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3 Kennedy: The Head Shot

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posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 10:44 AM
I recommend to all, the mini-series The Men Who Killed Kennedy.

It is the single greatest collection of information I have seen regarding this conspiracy.

IMO, Kennedy was dealt the final blow, that is the headshot, from under the manhole in Dealy Plaza.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 12:10 PM
No, no he wasn't and he wasn't shot by the driver.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 12:33 PM
sum it up for us all, was it a cover up or not?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 12:05 AM
In a word, yes.

*Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the assassination and the murder of a Dallas Police Officer, J.D. Tippit

*A Mannlicher-Carcano was ordered and planted on the sixth floor

*Three Carcano shells were also planted on the sixth floor

*Fragments from bullets found in Kennedy's head and the limousine were switched with Carcano bullet fragments

*The autopsy photos and x-rays have been altered to conceal a massive wound to the rear of President Kennedy's head

*The infamous backyard photos were manipulated in order to frame Oswald

*The Zapruder Film, Nix Film, and the Muchmore Film of the assassination have all been edited using highly sophisticated editing techniques.

*The infamous magic bullet, CE399, was planted at Parkland Hospital in order to further incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 02:32 PM
Maynard, what do you think of the theory that it's the driver who made he final blow to JFK's head?

On the Zapruder video, it looks quite obvious that the driver is slowing the car, pulling a metallic, shiny object from somewhere with his left hand, turns his head towards the back of the vehicle, takes the time to aim and shoots at Kennedy. You can even see the fumes emitted by the gun shot and blood spraying from JFK's head as he shoots, on the next frame. After that, you can see the driver turning back and hiding his gun.

Alright, this might just be the result of an optical illusion, but that's very hard to believe...

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 05:44 AM
Despite all the evidence showing this was done by more people than Oswald, I still wonder why no one has come forward with more information about the operation, considering such ultra-secret projects as the Manhatten Project turned out to be rife with spies.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
I know on this site it isnt popular, but OSWALD DID IT!

I know, I thought it was this big conspiracy as well for ever, until I saw the one show done by, crap I will get a link. But a major network. Tom Brokhaw I think.

Anyways a 3-D Artist, took each frame by frame, and with inverse Kinetics if he can match up the exact body positions and produce the shooting in 3D, Matching up everything every single line drew back to the Book Depot. It was amazing the work and REAL evidence they had, and what they did was go into who OZ was.

He almost got kicked outta russia because , they didnt want him, so he slit his wrists to stay there. They guy took a shot with the same rifle at a General 2 months before, and this is from his Wife who had receipts etc..

I will find the info on this and post the links ASAP, f you want to Deny Ignorance you will go to them

Here is proof that Oswald did not do it, this is a news photo taken at the time the motorcade went by, now with all the advancement in photography this photo proves Oswald is standing exactly where he said he was. You can clearly see him right down to the button missing off the shirt he was wearing when he was arrested later that day.
There is also a website that has copies of an enhanced photo taken that day and thought to show nothing until now but with todays advancement in photography this picture reveals the killer and the puff of smoke coming from the gun just seconds after being fired. This website also gives a very intersting analysis of the data and who they believe based on all the evidence from the photo who the killer really is.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by goose]

[edit on 7-8-2004 by goose]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:21 AM
I'll happily stand to be corrected on this if I'm wrong but wasn't the gun Oswald is supposed to have used tested by an expert who could not get anywhere remotely near the rate of fire required for this to have really been the sole murder weapon?

(I also recall hearing that the gun itself wasn't in the best condition and had poor sights. However the too low rate of fire I remember hearing about, clearly.)

The 'magic bullet' (that amazing multiple injury causing pristine little thing) is just an appalling insult to everyone's intelligence IMO.

The US President was (obviously) murdered, by more than one man IMO and the US gov conspired to deny the truth (and continues to conspire to deny the truth) from the US public and the world.

Now, tell me all about taxes, the right to bear arms and what a great democracy is all about, huh?

Yeah right.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by TekNo88
In the video of him being shot, Mrs. Kennedy climbs on the back of the car to retrieve a piece of his skull that was blown off. So I think he was shot from the front.

Where did you get that from? I was under the impression she was trying to get the hell outa there...I have never heard it the other way before


posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 09:20 PM
I am amazed no body has told you this:

Agent of secret service Hickey accidentally shot JFK with a AR15 rifle from the secret service motorcade.
HE shot JFK accidentally because the motorcade acelerated briefly and then braked so he as a reflex sqeezed his hand and so shooting the Ar 15 that unfortunatelly hit KFk on the head.

Everything is in the Monar Menninger book called "Mortal error" .

Did yuo know that he is the only person who could shot the 2 bullet at the Dallas depository thus ending the legend that NOONE could be that accurate, that he is a ballistics axpert and that the congress HAS NEVER TAKEN HIS THEORY OR PUT AN INVESTIGATION TO IT?


posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 09:23 PM
Back and to the right, back and to the right, back and to the right. I agree I think he was shot from the front, with a magic bullet.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by PsiEye
It was the enhanced/redigitized (by a Japanese company) original version of the Zapruder film which clearly showed the driver of the car reach over his right shoulder with a gun in his left and Kennedy's head whipping backwards. The part in the original film (which we've all seen a gazillion times) where there's a 'white flash' that obliterates any images is the part that was deliberately obscured and which showed this process.

Just IMO, that "white flash" seems to be the glare of sunlight off the windshield. Also, and my humble opnion is in no way shape or form an in depth study of the film, but it seems that the "sliver object" the driver pulled out, was nothing more than the front passangers head. IMO the driver and passenger turend to see what happened.

I have no theories of my own as to what happened. I've always been intregued by the "conspiracy" and I'm open to any such scenario. I just don't think the driver shot him.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by cargo

Originally posted by Yoda

Not answering for maynardsthirdeye...

But the pic in the avatar, is an enhancement of the cop on the Grassy Knoll, who to me fired the head shot, thus killing JFK...

Thanks, I had a feeling it was something along those lines. I find that very interesting and have never seen it before.

I'm actually pretty sure it's Jim Garrison. The New Orleans DA who was portrayed in Oliver Stone's JFK by Kevin Costner.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by kixAgent of secret service Hickey accidentally shot JFK with a AR15 rifle from the secret service motorcade.

He was shot more than once, though.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 09:22 AM
I still think it was the driver who delivered the decisive shot to the head. If you look closely at the video of his assasination, dont pay attention to anybody on that film but the driver. You will see his odd movement at the time when his head jumps back by the impact.

I dont know if anybody agrees with me, but that was I clearly saw in the video.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Peeder
I still think it was the driver who delivered the decisive shot to the head.

This theory has been debunked many times. It's actually the reflection of the driver's head that appears to be a gun. There is no way the driver shot JFK. There were four other passengers in the car, not including JFK, who would've defenitely seen this. You don't think Jackie or Connally would speak up about this? It'd be a bit obvious that the driver was the shooter.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 08:53 PM
Has anyone took a metal detector

And covered the grass area in the Obvious Bullet Trajectory of the 313 frame?
Get a pocket laser and your garret and find it before someone else does!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Peeder
I still think it was the driver who delivered the decisive shot to the head. If you look closely at the video of his assasination, dont pay attention to anybody on that film but the driver. You will see his odd movement at the time when his head jumps back by the impact.

I dont know if anybody agrees with me, but that was I clearly saw in the video.

there is no recoil of the "gun" in the drivers hand. if you were to shoot over your shoulder, not only would that deafen you but your accuracy would be almost non existent. the object stays in the same place when kennedy is shot. even if it was a small caliber handgun, it would still recoil up a bit.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 01:53 PM
I added some new pictures for the forty-first anniversary a few days ago.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 01:12 PM

there is no recoil of the "gun" in the drivers hand. if you were to shoot over your shoulder, not only would that deafen you but your accuracy would be almost non existent.

Are YOU sure about that??? deafen you? Yes with out question. But accuracy being non existen...I dont think so!

Plus, he didnt shoot over his shoulder, he shot across his body.

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