posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:46 AM
Im not logged in but my username is
I have been a member for a while now, not from the beginning, but have seen many chnages on ATS and many come and go, some literally and some with
their veiws.
I can say in all honesty though that Shots always stood by his principles and beleifs, but only after really exploring the subject, he certainly was
no-ones parrot.
I can honestly say that even though i never met Shots I felt sad at this news, that both our community and his freinds and more importantly his family
no only have memories of this great man, though the memories I am sure are rich and positivie enough to last a lifetime of those of us still here.
You will be greatly missed Shots, thank you for your debating skills, and I hope your not too bored now that being Omni Present and all the truth is
now within your experience!
Having experienced a NDE myself a few years ago I know he is not alone, he is happy and bathed in Love, we mourn for our loss not his gain.
Kind Regards,
ps maybe becky r one of the Mods could emial his family with a link to this thread, im sure it will mean much to them and widen their understanding of
how much he touched peoples hearts, that they may not know about!