

5. Was anyone ever fascinated to obcessed with dark contrary topics, forces, with evil in any form . . .

6. Did anyone ever make any vows to satan and/or other dark occultic forces . . .

7. Did anyone ever have any unusual other dimensional/spiritual experiences of a questionable, UNChristian or possible deceptive, angel-of-light--deceptive nature?

8. Did anyone ever pray over me or incant over me any dedication to satan or evil or other occultic forces or beliefs?

IF SO, One can pray and ask Jesus to join you in taking THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT and cutting you off from all past such . . . . If Holy Spirit leads one into any repentance for giving into such or going along with such wittingly or unwittingly, that would well be in order, if Holy Spirit leads anything--it's in order by definition! LOL One can rebuke and renounce any unfitting associations and ask Holy Spirit to cleanse such inner areas with Christ's Blood and to fill them with Christ's Love and Spirit. Sometimes it's wise to have such prayers with a small group of folks--some of whom have gone through such prayers before.

I realize that the above will jangle some folks' sensibilities. I don't care. I'm into folks getting free and whole and no longer being plagued byany such associations. I know what it's like to become freer . . . through Christ Jesus.

So I have no apologies for that.

Are you serious? I should have fishmen coming out my ears if this is what brings them about. Most of what you list exists in every family. Man, Id be so screwed....

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by realshanti

...talking about it (even with you bunch of ignorant gits - and I mean that in the nicest way possible) is a very healthy thing to do....

So is questioning it, i dont know who exactly you are referring to, but how come we are ignorant for questioning his story, isnt it ignorant to go along with something without properly standing back and assessing everything.

Maybe if the story is true, then i would think the OP would be able to show even more "evidence" to make the story more credible, but by actually providing what the OP has done, his supposed "evidence" is actually his downfall in his story.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by raven bombshell

Dan, the following may be useful background to you, too.

I try and cover the water front in such matters.

And, I try to do unto others as I'd like done unto/for me in such situations.

Therefore, I listed as many possible sources of spiritually 'legal' types of things that can open doors to all manner of yucky stuff. Such a list is not just from my own experiences--extensive as those are.

The late Derek Prince--probably our era's foremost expert on deliverance and

Neil T Anderson Probably our era's 2nd foremost expert on deliverance(BONDAGE BREAKER)

as well as Guy Malone would all attest to the merit in checking such issues out.

One's involvement in such and certainly one's ancestors' involvements in such will have undoubtedly influenced many things in the lives of all the descendants involved to VARYING degrees depending on a variety of factors.

In other words, mileage may vary.

[edit on 7/7/2008 by BO XIAN]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:19 PM

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Denied

Of course you have a right to question cause thats the nature of this site...

But in the end - providing evidence to you the onlooker means very little to the one who had the experience and as Dan said his purpose in coming on here to air it is therapy for him...and whether you believe it or not is irrelevant...

I had a similar experience (with a human tho)and have no evidence for you except scars...proves nothing to you yet to me its was life changing, extraordinary, altered my character and the course of my life forever...but you don't give a crap about that - you just want the evidence.....however the things that sometimes change our consciousness leave very little hard evidence of their passing except in our character...

Do with it what you will, m8 - thats on you

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Dan, I have been following this thread as many other have done. I am not going to comment on what I think about the alien side of it - merely your reaction to it:
If I had been in your shoes, alien, home invader or the tooth fairy, I would have reacted the same. I am not going to sit down and offer anybody or anything a sane discussion on why they are there, I am going to defend my home, my loved ones, and myself.

Whatever you went through, you have my support because I truly believe you experienced something traumatic, earthly or not.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by likepaincomefromheaven

IN THAT IT HAS BEARING FOR OUR OP and might be useful to him and his wife--here's a brief answer.

Exodus 20:5
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;


He is God. I'm not. No one else is. He writes the rules.

Yes, Christ frees us from all manner of bondage . . . Sometimes, evidently, some specific prayer focus is necessary when there's been some sort of intense generational curse following folks as above.

We know from recent research that our prolonged thoughts, speaking CHANGES OUR VERY DNA. There seems to be several routes that things can follow down the generations--genetic, spiritual, environmetal conditioning.

Living in rebellion/ opposition to God's priorities and standards invites at least oppression if not possession . . . not sure the difference makes a lot of . . . difference. When the rebellion has been intense and manifested in an occultic direction, the influence can take deep root and plague generations.

There are consequences for rebelling against THE BOSS and HIS WAYS, PRIORITIES, REQUIREMENTS. Sometimes, the results takes some concentrated focused Biblical solutions for freedom to occur.

The issue is that if there's some other dimensional/ demonic influence, one wants to get thoroughly free of it. The Name and Blood of Jesus are the only solutions to that. And virtually always, that requires an authentic relationship with Him.

I am totally baffled by this. The Vatican recently released a statement saying that believing in God and believing in extraterrestrials is no longer mutually exclusive.

None of us really know what came into Dan Tanna's bedroom that night. I find it remarkable that in this 21st century there is still a trend to jump to a demonic conclusion for anything that is unexplained.

I tend to think that like Mrs Tanna quoting her priest, "if you look into the abyss sometimes it looks back" which I equate to "if you go looking for the devil you are likely to find him"

I am taking into account the minor research done by a member that there was activity near where the Tannas live in association with Aleister Crowley. So does this mean that anyone in that area is subject to demonic attack by simple geographical location?

I do appreciate your willingness to help this family giving them a solution you have seen work for others. But never have I heard christian doctrine suggest upon being saved that you must renounce the activities of your ancestors.

John E Mack, Harvard psychiatrist and ahthor now deceased, came to the nebulous conclusion in researching abductee experiences that there are no defintive answers but that each person having had these experiences truly believe that it happened to them with or without physical evidence to back it up and are therefore valid.

Abductees are documented as having bizarre memories that make no sense, come back with their clothes on backwards, wake up in their cars miles from where they last remember seeing lights in the sky, are pregnant and then not. Tanna's reply to my post even said that a leading researcher said that his experience sounds like a classic case of planted false memory. All of these things are symptomatic of abduction cases.

In this instance I think we should all step back and try to place this into a larger field of those who have gone before the Tanna's and try to give them the benefit of the doubt since they have experienced something so unusual that they are willing to brave public ridicule.
for those who keep asking why didn't he go to the emergency room? what was he supposed to say, I have these none life threatening minor injuries from a fish man?

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
I had a similar experience (with a human tho)and have no evidence for you except scars...proves nothing to you yet to me its was life changing, extraordinary, altered my character and the course of my life forever...but you don't give a crap about that - you just want the evidence.....

Well evidence is not everything, as this is posted in skunk works, so no evidence needed i guess, just based on what has been produced, correlated to his story doesn't make me feel like i believe him, but thats not relevant as you said in your post.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Denied]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Can anyone do a recap on any new information since page 4?

This thread is getting ridiculous!

Just any new information would be appreciated

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:50 PM
What an exhausting thread to read. There are some things worth taking a closer look at in the event and aftermath. Not right now. It is a lot to digest.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Click here for more information.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Thirst]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Mainer

That's all I wanted to know!

Star for you!

Thank you ever so much.....

I figured there would be about 40 pages people going back and forth.

I wonder how this story would have evolved if there was a gun involved?

Carry on....

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by FrankP
the amount of serious responses is insane. you all bring down the reputation of ATS for sure

I am not worried about ATS's reputation. I am worried at the sheer volume of sheep who actually buy into such an event as fact. Now that my friend is a scary concept. 90+ flags for this drivel? You have to be kidding me.

To the poster of the Star Trek video. Priceless.

Take care, and have a great night.

[edit on 7/7/2008 by Stockburn]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 05:58 PM


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Please stay on topic, discussing the story here and not each other.

Negative posts, name calling and attack posts will be deleted.

Thank You.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:01 PM
No one suggested the alien from enemy mine?
Enemy Mine


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 06:08 PM
Ok so basically what are the theories that are out there? I don't have time to read the 40 odd pages I just missed.

-abduction by reptilions known as the Lacertians which drive triangular shaped ships.

-spriritual attack from a supernatual creature (possibly a demon) therefore it can take unnatural amounts of damage without dying easily

-hoax. The story is just made up to get attention.

-the memory was implanted and although there is some physical evidence that something happened, it didn't happened the way he imagined it did. May be due to the powers of the reptilians in the first option listed above.

-multiple personalities. He sectioned off the experience into another part of his brain and that might be why he acted so strange after the attack and went to sleep as if nothing had happened.

Any others?

I think perhaps it might be a combination of supernatural being and reptilian alien feeding off energy. I would suggest he try to get his memories back (not the implanted one) and/or next time get some security put on the property to scan for anything like that. You might catch something strange on camera. Look it' easy for anyone to make something like this up, but unless you have something for the skeptics to look at, it's not easy for people to believe.

A pic of the ufo was a good start even if it was low quality as this allows us to point towards it being an alien abduction and link to lacertians for example.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Snake Plisskin]

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Snake Plisskin]

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Snake Plisskin]

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