posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:47 AM
My very first sighting was on the 4th of July. It was after a firework show and one of the kids pointed them out. We stared in awe at their odd
I want to make an assumption. Assume these lights are of intelligent origin. Assume we are being observed. Would not a fantastic night to come
"observe" us (in the USA) on the night of 4th of July??? They're enjoying our lightshow. I've been thinking there may be something to this
and have felt like posting my hypotheseis in the past, but never have. Therefore, I challenge the folks who believe in this phenomenon..(and even
ones who don't) observe tonight. Be ready with recording equipment. I have no such capability. We need to get video of the erratic movements,
not the ones that appear sat-like. Wait til the light pollution of the firework commotion ends. Look in the area of Ursa Major.
Since my sighting in 06...I scan the reports the next day, July 5th, for any "starlike" objects. I have seen several reports. I would love to see
this hypothesis confirmed tonight. I'd start a new thread, but as a new member, I don't think I have that capability yet.