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3 Kennedy: The Head Shot

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posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Peeder

there is no recoil of the "gun" in the drivers hand. if you were to shoot over your shoulder, not only would that deafen you but your accuracy would be almost non existent.

Are YOU sure about that??? deafen you? Yes with out question. But accuracy being non existen...I dont think so!

Plus, he didnt shoot over his shoulder, he shot across his body.

from the video, the only object that i see that would in anyway resemble a gun, apears over his shoulder. i still stick to my comments though.
with the "explosion"(for lack of a better word) of kennedy's head, i would say there would be one hell of a kick with that where is the recoil?? answer me that. also your aim would be very, very, crappy because he is driving for one, the caliber of the gun was high or had a lot of grain so the kick would mess your shot up, especially if your shooting "around your side"
i just dont see how you could do that.and how would he do it in front of everyone and not have one person see him do it? your logic just doesnt make any sense to me. however i like your avatar

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 06:13 AM
The head shot that killed Kennedy came from elevated left front. If the driver hadn't braked, and hit the gas like he should have, it would probably have missed him, as it came very close to missing him anyway. I reckon that shot came remarkably close to killing the driver as well/instead of Kennedy.

He was triangulated, there were two other riflemen at least. The other shots that hit Kennedy, wouldn't have killed him.

Nobody has asked riflemen to analyse the films. Or if they have, they haven't published the conclusions.

Nobody but a rifleman would ask the most pertinent question of all:

What of the bullets used?

I tell you this, no hit involving the mob, would have used such bullets. No hit involving the mob, would have been so intently going for headshots (edit for clarification: with a moving target).

Those bullets were FMJ's, which speaks volumes to those that can hear what they are saying.

Edit: Something else about that last shot. Whoever fired it, "held over" so was a fair way away. Which also says a lot about the shooter not being a very experienced long range shot, or the rifle was zeroed for a fair bit longer range and didn't compensate. Or, forgot/didn't know about the effect on trajectory of firing "downhill".

[edit on 29-11-2004 by 7mm08]

[edit on 29-11-2004 by 7mm08]

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 07:28 AM
Howdy,I just watched a show the other day about JFK's murder.And to explain the angles of the bullit wounds they said that the secret service agent who was also hit was sitting on a slightly lowered and to the left passenger seat.

[edit on 29-11-2004 by kpatrickm]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 02:29 PM
This guy was killed when I was a freshman in college, which means before most of you people were even born.

He wasn't that good of a president, either, and I'm sure everyone involved in the murders is dead or senile.

So why are you so obsessed with this?

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 07:05 PM
because it is clear evidence of a conspiracy and no one knows who is responsible, btw I was alive and in school when Kennedy was shot. And while you may not see him as a great leader now the majority of Americans supported him more than most presidents. It was also during the cold war a time when such things happening caused more than just a small panic. We were let out of school until after the funeral if i recall correctly. Most American's alive at that time was devastated and very much concerned for what might happen next, we lived then with the fear of being nuked any minute more so than today. We had drills on what to do in school. I remember being told to move and we were timed on how quickly we could crawl under our desks get in the fetal position and cover our heads with our hands. Now I can laugh about thinking thats going to work its the equivalent of the duct tape and plastic of a few years ago.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
This guy was killed when I was a freshman in college, which means before most of you people were even born.

He wasn't that good of a president, either, and I'm sure everyone involved in the murders is dead or senile.

So why are you so obsessed with this?

This attitude is on a scale with young people in a far distant country who when asked about Prince Harry and his swastika penchant, could not in the majority of cases say where Auschwitz was.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
This guy was killed when I was a freshman in college, which means before most of you people were even born.

He wasn't that good of a president, either, and I'm sure everyone involved in the murders is dead or senile.

So why are you so obsessed with this?

We need to realize that the assassination of President Kennedy was in a certain sense a change of government, from the one that "we the people" had chosen to the one that was desired by those who wanted to continue to topple Castro, a full-blown war in Vietnam, an end to detente, an end to Kennedy's monetary reforms, an end to Kennedy's reforms of the military, and an end to his reforms of the CIA. We have yet to fully recover from the death of President Kennedy.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:57 PM
You are so right! I guess it was the beginning of the corporate takeover. Now we the people tow the great bottom line and pay the price no matter what the cost.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:12 PM
Gee! I just learned that Kennedy made an amendment BANNING THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and this was just a few months before his assasination...

Kennedy was neither a liberal or a conservative... he was a damn real patriot! And the last of the patriotic presidents. All the others that came after him have been putting forward policies leading to the supremacy of the New World Order.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 09:06 PM
Im very new to the website so im sorry if anything i say has been discussed in depth before hand,
Ive read a few books on the jfk assasination,and a good few articles on the net ,and ive never once read of jackie kennedys account of the day did she give a statement to the dallas p.d? or the FBI? about what took place i mean she was the closest person to the shooting did she have an inkling where she thought the gunfire originated from?
Also i remember a portion of the program "the men who killed kennedy" mentiond that the windscreen of jfks limo had a possible bullet hole.Whatever came of this?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
My God, there's just so many did you ever wonder why about the JFK thing

And, it amazes me when they have TV shows explaining in GREAT detail how it was only one bullet. Pu-leazze.

At this point, did you ever wonder why the government doesn't just 'fess up? Everybody must be killed or dead by now. Well, Gerald Ford is still alive, so maybe otheres from the Committee are still kicking.

They can't ever officially admit they killed JFK because it would mean they could have (in the past like with Lincoln), and will (now, or in the future), KILL ANYONE!

If they officially admit it, it would force every American to wake up and stop being so apathetic. Americans who're "republican" and "democrat" would see its all BS and unite!

[edit on 26-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
This guy was killed when I was a freshman in college, which means before most of you people were even born.

He wasn't that good of a president, either, and I'm sure everyone involved in the murders is dead or senile.

So why are you so obsessed with this?

Sorry, but he was one of the greatest presidents ever!
Why you ask? Because JFL revalued the American money. Under JFK, American money went back to being backed by precious metals, and not by "blind faith". Since you say your college educated, do a search on this site for "Federal Reserve". JFK decided to have the goverment print its own money. Instead of giving in to one of the greatest scams the elite of the elite have been doing to the American people.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion
Gee! I just learned that Kennedy made an amendment BANNING THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and this was just a few months before his assasination...

Kennedy was neither a liberal or a conservative... he was a damn real patriot! And the last of the patriotic presidents. All the others that came after him have been putting forward policies leading to the supremacy of the New World Order.

Congrats! You've done your homework and research!

You're 100% on the head of the nail! There's never been such thing as liberal or conservative, democrat or republican.

One other president did the exact same thing JFK did - Abraham Lincoln, who also re-valued American money taking it off the "blind faith" system, making the goverment print its own money, which also led to Abraham Lincoln getting killed off by the US goverment.

JFK also announced he was going to "break the CIA apart". He knew how corrupt it was, and what its real, covert, intentions were.

[edit on 26-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 08:59 AM
This topic never ceases to be interesting. Often redundant, but always new information to learn. I believe things really started to change with our government around Andrew Jackson's time. That's when big business and big money started to take control of the country and the government. Look at my signature line....the quote from Brandeis.

Kennedy came along and rocked the boat and pissed off a lot of people. I don't care what anyone says, he was a great president. He was his own man. He had his own ideas and wasn't afraid to be the boss instead of someone's puppet. He took other people's advice on the Bay of Pigs and took the heat for the fiasco and from that point on realized he wasn't always receiving good advice.

The CIA/Mafia connection on the assassination seems to make the most sense. Anyone who still believes Oswald did it, needs to crawl back into their cave. He was a patsy just like he said on TV. If Ruby, a member of the Mafia and also having ties with the CIA, shooting him to shut him up doesn't prove that in and of itself, I don't know what does.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 12:18 AM
While travelling in the US I saw a documentary on your ' cable ' (full of CRAP TV and commercials by the way)

This documentary was some scientists and Uni grads creating a mock stage of the book depostory, the car, the positioning of the seats and so forth..

They created fake manicans out of a jello substance which is meant to simulate muscle..
They then used bone fragments and so forth within the jello..

they sat the driver, JFK, all in there positions and took some shots..

and beleive it or not, they successfully showed that indeed oswoll fired the shots.

The driver of the car ' cant remember his name ' didnt have a seat PERFECTally in front of jfk's.. It was LOWER and further the centre, which is why the bullet passed through his wrist before hitting JFK.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by GlobalDisorder
While travelling in the US I saw a documentary on your ' cable ' (full of CRAP TV and commercials by the way)

This documentary was some scientists and Uni grads creating a mock stage of the book depostory, the car, the positioning of the seats and so forth..

They created fake manicans out of a jello substance which is meant to simulate muscle..
They then used bone fragments and so forth within the jello..

they sat the driver, JFK, all in there positions and took some shots..

and beleive it or not, they successfully showed that indeed oswoll fired the shots.

The driver of the car ' cant remember his name ' didnt have a seat PERFECTally in front of jfk's.. It was LOWER and further the centre, which is why the bullet passed through his wrist before hitting JFK.

One little problem... did they use the SAME TYPE OF GUN Oswald used?
The kind of gun he used requires the shooter to manually hold hold the gun with 1 hand, while re-cocking the gun with the other hand. All this while continuing to aim at a moving target.
The time alone it takes to manually re-cock the gun proves there was more than 1 shooter.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 04:44 AM

This is another intresting site. The main thing about it is... it has photos from the actual newspapers during that time.
Hmmm.... JFK's bodyguards were looking directly at Oswald? Oswald is on the ground floor, looking out the doorway, seconds before JFK got shot by the real gunman (or the main gunman) who's already in the window?

And... as that link shows, the newspaper photo clearly shows the bodyguards for the vice prez responding the way bodyguards are supposed to respond - they're RUSHING to protect him!

Meanwhile, JFK's bodyguards are .... doing... absolutly... nothing!!!!!!!

[edit on 30-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:14 PM
yes they did.
they went to quite the effort to even use the SAME BULLETS that was used.

after pulling the bullet out of the jello they compared it to the bullet pulled from JFK , the angle of the tip, dents and so forth wernt 100% the same, but showed conclusivley that it was fired from the book depository, it hit the wrist bone of the driver then deflected slightly into jfk, thus the unsualy trjectory of the bullet, and the angle of it.
It was on in November last year, u could probably find the name of the doco if u looked hard enough

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 08:20 AM
To everyone who has said the driver of the damn limo shot JFK...YOU ARE WRONG...and it's been proven to be wrong over and over again on various threads on this site. What appears to be a gun is the sun reflecting off the front passenger's head and the suppposed arm holding the gun is the curb of the sidewalk....This damn driver shooter bs is getting quite old and tired......

The fatal shot came from behind the fence on the grassy knoll. Probably from the guy dressed like a cop (who may have been a cop....Tippett)...or from one of the supposed tramps that were also behind the fence.....

And lone gunman theorists...HOW MUCH EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED?? Give me a break. Oswald was just a patsy as he said he was. Why do you think Ruby shot him?

BTW...great research by the person who created this thread!! Top notch!!

[edit on 31-3-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 02:08 PM
Isn't jfk's information supposed to come out in like 50 years? I remember reading somewere that the filefor jfk would actually be released sometime in the 2050's0r 60's i think. That and i remember hearing on the travel channel that the people who took care of the presidential car, actually left off the car top delibrility. I don't know, when they mentioned that it souned strange.

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